Politics and Religion

in other oil news...
Robertini 4 Reviews 1182 reads

I didn't know there was oil in Libya.
There is a lot.
Now I get it.



Yes, I don't know much. But I've been reading and learning. Thanks mrng

-- Modified on 8/18/2011 1:05:21 AM

mrnogood4576 reads


''One theory: The Macondo Well site, located just 40 miles off the Louisiana coast, is still leaking untold amounts of oil into the Gulf. Some argue that the casing on the capped well itself is leaking. Others believe oil is seeping through cracks and fissures in the seafloor caused by months of high-impact work on the site, including a range of recovery activities (some disclosed, some not) as well as the abortive “top kill” effort.''

below vid description :

"The MSM has done their job successfully silencing the real news and as of August 10, 2011 you would never know that there is still an ongoing disaster being played out in the United States as there is still oil, dead sea creatures, petroleum covered birds and other contaminants washing up on the beaches surrounding the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the BP oil spill disaster. Dinise Rednour is a youtube user that tries her hardest to show her fellow Americans that the BP oil spill disaster is far from being over."

So Obama goes on and on, about ''green technology'' and saving planet earth while turning a blind eye to BP..

-- Modified on 8/17/2011 11:21:26 PM

and we don't care about this type of news. Maybe if somebody else were to post it, it would be ok.

This is the type of news We the people care about:


mrnogood1702 reads

How will our future live on earth? Between fukushima, The Gulf, and the 2 nuclear plants ft calhoun and cooper in Missouri that were totally flooded, and still are that Obama ordered a media blackout on, and now no one even mentions them..Like they haven't been flooded for months..

How are we gonna live on earth for 10 more years? The kids in japan are all sick now, half of them are showing signs of radiation sickness, clumps of their hair is falling out..

You once said, jokingly, that they planned to kill 80% of humainty off, and we're begining to see how they will do it Robert..Fukushima is VERY serious, I heard arnie gunderson saying that people on the west coast were starting to complain of that metalic taste in their mouths that injesting radiation makes you taste..Fukushima will effect us, radiation is bad, even in small amounts..

I'm starting to think MOST of that 80% population reduction is allready well under way..Hell we don't even hear about fukushima, like it's not even happening, or it's not news..Nuclear incidents are just like Obama's wars, you NEVER hear about them on the news..A blackout

-- Modified on 8/18/2011 12:34:41 AM

I didn't know there was oil in Libya.
There is a lot.
Now I get it.



Yes, I don't know much. But I've been reading and learning. Thanks mrng

-- Modified on 8/18/2011 1:05:21 AM

mrnogood2543 reads

these days..

Ghadaffi had found the largest aquifer in the world in Africa and we bombed ALL the pumping stations not only taking water from people in the desert, but siezing their water for our own uses..


IMHO we want their oil and water, and our greedy corporate interested government will take any and ALL resources like africa's minerals,oil, water and diamonds

We were all alseep at one point Robert, I'm thrilled your looking into things, this is how all of us learn the turth by researching it..

Priapus531430 reads

Jesus-----a 3rd grader could spell those words correctly. Ever notice how mrn never talks about
his ( lack of ) educational background ? Wonder if he can spell GED.

Ini, you gotta figure that mrn & tini filled out their IQ tests in crayon & used "cheat sheets" on a urine test-------LMAO !

HOW can mrnogood ask to be taken seriously if he's illiterate ?

-- Modified on 8/18/2011 7:59:31 AM

With all the idiocy these two morons post, can't your pedantic little pea brain think of anything better to criticize than their spelling?

Quit feeding the Goddamned Trolls!!!

Fuck all of you, I have a plane to catch, and a weekend threesome planned, so my posting will be limited to those few hours when I come up for air.

and I know you will disagree with me on this, but quad is able to make a cogent point without the benefit of a higher education. Well not all the time, but every once in a while. lol

Priapus531835 reads

Translation : GaG is a pea brain. Here's something you WON'T need translation for------GFY---------;)-------LMAO !

All kidding aside, have a good time w/ Dos chicas.

Lastly, did you know that tini, mrng & Quad were members of DENSA ?

-- Modified on 8/18/2011 10:30:15 AM

even if it has to apply to those who continue to "feed the troll/s"

Say what you want about quad, at least he isn't following the trolls around and feeding them several full sized meals a day.

Probably the last you will here from me for a few hours, sitting on the tarmac, and even if I get internet access while in the air. for some "unknown" reason, they seem to block TER. lol

4thGradeTeacher1664 reads

Keep trying and you might make it to 4th grade one day, you big dope.
You missed his asleep spelling. It's understandable your mind wandered.  It rhymes with sheep .
Speaking of sheep I noticed Nicky doesn't correct your spelling .

Ba Wa Wa Baaaaaa..

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