Politics and Religion

I'm not buying that scenario, quad.
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2560 reads
1 / 28

...as well as the General board?  Maybe it had something to do with the GD thread that was pulled where vern took quite a beating.  

It's one thing to pick up your marbles and go home; it's quite another to leave no trace behind.  Many people have left, voluntarily or otherwise, but their posts remain.  Any guesses?

OSP 26 Reviews 680 reads
2 / 28
followme 658 reads
4 / 28

You probably  STABBED him in the BACK.!


Proof......you proudly announced   willy being gone
and here you are making a similar announcement

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 735 reads
5 / 28

He changed his identity , whether he changed his birthplace I don't know .  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...as well as the General board?  Maybe it had something to do with the GD thread that was pulled where vern took quite a beating.  

It's one thing to pick up your marbles and go home; it's quite another to leave no trace behind.  Many people have left, voluntarily or otherwise, but their posts remain.  Any guesses?

GaGambler 689 reads
6 / 28

got his ass handed to him and changed his handle, of course changing his handle didn't add any IQ points, he is still as stupid as ever, and actually is giving AF a run for the biggest mangler of the English language. Or at least the worst male offender, it would be hard to "out mangle" either blablablu or Angel, but they are sure giving them a run for their money.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 626 reads
7 / 28

...I hope he comes back, and soon. He was pretty out there on the conservative side of things, but I always enjoyed talking to him, and he seemed like he was pretty civil, at least around here.  

You didn't stab him in the back too, did ya, Backstabber?

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 746 reads
8 / 28

on my favorite day of the year.  It will bring you up but not keep you there, bring you back down for a little while, draw you back in,  and you don't have to understand some songs have Stephen Hawkings talking in the background, some songs are about a band member that went crazy.  The most religious experience I ever had Live 94".


Blowing Chunks 614 reads
9 / 28

Any idiot can find what his new handle is.  Not too enigmatic there.  Lol :D

OSP 26 Reviews 702 reads
10 / 28

Nothing pisses me off more than fiscal repubs. They've lost their way over the years. If everyone thought the same this board would seriously suck ass.
I like ole BV. He could lighten up on the civility though lol

OSP 26 Reviews 744 reads
11 / 28

Deffinitely an experience for those whom enjoy something other than a 3 chord band lol

Thanks young lady. Its always a plus to add some "taste" to this board

mattradd 40 Reviews 614 reads
12 / 28

Seems his handle is no_email. Look under post "why must your problem become my problem."

inicky46 61 Reviews 675 reads
13 / 28

Roddy Tardwell, the dumbest, most clueless blabbermouth on this site.  We used to have a legitimate race for the SPOTY among af, asscalade, FIDIOT and Dungy.  Now it's a one-horse farce. You might as well award the SPOTY now.

inicky46 61 Reviews 700 reads
14 / 28

There was a post on the GD board about what was basically the gang rape of two pimped providers whose pimp forced them to continue servicing 30 guys at a bachelor's party.  Vern put up a post saying the pimp did the right thing because he'd contracted with the host to provide the girls.  He was heavily flamed, weaseled and fought back, melted down and changed his handle in the middle of his own thread so it was obvious what his new handle was.
It was one of the most blatantly stupid self-immolations I've ever seen.

GaGambler 588 reads
15 / 28

as if their choosing to be there under the control of a pimp meant that it was "their fault" they were raped. That's when it really got ugly, blaming the victim has been something abusers have been getting away with for centuries, for someone to do it here??? Let me just say, he got exactly the kind of reception you would expect. The outrage against Vern completely overshadowed the OP's "confession" about the actual crime as BV in his usual thick headed fashioned, not only wouldn't recant, but he doubled down on stupid and kept arguing he was right.

I have been one of the few posters here that have tried to "get" Vern, but he lost me that day. What little respect I ever had for the man is gone forever. All he should ever expect out of me for quite sometime to come is a bitch slapping every time something stupid comes out of his keyboard.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 661 reads
16 / 28

IMO  BV was attempting  to stir up the  tar and feather gang with his ridiculous contract  equation , only trying to get multiple reactions , not giving a damn  whether  good or bad .  
  In that regard he succeeded , while likely exceeding his own  expectations.  
  Unlike what I've  seen from  many male  posters on TER   , I've never noticed BV trying to gain  popularity or kissing brothers ass with his posts .
   I could be wrong , I don't recall BV  changing  his handle during that particular thread , when the party host stood idly by , silently  staring in a gutless  gaze , with no defense of two hookers being raped by thirty  30 drunken friends , after the pimp smacked one girl around while  forcing  her  to continue earning  him money submitting to rape .  
   Frankly I look at the party host and his friends as  the evil villains in that thread .
   BV was only making  asinine comments about hooker pimp contractual obligations  .  

