Politics and Religion

Scared shitless of gun lobby both Obama and Mitt-Bott will remain silent; Auroras will proliferate
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 3346 reads

and the media sensing ratings everytime people are mowed down in minutes with assault weapons will continue to robotically repeat the same segments ad infinitum as is being done right now, forget about the massacre until the next and more frequent series of massacres occur.

Note that the networks/cable channels aren't touching any thought of reforms for gun laws because they are frightened they'll lose veiwers.  Fox is doing the usual moronic, batshit crazy "if every man woman and child had an assault weapon in the theater, many lives would have been saved" a lot like you see from the batshit crazies here.

Do you even watch the news or read the accounts online or in the papers?????  

Do you really think that you look intelligent by making these comments??????

and your posts are pure garbate. Like Mitt-Bot you lack substance and specificity. How's it feel to be on the losing side for 8 fucking years with more to come after 2017?

Posted By: PitchingWedge
Do you even watch the news or read the accounts online or in the papers?????  

Do you really think that you look intelligent by making these comments??????

"Like Mitt-Bot you lack substance and specificity. How's it feel to be on the losing side for 8 fucking years with more to come after 2017?"

Is this an example of what you consider to be substantial and substantive?

Just asking.

but here to sling shit.

I've said clearly gun laws aren't going to change, media does a meaningless exploitive minuet every time there's a gun massacre, and gun massacres will increase to the delight of the NRA and the wingnuts here.  Every man, woman, and child shoould have had an AR-15 in the theater according to the moronic ideas of the wingnuts here.  

Right parrots the echo chamger of Fox and Friends, Rush, Savage, and Levin. Most American voters will reject that in November.

Right wants to strip insurance and access to health care from 30,000.  Interesting Romney has an advisor to states to join exchanges, Leavitt an HHS Secretary from a previous administration from Utah, that the right here is oblivious to.

Right wants a tax structure that will favor the 1% of richest Americans, against their self interest since they aren't in that 1%, and put the burden on the poor and middle class. Extension of Bush tax cuts again would raise annual deficit $500 billion and the Romney Right has no clue as to how that would be made up.  Details aren't Romney's forte and they aren't the forte of the posters here like Timbow, Snow, Nuguy, and Sapster.  The vast majority of their posts are focused lol at me when I'm here.

Right wants 15,000 Ryan-Romney voucher system for Medicare that wouldn't begin to pay for most surgery, chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer.

Right wants to reinstall rejection of insurance for pre-existing conditions or do away with the elimination of lifetime caps for insurance.

Right wants to repeal the saving of $240 billion in ACA according to non-partisan CBO,

The country will reject all of the Plutocracy that the Right wants to impose.

The message of the Right  Wingnuts is "We are VIP"

The Obamas and the Bidens have released TWELVE YEARS OF THEIR RTAS RETURNS but "We are VIP" is outraged "you people" think they have a right to look into Romney's finances. "We are VIP" say the Romneys; fuck the dirtbags in the middle class against the interest of many Republicans who are smack dab in the middle of the middle class.

It's reflected in Ann Romney's outrage that "you people" are asking questions about the Romney's taxes (so far an incomplete 2010 without the F-Bar has been released) because Romney is afraid voters will reject his stashing money in foreignsecret bank accounts to avoid taxes, and paying less than half the taxes an average American pays. Romney and the right here are stonewalling on tax return release against many prominent Republicans calling for release of several years of tax returns from 2002-2009.

-- Modified on 7/22/2012 6:07:23 AM

tells us all exactly how fucking warped and maniacally partisan your brain is.

You don't just "drink" the liberal Kool-Aid, you fucking inject it into your veins.  

I don't care about your political feelings and beliefs. You have every right as an American to believe in what you do and to speak on that behalf.  

My issues with you are not political.  My problem with you is your condescending and abusive behavior toward anyone that disagrees with your political beliefs.

You claim to be a highly educated and intelligent person with a medical degree.  I am not questioning that statement.  It would just be nice to see you act like one on this board.

It is impossible to take your commentary seriously when you deliver it is such a juvenile and abusive manner.

LameTiger243 reads

If you like specificity and substance so much why don't you cite the actual news program and the actual commentator who said those things?

