Politics and Religion

I'm disappointed...
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1643 reads
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Holy Social Gaffe, Batman!  Conservo Fox something-or-another Glenn Beck, it is revealed, has an interesting guest list including white supremacists and secessionists.  

Well, at least he's not inviting Van Jones [LOL]. Or Dennis Ross for that matter!

Of course, the source, The Huffington Post, must always be taken with a generous helping of salt. It's not as if THP is always innocent of its own agenda. Among the controversial invitees were ;

Michael Hall - League of the South;

Thomas Naylor - secessionist and head of the Second Vermont Republic; [does he tax Ben & Jerry's?];

Charles Goyettte - a 9/11 skeptic who has expressed many doubt about the explanation for 9/11.  

Doubts?  You mean like Van Jones?

Still, Beck's dodgy[?] party companions are not on the same level as a questionable presidential appointment.  And he's got the right to invite whoever he wants.

Just as others have the right to wonder what's the deal with Beck? considering the company he keeps.

And, as GB traffics in guilt-by-association, it's amusing, as a disinterested observer of course, to see this fellow hoist on his own petard.

fasteddie51 1730 reads
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Much as I hate Glenn Beck, this is much ado about nothing.

By your post I thought Beck was having a private party and invited these people.  But having controversial people on his TV show doesn't mean anything.  Phil Donahue had American Nazi Leader on his show, as did Geraldo Rivera; Playboy has interviewed dictators, KKK leaders and various nefarious characters.  

Now, depending on the tone of the interview, you may choose to judge Beck on that, but the mere fact that he's had these people on his TV show means nothing.

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