Politics and Religion

In Obama's defense, seriously
Priapus53 2453 reads
1 / 24

So much for HIS predictions.

I was gonna post "chicken little" pic about you,
but the Pete Puma pic ( seen below ) is FAR more approp. to you.

Btw, I apologize when I earlier called you a "retard"-----I believe more approp. term is "obtuse" or "intellectually challenged"-----------;)

-- Modified on 8/17/2011 10:07:05 AM

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2680 reads
2 / 24

and for those of you who are offended by the "R" word, I don't really give a fuck. lol

Tini absolutely idolizes ng, how fucking retarded is that. It goes way past "obtuse" or "intellectually challenged", and well into "retard" territory. rofl

mattradd 40 Reviews 1854 reads
3 / 24

while doing an interview with CNN. Context is everything! You make it sound like he made a government announcement, for Pete's sakes! Of course, having the problem of "loose associations," in your thinking processes, I can see where you might have missed that whole context thingy.

Priapus53 2023 reads
4 / 24

unlike the previous POTUS. I have my reservations
about Obama, but being tough on terrorism is not one of them.

And warning about a possible "lone wolf strike", means that he is unintentionally setting U.S. up for ANOTHER terrorist strike ? WTF ?!

ANOTHER provider that can't be taken seriously-------Jesus, bring back Jolene & SOTF !

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1648 reads
5 / 24

person because of her gender?????

The condescending and sexist remarks made by you and Willy the last few days are just another ugly side of the both of you being shown to us.

And perhaps the ugliest side of all . . . .

Priapus53 2829 reads
6 / 24
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1113 reads
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turn around and make anti-woman comments that sound like they are from the 19th century.

I guess you want to get rid of a woman's right to vote and express her opinion, huh?

Priapus53 2515 reads
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I'm pro-choice & supported the equal rights amendment. Sounds like someone who wants to take away a woman's right to vote ?!

Pw, what you & Zorff fail to realize is that I'm an equal opportunity offender. Considering the moronic bullshit that you, Zorff & others are ineffectively hurling at me, sounds like I'm fulfilling that role pretty damned well------;)

-- Modified on 8/17/2011 3:59:23 PM

Priapus53 1736 reads
9 / 24

I DO agree with your above "attack thread" against Angela & PW. Good show.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1495 reads
10 / 24

Equal Rights Amendment (spelled correctly, by the way), then why are you making such condescending and dismissive remarks to women who are merely posting their opinions on this board?

I know why. Because you claim to be a supporter of choice and equal rights just to look like the progressive, independent you claim to be.  Your true colors come out in your manner of speaking.

Oh well, enough of this. You and zorff can now resume your fun and games and go back to insulting me.

Robertini 4 Reviews 5517 reads
11 / 24

The government is about to do something evil and horrible.
"Obama is worried and predicts next terror attack:"

The bad thing is that innocent people die, but they don't care.
What is the purpose of this? To distract people about other problems or what?
I really hope they don't carry it out.

Priapus53 1675 reads
12 / 24

You a Michelle Bachmann supporter ?

"You can call me a crazy right winged bitch"-
Bruschi Girl-8/17/11

-- Modified on 8/17/2011 5:24:04 PM

dncphil 16 Reviews 1674 reads
13 / 24

It is well known that I am not an Obama fan. But I don't think he did anything wrong in this.  9-11 is coming up on 10 years, and he would be derilict in his duties not to be on guard.  

I DO NOT BELIEVE he is plotting an attack.  He is saying it is possible.  (Select your own word, but let's stick to the substance and not debate probable v. likely v. probable.)

I believe there are people out there plotting, and I think the history of London, Bali, Spain, etc.

I am not saying "All ....." but clearly a substantion number out of 1 biillion, so don't put words in my mouth

Bush was castigated because there was chatter and he didn't warn enough.

There is nothing wrong with Obama saying this is a danger.

Posted By: Robertini
The government is about to do something evil and horrible.
"Obama is worried and predicts next terror attack:"

The bad thing is that innocent people die, but they don't care.
What is the purpose of this? To distract people about other problems or what?
I really hope they don't carry it out.

marikod 1 Reviews 1367 reads
15 / 24

bc of her occupation, not her gender.

     And is that really any different from saying "what do you expect from a lawyer," or "he's a government worker"? (although the first should not be tolerated). So it's rhetoric and not truly a sexist comment.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1532 reads
16 / 24

Calling government employess would probably be stretching things a bit. lol

I guess it could be worse, one of you could be a government attorney. lol

but even I don't diss people because of their occupation or sex. I diss Willy because he's a lying sack of shit. I can't remember if I've ever dissed you for being a lawyer, but if so it was only in jest. I have taken a couple of hookers to task here, not because they were hookers, but because they were wrong.

Angela_Petite2 See my TER Reviews 1537 reads
17 / 24

I can't help but share my concerns about Obama.
His statements in my opinion are always about
"what if"   Seems as if he himself is sending us a message
in not so many words. I can't wait until his term is up . A good
president will stand up and say we will no tolerate and tell the
world what he plans on doing about it. But Obama? .....

-- Modified on 8/17/2011 2:19:56 PM

zorrf 1451 reads
18 / 24

Thank you sweetheart, for the comic relief.  Now run along and let the boys get back to talkin, eh?  Show us your tits first...

zorrf 1957 reads
19 / 24

Take a look at my response below, and see if that doesn't get you all misty and teary-eyed...lol.  loser.

zorrf 2081 reads
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Boo-fucking-hoo. I told a provider to run along and show me her tits, now I'm anti woman. I'm sorry that offended your feminine sensibilities, pitchingwedge, but I like tits -- and if a provider is going to waste a few seconds of my life by making me read stupid shit, she should at least give me some eye candy as penance for her failed attempt at political commentary. Are you mad because I didn't ask to see your tits, you pretty little woman? OK, Ms. Steinem, I'm sorry. Show us your tits, sweetheart.

zorrf 1648 reads
21 / 24

You're nothing more than a dim bulb, pri.  That's really all there is to realize about you.

Angela_Petite2 See my TER Reviews 1690 reads
22 / 24

That was what I was saying . He isn't tough on terrorism . Sorry .

Posted By: Priapus53
unlike the previous POTUS. I have my reservations
about Obama, but being tough on terrorism is not one of them.

And warning about a possible "lone wolf strike", means that he is unintentionally setting U.S. up for ANOTHER terrorist strike ? WTF ?!

ANOTHER provider that can't be taken seriously-------Jesus, bring back Jolene & SOTF !

marikod 1 Reviews 903 reads
23 / 24

You LOVE lawyers. I know you do- no one could manage an oil firm and deal with the regulatory maze, the problems with competitors, employee issues, and taxes without advice from those shepards of the Lord.

      I bet you spend more on lawyers than you do on hookers (but no jokes on who's getting screwed) , and that's saying something LOL. Better save your disdain for the government workers.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1500 reads
24 / 24

and I would have to agree with you, I do spend more getting fucked than doing the fucking, or as you would say. "More on lawyers than I do on hookers". but you don't need more than one guess to know which ones I don't mind paying.

as for my disdain for the government "workers", yes I have a special place in my heart for them. lol

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