I have no idea what you're refering to. I cited the American  Tax Policy Center who are very non-partisan for my figures on the 1% paying the lowest taxes in 80 years.  I have no idea what the hell things you think some newscaster said. I don't remember citing a newscaster for anything I've written here. Supose the newscaster were the delusional airheads at Fox. I'd never cite them but they're the right wingnuts' favorite echo chamber here.

you listen shit heads you agree with. Read your own post “why don’t you cite actual news program”? When did watching news and hearing shit heads on the airwaves replace reading? Let me answer that, quite long time ago! Hence, most Americans cannot write a coherent sentence, cannot complete a sentence without saying man, like, you do the math euphemisms!

WTF you do the math mean? Last time I checked math hasn’t changed a bit. It is still 2x2=4, 2+2= 4 and 2^2 is still =4.

The extend of your understanding is based on commentator’s who are exactly like you, reading shit someone else wrote for them to placate audience like you and your ilk while smiling all the way to the bank.

No wonder 99.999% of wing nuts doesn’t know what is good for them much less what is good for the country.

Since you understand news, here is a news flash, the demographics of this country has changed, it is not going back, ever. Tell me how many so called minorities support (asian, latin, etc.) support Republicans? Not many and you are not fucking going to win the election without their support. Just look 2008 voting %

I was searching for a You Tube Video on the subject, couldn’t find one so, below are a bunch of links, take your pick and read, if you can!

..with good aim could have prevented much of the Batman carnage.

"Batshit Crazy" Anti-Gun Operatives like Jeffy Poo (I don't enjoy characterizing you-a fully-fledged, card-carrying and proud member of the American Medical Mafia in this manner but those were the exact words you capriciously used to describe anyone holding views opposite of yours, so I figured you'd be OK with it)enjoy acting the part of modern-day ghouls,tearing into the carrion created by these tragedys whenever they happen in order to make grist to regurgitate bloody mouthfuls of their misguided political anti 2nd amendment agenda.

In Chicago(where it is illegal to take a gun into your own garage),located in a state that is the last state to not license concealed-carry along with a variety of other strict and arbitrary restrictions (the procedure to obtain a legal firearm is now so tedious, Kafkaesque and expensive that only people like Rahm Emmanuel's bodyguards have them) there was more violence per 100,000 persons than in the highly praised "low crime" New York state:

435.2 violent crimes and 5.5 murders and/or manslaughters per 100,000 in Illinois in 2010… versus the 392.1 violent crimes and 5.5 murders and/or manslaughters per 100,000 in New York.

Of course criminals have no intention of filling in the blanks on so many registration forms when they can simply go to the nearest friendly, neighborhood thug who will hook them up with something out of his car trunk-toot sweet-no questions asked, cash and carry.

Let's take a look at California.  In California, with all of their restrictive gun laws similar to New York are 8 cities in the top 50 in USA population.  The results of their gun restrictions?

440.6 violent crimes and 4.9 murders and/or manslaughters per 100,000 in 2010 in California.


392.1 violent crimes and 5.5 murders and/or manslaughters per 100,000 in New York.  The sum total effect of California's "gun law  reform?" TA DA!! More violent crime and .6 less murder.

These statistics alone are enough to give the lie to your pipe-dream of a ideal society where everyone would be disarmed. These numbers, however stand in even more dramatic relief when contrasted with the low gun related crime-rate numbers seen in places where open carry without permit is allowed, or where (heaven forbid!)people are required by law to own firearms (I think you might actually know Kennesaw, GA?).

Timbow283 reads

Posted By: sappybullfighter

..with good aim could have prevented much of the Batman carnage.

"Batshit Crazy" Anti-Gun Operatives like Jeffy Poo (I don't enjoy characterizing you-a fully-fledged, card-carrying and proud member of the American Medical Mafia in this manner but those were the exact words you capriciously used to describe anyone holding views opposite of yours, so I figured you'd be OK with it)enjoy acting the part of modern-day ghouls,tearing into the carrion created by these tragedys whenever they happen in order to make grist to regurgitate bloody mouthfuls of their misguided political anti 2nd amendment agenda.

