Politics and Religion

If you keep repeating something, doesn't it make it true?
BuckFush! 1679 reads

Just like WMD in Iraq our present idiotic prez kept saying??

However, I agree with you about "Billary." Those people are ruthless and ambitious.  Foster ended up dead, so what makes anyone think Obama is any different.

Did anybody see McCain's speech last night? Did anybody see Obama's? What a stark difference. McCain is a terrible candidate. Obama sounds like a lion and McCain sounds like a feeble little man...

Change is coming like a freight train...."my friends" (he he)...

...and feeble little John McCain ain't gonna stop it...

-- Modified on 6/5/2008 12:04:05 AM

GaGambler1321 reads

It won't be Mccain that beats Obama in the fall, somehow the Clinton machine will make sure he loses, or has an accident. lol

BuckFush!1680 reads

Just like WMD in Iraq our present idiotic prez kept saying??

However, I agree with you about "Billary." Those people are ruthless and ambitious.  Foster ended up dead, so what makes anyone think Obama is any different.

JEREMY SCAHILL: But, as most of the candidates vie to distinguish themselves as the firm anti-war candidate, there is one fact that none of them want to discuss. That is that before the invasion of Iraq, five of the Democratic Candidates promoted one of the Bush administration’s key justifications for the war, the allegation that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. Only Ohio Congress member Dennis Kucinich, the Reverend Al Sharpton and Ambassador Carol Moseley-Braun consistently called these allegations into question. Even, Howard Dean, the democrat who has gotten the most visibility as an anti-war candidate echoed the allegation put out by the Bush administration. On March 9, 2003, just days before the invasion began, Dean told Tim Russert, on NBC’s Meet The Press, “I don’t want Saddam staying in power with control over those weapons of mass destruction. I want him to be disarmed.” At a campaign stop in Durham, we pushed our way through the crowds around Dean to ask him about his statement that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

JEREMY SCAHILL: Governor Dean, why did you say in March 2003 that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction? Governor Dean? Why did you say—

HOWARD DEAN: I thought he did.

JEREMY SCAHILL: What intelligence did you base that on?

HOWARD DEAN: Talks with people who were knowledgeable, including a series of folks that work in the Clinton administration.

JEREMY SCAHILL: Were you wrong?

HOWARD DEAN: Maybe. I don’t know. Probably not the best time to talk about it.

Oh, ya mean like McCain wants 100 years or war?

Dumbo is a lying motherfucker, made all the more worse because he chestbeats himnself about what a straight-up guy he is...

Change is coming?

Start with your diapers.

-- Modified on 6/5/2008 2:15:02 PM

and should be able to flip numerous red states from 2004 to blue in November...

If Mark Warner wasn't running for the Virgina senate seat, he'd be a great VP choice...And he would very likely be able to deliver VA's 13 electoral votes...Who knows, he may still be a possible choice, though he will win the senate seat easily..

BizarreBipolarBoy2156 reads

the bill comes.

All the wack jobs ride the candidates' coattails when politics gets polarized.

The only thing I can say is, we need somebody, anybody in DC who is not already committed to policies that are deranged, lying and losers.  

It's OK to be one or even 2 of those choices, it's the best we can do sometimes.  But ALL of them?  She-it.  Might as well write in BenDover.

So we'll get a few whack jobs.  That's the price of getting rid of lots of whack jobs.

St. Croix1918 reads

and looters. We may see one of the biggest attempts of income redistribution in our history. For any fans of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, I am surprised at the possibility of making this into a movie. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt no less. My guess is that Ayn Rand will be branded in a negative way considering Hollywood's penchant for socialism.


AVoiceofReason2214 reads

and spend it on watermelon and chitlins and cadillacs! We gwine sit on da porch drinkin 40s and laughin at you goin to work for to pay our welfare! Life gwine be mighty sweet!

Gun luv’n Goober2216 reads

I think it is near heaven sent that the one great straw-man issue (Gun control) that unified Joe Sixpack with the Neocon fascists will become moot when the Supreme Court soon gives its decision on the DC private gun ban.

Neither Obama nor Clinton are friends of the Second Amendment; but the upcoming decision will severely impede the efforts of the sissy-pant gaybait anti-gunners for several decades giving the Democrat party a chance to focus on and fix the belligerent, elitist, scorched earth policies instituted by the fascist corporatists and their greed born chicken hawking.        

