Politics and Religion

IMHO, yes & no - agree with the conclusion but not the logic
scriptfixer 18 Reviews 3423 reads
1 / 25

Our sensitivity to "racial epithets" has become a flesh eating bacteria feeding on the flesh of celebrities; the latest casualty being  Duane "Dog" Chapman.  He used a racial epithet in a private argument  with his son (who was recording it) in reference to his son's black girlfriend.  His son released the tape to the media and now A & E has suspended production on Chapman's show.

Chapman's use of a racial slur hardly exposes him as a racist.  During what was surely a very passionate and intense argument, Chapman's subconscious instintively did what it knew would be especially hurtful to his son.  It does not expose Chapman as a closet racist, but rather as a fallible human being, like the rest of us.

Today, we live in a society that places greater value on financial gain than on understanding and forgiveness.  Rather than exposing Chapman as a racist, I think this episode exposes both Champan's son and A & E show as subscribers to this value system; Chapman's son by selling the recording to the media, and A & E by suspending production on Chapman's show out of fear of alienating advertisers and losing revenue.

LouisFarakan 1943 reads
2 / 25

The man is a racist. All white people are racist. You don't know what it's like to be out in the hot sun all day picking cotton and singing Amazing Grace. Where's my 40 acres and a mule? White man treat us like cattle.

Swing lo sweet cha-rio-o-at comin forth to carry me home. I love that song.

shaka800 3825 reads
4 / 25

ifn you take that post at face value.

Louie nevah picked no cotton!  He jes sing & dance calypso, all da livelong day.

shaka700 3607 reads
6 / 25

Why does Doug Chapman have to use the racial epithet in the first place?

As you know racism exists in America . As I have pointed out, it exits on this politics and religion board, particularly by JackO.

Racism has a lot to do with ignorance and intolerance. It is an issue that must be confronted.    

As many of us have wathed the show, Bounty Hunter, no one is happy to see him lose his career.

One thing though, if you listen to the tapes his views are far from ideal.

-- Modified on 11/2/2007 9:12:00 PM

-- Modified on 11/2/2007 9:49:48 PM

Jeremy Bender 2154 reads
7 / 25

he "used" it aboy 25 times. He was telling his son that he could not date a n-----! Have you even listened to his rant? Here's a clue for you. If you don't think that his rant is racist then you are probably a racist.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2129 reads
8 / 25

i agree with blender?


shaka700 2227 reads
9 / 25

Because I am not leaving this Politics and Religion Board.

As much as you find JackO's racism to be funny.

So watcha talkin about willis?

Duty_Historian 1769 reads
10 / 25

virtue or vice built into any skin color, independent of any fact about or act by the person/s involved.

It's easy enough to see instances where people assume a black man is some sort of putz, without facts, simply because he is in fact black.

But as scriptfixer suggests, we often go in the opposite direction, and assume because some fellow like Shaka (or Tookie) is black, he's a warm puppy and good credit risk.  

What we are looking for here is facts, facts more relevant than skin color.

Shaka admires himself because he made a black nation.  When people point out that Shaka did that by  killing millions of other blacks in horrible ways, including his own wife & child, while the oppressing white man was at his doorstep; and the black nation he made postdated the white boers, and only 300 years later is fading into obscurity,  Shaka's only response is to call 'racist' - there is no real concern for truth, or that perhaps Africans should be looking for other heroes, or at least getting their information from wikipedia, instead of the movies.

What we have here is racism, the assumption that there is specific virtue in being born on either side of the tracks, in this case, on the 'wrong side of the tracks'.

Shaka is turning skin color into victimhood, despite the facts of the case.  He's saying that if one black man was a slave, every other black man needs reparations, including the ones who raped and robbed the slave, their own 25th cousin.

Now Shaka may be ignorant, and I don't know that's his fault.  

What IS his fault is his desire to STAY IGNORANT, and defend a vicious psychopath as if he were a hero, only because of his skin color; and turn that racial tribalism into a social niche.

No man can change what he was born into, and shouldn't be faulted for that, even if he has to live with what he is.

But if a man chooses to idolize violence over diplomacy, Shaka over Mandela, he has nobody to blame when he reaps as he sows.  

For example, blaming the British for colonial oppression (which they did) is really pointless when the colonials (particularly Shaka) were incredibly more vicious, and still couldn't get the job done as the Brits did.    There is no telling how many women & kids the Brits saved from impalement, but was that their responsibility?  Should they have done that, or just let the Zulus do what the Africans wanted?

Africa is a fucking mess, and its problems far predate the white man, and persist after him.  If you want to blame the white man, knock yourself out, I don't care.  But don't be asking me for a World Bank loan because the white man fucked you up, because all that tells me is that you still don't know how to solve your own problems, and will piss away any money I give you.

Good luck, buddy.  You're likely to need it.

Duty_Historian 1573 reads
11 / 25

put-on, ie sarcastic.

The real life Louis Farrakhan was in fact trained as a classical musician, and worked as a calypso singer until the Nation of Islam told him to bag it.  Something about black muslims not liking music.  Sort of like Baptists.

The moral of the story seems to be that assholes come in all colors.

Duty_Historian 1614 reads
12 / 25

When a drunk goes off about kikes, it's not just because he's drunk; it's because he's drunk AND has a hard-on for Jews.  (Indeed, a couple of their sisters have given me hardons.)

