Politics and Religion

If you listen to McSAME's plan (the little it is), You're gonna end up PAYING FOR MORE - EOM
GaGambler 6129 reads
1 / 32

who claim this is a "right wing" board. The numbers show otherwise.

Of the top ten most active posters, seven are definite Obama supporters.

anon7658849 3057 reads
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The guy has never EVER even held a real job.
God help us if he's elected. The most liberal Dems will hold all 3 branches of government, and probably get at least 2 Supreme Court pics.

Fuckin' Scary!

Echochamber 1560 reads
3 / 32
Box_Of_Rocks 2653 reads
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Hard to argue with that. Even when they are in majority they whine.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1372 reads
5 / 32

and a number more working professionally in an anti-terror capacity, I honestly don't believe either of the gentlemen is qualified to be Commander in Chief. So nice that I can express my opinion now that I am officially out of uniform. The last man that was reasonably qualified but a bit bent by his career as a spook was George Bush senior. Ronald Reagan had the requisite guts and vision but did not understand military matters and we had some real fiascoes under his leadership. Carter? Ha Ha Ha. Ford? Kind of. Nixon? sheesh. Johnson? Total F_ing idiot when it came to the use of the military and foreign policy. Kennedy? Another T.F.I. (sorry all you Kennedy worshipers, but, remember the Bay of Pigs? Cuban Missile Crisis? The latter you could argue that Kennedy handled well on the strength of his personality and popularity at home, but the man _caused_ the Cuban missile Crisis. Eisenhower? The last genuinely competent man to be Commander in Chief. Truman? There again, he had the guts and the vision bud did not understand military matters. Roosevelt? Remember Yalta? and so it goes...... the really competent ones are rare. So, you're left with hoping that those in office do as little damage as possible especially w/r/t foreign policy. Nobody really wants to fight a war any less than the men and women who wear the uniform. We prepare in hopes that or preparation will dissuade others. We advise in hoes that political solutions will trump chest beating rhetoric. And, at the end of the day, we are at the pointy end.  

-- Modified on 10/31/2008 7:30:36 AM

The Moose 26 Reviews 1278 reads
6 / 32

and the top of the ticket, John McBush isn't much better...

As far as the SCOTUS, it's about damn time we get some more liberal to moderate justices on the court....The last 2 picks (Roberts, & Ailito) were ULTRA far righties, in addition we already have 2 idealogues with Scalia & Thomas....Kennedy at least isn't an idealogue like the aforementioned, though he sided with the majority in the horrific Bush V. Gore decision of 2000.......

How can anyone on this board want a far right Supreme Court?....Don't you give a damn about First Amendment issues (free speech & censorship, etc.).....There's other important issues besides the 2nd. Amendment....(and don't worry GA Gambler, Obama won't take away anyones guns).....

GaGambler 1664 reads
7 / 32

Will you at least stop whining that this is a "far right winger" board. Or will you continue to dismiss the facts that are right in front of you?

Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 1575 reads
8 / 32

I didn't even make the list. Oh well.

GG don't you know you'll just confuse them with the facts?  LOL

butterflydust See my TER Reviews 1749 reads
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I was surprised, though, when there was a "who are you voting for?" poll and it was almost evenly split (51% Obama, I think, 49 McCain) - I had thought, by reading the boards, that TER was dominated by McCaininites.

wormwood 17 Reviews 1667 reads
10 / 32

And has more actual discussion, something I'm happy about.

I'm also happy that Quad, Geezer, and a few other kneejerk fascists appear to be amusing themselves elsewhere.

Now, if we could get the spam from xfean to stop, we might actually have a place here where people could discuss issues rather than just call each other names.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 2057 reads
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They are only the most active posters because folks like Xfean refuse to take their thorazine. Never mind ritilin, this guy needs an IV drip of thorazine.

little phil 37 Reviews 1724 reads
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Being a bean counter, as I've already admitted to you, I feel qualified to point out that figures can lie, and liars figure.

Your point only shows that those posting MOST are kool-aid drinking Obamaites.  I'm still hopeful that the totality of posting is more even.

In a Pollyanna moment, I'd hope even more that we'd replace the us against them with increased discussion about how to make it better.  After all, most of us are stuck with the results, so it's kinda in our best interests to plot a course.  OK, I'm going to resume drinking heavily now...:)

GaGambler 2857 reads
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You've been on the list for months. Don't tell me you actually have a life? lol

Not to further confuse our whiny left wing friends, but if you break it down by post, the current tally is 1899 by rabid anti McCain posters vs 804 by Anti Obama posters in the top ten. The numbers are clear for anyone to view, but some people will still dispute them.