   What I found the most appalling  I can't fathom after reading  his  confession  , why the host  didn't  grab  a kitchen knife and slit  the pimps throat , and a couple of the Host's  friends if they did not  immediately  cease and desist raping two hookers in his own home .
 If I was a Priest , I might be  able to forgive the host when he confessed his sins .  
   I'm not Holy at all , so I wouldn't shed one tear , or care in the least , if the Host and all his friends hung themselves on the same bridge in a solemn sign of solidarity .  
  I seriously doubt  BV is looking for forgiveness from you or any other board police .  

    If you noticed  grammar or spelling mistakes in my post , you have my blessing to  
    stick them up your  ass .  
Posted By: inicky46
There was a post on the GD board about what was basically the gang rape of two pimped providers whose pimp forced them to continue servicing 30 guys at a bachelor's party.  Vern put up a post saying the pimp did the right thing because he'd contracted with the host to provide the girls.  He was heavily flamed, weaseled and fought back, melted down and changed his handle in the middle of his own thread so it was obvious what his new handle was.  
 It was one of the most blatantly stupid self-immolations I've ever seen.
-- Modified on 3/9/2014 4:21:55 PM

GaGambler 702 reads
17 / 28

If I remember correctly, somewhere in that fucked up thread that has since been pulled, so there is no way for be to go back and be sure, but again "IF" I remember correctly Vern made some promise to disappear from the boards and remove all trace of him ever being here.

In typical dumb Vern fashion, I believe this is Vern trying to make good on his promise without actually going anywhere. It's kind of like lying without really lying, all the lawyers on this board should be familiar with this practice. For a righty who can barely write a single sentence that we can understand, I guess he has taken up the mainly liberal practice of parsing words.

OSP 26 Reviews 598 reads
18 / 28

I expect you to change your username now lmao
Don't these guys just make you proud? Imagine someone giving 2 rat-turds what another poster thinks of 'em

mattradd 40 Reviews 557 reads
19 / 28
BreakerMorant 689 reads
20 / 28

where to be found. Is that coincidence or conspiracy? I'm just saying........

GaGambler 719 reads
21 / 28

There are very few people that I really wish would go away and never come back. Even posters that I can't stand, experience has proven that even when they leave, someone just like them comes along to take their place.

Vern has lost just about every bit of board credibility that he ever had that day though. Most likely the only people that will even want to talk to him are people who weren't on the board that day. and you know there will always be someone here to remind them lol

Blowing Chunks 586 reads
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Blowing Chunks 582 reads
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All the way toward bottom in that post,  he said that he'll leave on his own terms.  

Futile of you ask me cuz I don't care if he lives up to his words or not, unless he claims he's gonna give me me 10 million dollars

salonpas 575 reads
25 / 28

Posted By: BreakerMorant
where to be found. Is that coincidence or conspiracy? I'm just saying........

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 604 reads
26 / 28

I am sure you are correct , I  distinctly  remember bv mention he would disappear .  
     I thought to myself at the time , he might as well disappear or change his identity  ,  no hooker  will book with him now  after reading his idiotic defense of pimp contracts , even though I thought  he was making sick twisted jokes about something I seriously doubt  he  actually believes .  
 When he "doubled down" after  a popular provider took extreme offense to his words and he started arguing with her ,  like an  attorney defending a child molester , I wondered how far he was  
 willing to go  .    
  Looks like he went so far he will have a difficult time coming back under his old reviews .  
  When I read the OP's confession about the barbaric  rape party at his home ,  my first thought ,  that dumb ass might  have his balls cut off the next time he books a hooker  ,  then I realized he  doesn't have any balls to lose .  
I figured out  the day I was born , when the Bully Dr. knocked the Hell into me , while smiling when I cried  , I would   never be a priest .
    I could  not  find the strength  to  forgive the unforgivable , no matter how sincere the confession .

    After reading your replies to the OP  the night in question ,  I thought  at least one of us has
   a chance at becoming Bishop .  
     WAIT ,  Don't hit me . My last line  was only  in jest , actually the only  
laughing matter  in the whole situation .
   Though Bishop gambler  does have a certain ring to it

GaGambler 579 reads
27 / 28

but given my stance on religion it might be a bit hypocritical, not to mention self aggrandizing if I were to use it myself.

inicky46 61 Reviews 610 reads
28 / 28

I know BV often tried to get a rise out of people with his posts, but what made this case different was how defensive he got.  Perhaps you and I are each half right: he started out looking for a rise, was surprised and upset at how much shit he took, then got defensive.  Who knows?  Who cares? He seems to have dried up and blown away.

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