In Chicago(where it is illegal to take a gun into your own garage),located in a state that is the last state to not license concealed-carry along with a variety of other strict and arbitrary restrictions (the procedure to obtain a legal firearm is now so tedious, Kafkaesque and expensive that only people like Rahm Emmanuel's bodyguards have them) there was more violence per 100,000 persons than in the highly praised "low crime" New York state:

435.2 violent crimes and 5.5 murders and/or manslaughters per 100,000 in Illinois in 2010… versus the 392.1 violent crimes and 5.5 murders and/or manslaughters per 100,000 in New York.

Of course criminals have no intention of filling in the blanks on so many registration forms when they can simply go to the nearest friendly, neighborhood thug who will hook them up with something out of his car trunk-toot sweet-no questions asked, cash and carry.

Let's take a look at California.  In California, with all of their restrictive gun laws similar to New York are 8 cities in the top 50 in USA population.  The results of their gun restrictions?

440.6 violent crimes and 4.9 murders and/or manslaughters per 100,000 in 2010 in California.


392.1 violent crimes and 5.5 murders and/or manslaughters per 100,000 in New York.  The sum total effect of California's "gun law  reform?" TA DA!! More violent crime and .6 less murder.

These statistics alone are enough to give the lie to your pipe-dream of a ideal society where everyone would be disarmed. These numbers, however stand in even more dramatic relief when contrasted with the low gun related crime-rate numbers seen in places where open carry without permit is allowed, or where (heaven forbid!)people are required by law to own firearms (I think you might actually know Kennesaw, GA?).
LA that wore that body armor in that shoot out with the cops.

-- Modified on 7/21/2012 7:40:31 PM

Timbow233 reads

-- Modified on 7/21/2012 7:41:11 PM

You do know that it doesn't take an AR-15 to kill a shooter, if that shooter is using an AR-15, right? A handy sub-compact 9mm would have done the job nicely.

More often than not, guns are used to prevent crimes from ever happening. This never gets reported.

I'll tell ya what I mean. I once was walking to my car, when I noticed a shifty looking person approaching me. It was a warm summer evening, and so I was carrying in a fanny pack. When I saw this guy walking towards me, I unzipped my fanny.

He got closer to me and began to ask me a question. By this time my hand was in my fanny, holding my gun, and I had flipped the safety.

The guy cut off his question mid-sentence, looked at my hand, and said, "never mind", and quickly walked away.

No gun was drawn. No gun was fired. And yet my gun prevented a crime from ever happening.

This sort of thing happens every single day.

The guy didn't show any signs of attacking you. You expect that if he had an innocuous question he'd have shouted it from a distance of 100 yards?  Do you get your hand on the trigger of a gun everytime someone asks you a question?  Are you sitting at your pc/mac with your trembling hand on a gun right now? Do you plan to shoot your foot or your leg?

Wow a guy on the street walked up to you and "appeared shifty". Can you lend some precision to your definition of the shifty look?  Do you know "shifty" when you see it llike the S. Ct. said it knew pornography when they saw it?  

Help us with Willywonk's definition of shifty, so we can all be protected when someone on the street asks a question.

In my city, everywhere you go, someone walks up and asks a question. Often it's can you spare x amount of change. Sometimes it's directions.

I don't see what point you're making with that anecdote except that you're ready to put a cap in someone's head that walks up to you and wants to ask a question.  The guy probably knew he had a gun nut close to him, and decided to get the fuck out of dodge--a fairly normal reaction to anyone who would grab a gun who isn't under attack but will take the safety  off a gun and get ready to pull it everytime someone comes up to him.

-- Modified on 7/22/2012 6:23:15 AM

You learn to spot danger before it happens. I could explain to you many of the warning signs if you like. But if you think I'm not able to distinguish between someone who's asking for the time vs. someone who had bad intentions, then you'd be wrong.

The reality is that criminals tend to make for bad actors. When you see someone looking for a victim, and then looking for other eye witnesses, see that there are none around, and then approaches you, while still looking for witnesses, then you better get your goddamned guard up. When you notice their pupils are dilated, then you know that person has an excellerated heart rate. When you see fresh sweat and trembling fingers, you know this person is entering or about to enter the fight or flight response.

It's incredibly insulting to me that you, when you have zero self-defense training, would tell me that I would have my "finger on the trigger" just because someone talks to me. Do you have any appreciation at all for the countless hours I have spent training to protect myself?

This is what happens Willy when you step off the liberal reservation. Any deviation from their gospel and you are attacked.

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