I think "anti Obama" and "anti McCain" are more accurate terms than Pro Obama, Pro McCain. I can't speak for anyone else, but I am not "Pro McCain", I am definitely "Anti Obama"

GaGambler 1234 reads
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but the current post count over the last thirty days by the most active posters, tallies 1900 from the anti McCain crowd vs 805 from the anti Obamas.

As you point out that is only from the most active posters and most if not all of them are of the kool aid drinking variety. You do have to admit, these ten posters do dominate the board.

I will blame your Pollyanna moment on the heavy drinking. lol When was the last time we had an outpouring of civilized discourse around here?

Maybe it's time for me to do some heavy drinking of my own. I was supposed to be in Costa Rica today, enjoying the company of a half a dozen different chicas instead of spending the weekend doing business. Maybe Charlie's right, it sucks to be a capitalist sometimes. lol

RightwingUnderground 2771 reads
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GaGambler 2202 reads
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I will agree with the bulk of the rest of your post, Neither Wild Willie or W even deserve conversation on the subject. George HW should have been unbeatable for a second term if Greenspan hadn't put the economy in the shitter.  Reagan got the big picture and had the guts and vision, I for one am willing to overlook his lack of military backround. He did a lot more good than bad and was no where near the doddering fool the Dems tried to portray him as.

I'll fast forward(or backwards) on the rest. Ford, we'll never really know, Carter, what a fucking joke. Nixon, I don't really know, he got us out of Vietnam, but aside from that I really don't have an opinion. Johnson maybe the worst ever, and Kennedy, "Bay of Pigs" and Cuban missile crisis says it all..

Obama may have the opportunity to go down as the worst ever, only time will tell. I hope he never has the chance. McCain will be mediocre, mediocre never looked so good.

RightwingUnderground 1932 reads
18 / 32

oh wait a minute. You'll need to sample more posts from the left. It must be skewed with a higher percentage of respondants from the BHO camp. That's how they do it.

-- Modified on 10/31/2008 10:25:18 AM

The Moose 26 Reviews 2827 reads
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As far as it not being a right-wing board, perhaps, I don't read/post as often as I used to, so I don't know who the new posters are..

RightwingUnderground 1444 reads
20 / 32

The honesty comment isn't directed at you, but the left.

-- Modified on 10/31/2008 10:24:20 AM

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McSAME is clearly about to lose it.  Yeah, that's REAL Presidential.


Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 2230 reads
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I may build the bunker there.  That is if I still have a job November 5th.

Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 2162 reads
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I did pay a visit to our neighbor to the north for business and play.

GaGambler 2491 reads
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If McCain wins, you'll still have your job. If Obama wins fuck it, Who needs a job? Just live off the taxpayers, while there still are some at least. lol

Come on down, Costa Rica is great. Colombia is better.

The Moose 26 Reviews 4890 reads
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Obama probably wouldn't be able to re-shape the court (even if he served 2 terms), only replace a more moderate to slightly left of center justice(s) with younger ones....

But if McBush replaces a Stevens or Ginsburg, then that is a thought too frightening to imagine....Then again, Democrats WILL control the Senate until at least the 2010 mid-terms, so no far right kooks would get confirmed if McBush won or stole the election...

GaGambler 2311 reads
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He is going to give tax cuts to millions of people who don't pay taxes to begin with. We can argue all day long what the percentage is, but regardless of who's numbers you use, he is going to raise taxes on people like me who work, and give it to people who already contribute nothing.

If you want to call that proganda fine, but it's still the truth. You might think a couple hundred grand a year out of my pocket is no big deal because I'm "rich", but it's not your pocket he's picking.

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"I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and in another tax which is far more easily collected and far more effective: a graduated inheritance tax increasing rapidly with the size of the estate.”
- Theodore Roosevelt

“Every dollar spent by the government must be paid for either by taxes or by more borrowing with greater debt. The only way to make more tax cuts now is to have bigger and bigger deficits and to borrow more and more money. Either we or our children will have to bear the burden of this debt. This is one kind of chicken that always comes home to roost. An unwise tax cutter, my fellow citizens, is no real friend of the taxpayer."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

In 1986, Reagan signed legislation greatly increasing the earned income tax credit, a credit for low-income workers that reduces the impact of payroll taxes in order to boost take-home pay above poverty levels. When the credit is more than the amount of federal income taxes owed by an individual, that person receives a tax “refund.”

“It's the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.”
- Ronald Reagan

They all talk about a fair PROGRESSIVE TAX to some degree.  This is what Obama is proposing, bringing back to the FORMER rates, which in the 90s I'm sure you were DYING.  Riiight.  You were getting KILLED economically.  Right?

Give me a break.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1582 reads
32 / 32

with him I respect him and I can tell you first hand that he is as balanced and integrated as any human being out there. on the other hand, your posts have the ring of lunacy to them....

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