Politics and Religion

ini, I suspect there is more than 1 person behind that alias
Priapus53 801 reads

Madison_Ohare, perhaps----

Priapus533397 reads

mrnogood, Madison_Ohare & Mein, pay close attention :

-- Modified on 6/22/2011 11:06:10 AM

mrnogood1270 reads

Does it look like the government is turning on the people? BECAUSE THEY ARE.

You know how YOU call some muslims ''terrorists'' and our government has kept us in a NEVER ENDING WAR for almost 12 years now? Our rouge government has sent our military to forgien lands and now they are OCCUPYING someone elses country, the people who fight back are called ''terrorists''.

Our government, and those civilian military police forces Obama PROMISED YOU when he was campaigning are turning on your fellow American's, and the government is gonna label ANYONE who fights back a ''terrorist'' -

They are killing people pria, AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED, not one anti-government group has done a thing. This is gonna be one of those things where either you're gonna wake up and see we are under attack from our government, or you're not, and you're gonna believe what the lamestream news tells ya.

I AM NOT ANTI-GOVERNMENT, and stop putting EVERYONE in a group like your masters have trained you too. NO ONE has done ANYTHING, but I have a feeling if the government keeps tightening the chains of this police state, this will change.

You're either gonna give up ALL your rights (which I see you doing) or, you're gonna fight to keep them, but don't put the chicken before the eggs here pria. I know you think EVERYONE that doesn't like Obama is a nut ( more proof of your simple mind). But EVERYDAY Americans are gathering more and more LEGIT complaints against our government, as they execute  children at bus stops and shit.

WAKE UP, and smell the coffee pria. People will stand up, eventually, after the government has pushed them to, and our government WILL label those who wish to KEEP their freedoms ''anti-government terrorists''. The TSA can only get away with molesting so many children and wives, the police are only gonna get to kill so many people before the american people have legit complaints with the american democracy spreading, freedom loving govenrment, before their is a POPULAR upising.

ANYONE who protests will be called a anti-government terrorist, and your lamestream news is already putting out just the right propaganda to where people like you will be afraid of terror, and turn into a citizen spy and report all people with complaints about the government to the authorities.

America is looking more, and more like Nazi Germany.

-- Modified on 6/22/2011 3:47:56 PM

Priapus531323 reads

I trust you mean a legal & peaceful one-----

-- Modified on 6/22/2011 4:26:42 PM

Clearly, mr notrouble is French, because he just accused the government of being "red."  Oh, well, it's a nice change from calling it socialist.  Now I'm waiting for him to call us all "juifs rouges,' or commie Jews.
BTW, I will give him credit for at least laying off the "zionist" shit, though I know he still thinks it.

mrnogood, with all his faults, is posting under his "real" name. He is not MO, TJ or anyone but the giant douche you see in front of you.

Now please, either sober or smarten up and come back when you are capable of seeing the little gold envelope next to his name.

Priapus531461 reads

There have beem BIG differences in writing styles
on various posts of his------unlikely, but perhaps some of these "Ga. douches" know each other & are posting on same computer--or, perhaps, Mr N is getting "uncredited" help from outside the TER community

I see the "little gold envelope"------Jesus, GaG, that's quite condescending---I guess that GFY greeting I gave to PW can also apply to you------:)

-- Modified on 6/22/2011 6:16:31 PM

and you have been making more than your share of dumbass posts lately. Do yourself a favor, go on that hiatus you were promising. Your posts of late aren't really up to even the admittedly low standards we have around here.

and please don't call video poker "gambling" that's like sucking down Mari's white wine spritzers and calling it "drinking"

I have been drinking a lot of chardonnay this summer but I blame that on St. Croix's influence and the need to be wasted before I check BOA's stock price each evening.

      Damn though I was going to take another bottle of Krug off you by betting that Pripaus's "whining hiatus" wouldn't last more than 24 hours but he came back whining before I even woke up this morning to make the bet.

St. Croix1231 reads

of wine spritzer's and white zinfandel. All are gay. And how do you get wasted on chardonnay? Do you chase it with brie or fondue?

You go into a bar late at night after having drank the entire evening and tell the bartender to pour you a few beers to "sober up" lol

Priapus531778 reads

thought this place was unmoderated.

Btw, your Reagan posts aren't gonna win you any Pulitzer prizes either.

And, unless administration kicks my ass offa here, I'll do as I please.

and I can't think of anyone you haven't picked a fight with in the last few days, except maybe StCroix.

Go back to your pussy little video poker game and come back when you start making sense.

He was known as "give 'em hell Harry."  
"Why do you give 'em hell?" a reporter once asked him.
Harry replied, "I just tell the truth, and they think it's hell."
Now, will both of you please make nice?

St. Croix1217 reads

So I guess juifs is French for Hebrew? I'm going to try that on my wife. Sometimes I call her my Heb. Sometimes I ask her how the Tribe is doing. Can't call her a commie, she doesn't have any Russian roots (lol).  Hell, she is more conservative than me, at least when it comes to money. I guess being a WASP married to a Jew gives me a little comedic slack.

Juif is the French masculine for Jew; juive is feminine, so you better use the right one on wifey.  But don't press your luck on any slack from her...or  me LOL!

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