Politics and Religion

IMHO you lose credibility and go over the top when
jack0116533 14 Reviews 2311 reads

you talk about impeachment of the Bush FAMILY.  Obviously, they can't be.

There is a fair argument for impeachment of the President, and it should be made sober.   But let's face it, impeachment has always been about political popularity, not real issues like lying to create a war that is then bungled.  

This could be a chance to make impeachment what it should be, and it should be taken seriously.

I have taken to sending this response to every request for contributions. Maybe they don't have the will to use the power of the purse, but I do.


I have given substantial funds to the Democratic Party over the years, and like many Progressives I am frustrated by the lack of will in Congress to address the most pressing issue of our time. I'm speaking of Impeachment - the Impeachment of the entire Bush crime family. All of the issues you bring up and ask funding for would be moot if you would do the one thing that the Constitution and your constituency requires of you - to hold this President and his administration responsible for the rape and pillage of our Democratic Republic. The Constitution you took an oath to uphold and defend states that, in the presence of high crimes and misdemeanors the Congress SHALL bring articles of impeachment. It does not say that the Congress may, or can, or should if they feel that they have enough votes, it clearly states that the Congress SHALL impeach.
Show some courage. As an added incentive, I swear to you that until such time as the Democratic leadership wholeheartedly seeks impeachment of Bush, Cheney et al I will not contribute another dime. Not one cent, because you are abject failures in the position we the people have elected you to.
Once these criminals are impeached, you are free to correct their crimes. If you don't, you are complicit in them.

I wonder what if any response your comments will elicit. No, I don't mean from the windbags of this forum, but from the ones you sent it to.

nicely done.

you talk about impeachment of the Bush FAMILY.  Obviously, they can't be.

There is a fair argument for impeachment of the President, and it should be made sober.   But let's face it, impeachment has always been about political popularity, not real issues like lying to create a war that is then bungled.  

This could be a chance to make impeachment what it should be, and it should be taken seriously.

TOLD THEMSELVES and BELIEVED THEMSELVES that Saddam had WMD well before Bush ever saw the steps of the White House.

They know therefore that they would NEVER be able to make the case that "the bushies" made the whole thing up.

It a bunch of bullshit that will never fly except in amongst the Alex Jones/Flight 73 had missles/WTC was prewired for demolition tinfoil head crowd.

But I agree 100% with you Jack.

The subject demands a sober review. The men and women who fought and died over this desreve nothing less.

like myself can predict what's going to happen more accurately a half a world and 5 years in advance, than the fucking President can.

I would like to think that poor schmuck could at least hire brains.   But if you think about it, you must realize the insanity of that assertion - how can you recognize brains, if you have none yourself?

I would not at all be surprised to find eg Hillary getting into office and pursuing a lot if not most of Shrubs' program (different contractors and contributors and rationalization) and still not give us any better sense that anybody knows WTF they are doing.

it is clear he is not well versed in ME affairs and that no doubt thas lead to some of the problems we face in Iraq but the same could be said of many, mnay more people who have just not been in the position to have their ignorance exposed......its that old hindsight 20/20 shit going on...

tell me you never saw a plan blow up in your face

amount of knowledge archived away in the US govt, even if you disregard other US institutions.  

The problem is recognizing where to find it, and what is applicable.  

Iraq didn't blow up in anybody's face.   Anybody with half a brain - including both Cheney and myself, and plenty of others - knew it was going to be a quagmire, and therefore a distraction from getting bin Laden.  Cheney still doesn't deny his knowledge - he just claims that we need quagmires after 9/11.

I've consistently described 2 obvious key reasons - 1st, you can't achieve an undefined goal.  No goal was ever defined in iraq, for the obvious reason that it would show that we could not hope to be a cure any better than the disease.  Invasion would only suck the US into the intractable problems of the middle east, particularly the issues between the shia & sunnis that were always built into Iraq.

2nd, a counterinsurgency environment was obvious.   In such a situation, 90% of your intel comes from locals, who have many reasons to lie to you, and few reasons to tell you the truth.   This was obvious from every co-in operation, including half of all 20th century campaigns.

I remain convinced that the Bushites have had some combination of ulterior motives.  Some issues are obvious, others are not so obvious.  Some things they were probably mistaken about - but I cannot believe they were mistaken about the most obvious ones.

This much is obviously inexcusable from the outside.  I cannot imagine what it would look like from the inside.

And what specific high crime or misdemeanor are you referring to?

You probably got put in the same folder with the guy whose been sitting across from the WhiteHouse since the 60's complaining about the CIA manipulating his brain with secret radio signals.

You have to be at least semi-coherent before anyone on Capitol Hill will listen to you, money or not.

Oh, I see you're from California -- why am I not surprised?  Forget everything you learned in high school civics -- read "Parliament of Whores" by P'J O'Rourke and learn how your federal government really works. How can you have your voice heard -- you can't.

As Frank Zappa said, here in Washington, they just watch out for #1, and #1 ain't you -- you ain't even #2.

-- Modified on 9/1/2007 5:12:15 PM

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