But fear of, or ANY failure to talk  about the issues - and there are issues on both sides - is indeed a gangrene.   We are far more likely to say "fuck-shit-piss-cunt" than "nigger"; because we don't want to deal with it, and failure to deal with or even look at the facts is dangerous.

I cannot buy that having any particular opinion is harmful per se.   It's acting on it against a particular person that can be damaging.  A broad  1st amendment right & ethic is not just an ideal, it's a social, political and commercial NECESSITY, and it's the FOUNDATION of tolerance.  You can't even THINK of tolerance, unless you can think & express yourself freely, without retribution.

What Chapman wants within his own family is his family's business, not the world's business.  And whether and how I want to deal with Chapman is our business, not anybody else's.

But if somebody comes to me & says, "Chapman said the N word 25 times about some ho, you have to give me a scholarship", I'm gonna tell him, "buddy you need a scholarship alright, why don't you go down and talk to the Marines about how to get GI Bill".


But if you want to make excuses for Dog, he's probably more stressed about his issues with the Messicans, than his boy's dates.  

-- Modified on 11/3/2007 6:42:51 AM

Duty_Historian 1532 reads
13 / 25

guilt by association doesn't work.

shaka800 2401 reads
14 / 25

and grow the fuck up while you're at it

Leave?  We aren't gonna LET you leave!    Nobody's gonna EVER forget da Zulus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FunluvnCowboy 1893 reads
15 / 25

it's your misfortune and none of my own
Whoopie ti yi yo, git along little Zulus
You know that Wyoming will be your new home

Duty_Historian 1429 reads
16 / 25

why are you worried about Dog Chapman's family?   Is there some particular reason you need to shove your nose into his trailer?

You want me shoving my nose into yours?

If his son wants his father's approval of his dates, he should take the fucking tape to the family therapist, not the fucking media.   Neither you nor I are Dog's therapist; and while you may want to be, I don't.    

But the fact that his boy doesn't have a lick of sense doesn't make him my concern just yet, either.   He's also got to be stupid enough to cause damage, and trash talk isn't damage.

Hairupmyass 2305 reads
17 / 25

Why does Chapman have to use a racial epithet?  Go to his website and e-mail him the question.  Tell him you're an internet amateur sociologist, doing an essay for your forum, and you just wanted to know.

Racism exists in America, and on this board.  And lucky for you too - what else would you have to talk about, except how you should be the moderator because you get your ideas of African history from the movies?  You're not racist here by pushing the idea that black folk like Shaka are exempt from normal standards of criticism or values.

Racism has a lot to do with ignorance.  You've certainly shown us some of that.  And intolerance.  Like we should tolerate black people who pull bad shit, because, well, because they're only killing their own kind - right?  Is that it?

You've watched Dog's show, so you don't want him to lose his career.  Bullshit.  Watching his show (and ShakaZulu) may be the highlights of your life, but there's nothing you love more than being one of a mob pushing this guy around for saying something you don't like.

The whole point here is that you should control what people think, so it's ideal for you.  You are obviously qualified to do this because you watch a lot of movies.

What the fuck are you thinking here, if at all?  Are you trying  to push the idea that certain ethnic backgrounds justify ignorance and authoritarianism?  That Shaka was a GOOD psychopath because he's a BLACK psychopath?   And that is GOOD racism, not BAD racism?   Or is it just that YOUR ignorance is good ignorance, while Dog's ignorance is bad ignorance??!

So how do you suppose Shaka the psychopath got to be Zulu king?  Do you think one man could push around a quarter million people who didn't want to be pushed around?  Do you think he was doing them a favor by impaling them?    I dunno, those are questions you need to ask yourself, while you're thinking about why you idolize this man instead of others, and how handy it is to blame people the other side of the ocean for your problems.

GaGambler 1994 reads
18 / 25

because I agree wiyth JackO.

Besides, why should I give a fuck what a guy says in a private conversation?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2255 reads
19 / 25

Maybe maybe I need to spend time in front of the television watching reality shows and scratching my family jewels.


-- Modified on 11/3/2007 9:13:56 AM

Brother_Al_Sharpton 2008 reads
20 / 25

how are those electricals coming along?

And how the FUCK can you have electrics that get wiped out by water, when you have to know you're gonna get splashed, even in CA?

When you re-do them, can you spray lacquer or something over the connections & harnesses?

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1436 reads
21 / 25

when you read jack's post.

he is funny. but he is not a racist.

he can be kind of an asshole

but not entirely insufferable

thicken up your skin if you wanna stick around...or at least keep your finger off the trigger and the muzzle out of your mouth


-- Modified on 11/3/2007 1:05:22 PM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1470 reads
22 / 25

Getting splashed is one thing, being inundated upon relentlessly for almost an hour is something else. Likewise, going through an intersection and getting splashed is one thing.... going through an intersection and being partly submerged in a 4 feet deep lake in the middle of an intersection is something else.

Shit happens, design flaws are noted and addressed. And have you seen what happens when you submerge your stereo receiver into a tub of water lately?

BTW - wtf did this have to do with Dog Chapman....  WHO or WHAT is a Dog Chapman?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 3428 reads
24 / 25

But I prefer to be called Graham cracker

Sarcastic_asshole 2139 reads
25 / 25
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