St. Croix3371 reads

Well, I better submit my resignation today to the Fortune 100 company where I am employed. Oh by the way, the F100 company I work for, donates more than $100M to various charities,i.e, United Way. Local employees were out in force during Katrina, the wild-fires in So California last year, etc all at the urging of the company. This is the same company that pays an average 6 figure salary, which I might add these type employees pay the lion's share of taxes. This is the same company that is desperately looking for college graduates w/math or science degrees. Can't find them due to our stellar public education. Oh well, they can always work in the post office, DMV, or some other planned govt department that Obama will create.

AVoiceofReason2171 reads

It sure wasn't the liberals. Ronnie Reagan started it and the cons have taken it apart piece by piece. Obama will improve that over the Republican's objections.

At least get your talking points right. We once HAD stellar public education. You don't want to call attention to the fact that Republicans have systematically dismantled it.

St. Croix1830 reads

First, I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I despise both parties equally. You're right, 30 or so  years ago, we did have stellar public education. Now, I live in California, which has been controlled by the Democrats for years. California's public schools, and specifically LA Unified are some of the worst in the country. Additional funds have been allocated, but the results are the still the same.

I have absolutely no idea why the Federal Govt needs to be involved in education. Let the funding and decisions be made at the local level.

GaGambler2314 reads

You are a Republican as far as many here are concerned. Of the most active posters here the only ones I would actually call Republicans would be Harry, RWU, and Bill Kile. The lefties love to call independents like you, me, Breaker Morant, Zisk et al Republicans because we disagree with their far left views.

If I am a Republican, I am not a very good one considering the fact I hate all organized religions, could care less about gay marriage, support a woman's right to choose etc etc..

All you have to do to be considered a far right Republicon to these people is stand up for the second ammenment or believe that Islamic terrorism is actually a real threat and BAMM, you're labeled a Neo Con by these assholes.

Oh and if you're are not for Hussein Obama, you're not only a neocon, but you're a racisct neocon to boot.

-- Modified on 6/5/2008 3:22:30 PM

St. Croix2183 reads

My mother and my sisters are screaming liberals, and  I am branded as a right wing extremist even though my positions are moderate and willing to compromise. When I bring out logic and facts in a measured tone, they get angry and don't want to listen. Compromise, boy that's a word not used in the past 20 years.

Bushit-eater2301 reads

(1) anybody who checks their facts before running their mouth
(2) Anybody who checks other people's facts
(3) Anybody who asks, "what are we doing here?", or "then what happens?"
(4) Anybody who isn't panicked or hyperventilating
(5) Anybody who is willing to pay the bill for value received
(6) Anybody who tries to look a week or more ahead
(7) Anybody who doesn't crack their heels and ditto everything Rush says
(8) Anybody who is unwilling to break the law for the GOP
(9) Anybody I designate.

And all of you unpatriotic assholes are going straight to hell!


Tusyan2190 reads

Reagan was so good at it because he had a lot of practice. He destroyed California's public education system before he moved on to Washington.

St. Croix1853 reads

Didn't Reagan actually raise taxes while governor of California? What did he specifically do?

Public education 30 years ago vs today. Well 30 years ago you went to school @ 8:00AM and left @ 3:00PM, unless you stayed afterwards for athletics or some club group. Oh yes, you brought your own lunch.

Today, you can arrive as early as 7:00AM for day care. You can stay late, because day care is also provided. Breakfast and lunch is subsidized and provided. Oh yes, condoms are provided, but student's are required to bring their own weapons. It's not a fucking school, it's state sponsored nanny services, or by the look of some of the schools, it's San Quentin middle school. So let's just throw more money away. Seems like the standard answer.

So if I was willing to be taxed more for education, what guarantees would I get? I just don't want to give more and get the same. Compromise - just like the old days

the sad state of our country.

First - the real issues
Energy independence
Corruption of the governance process
Unending use of the judiciary to alter, change  
 or dictate law and social reform rather than to
 ensure justice is done.
Infrastructure collapse (roads are just one
 part of the problem)
National security
National Sovereignty
Alternative Energy Sources
Health care - & Insurance and health care
 administration reform

Shithead legislatures - focus on these issues - they are real, will require that you - and the american public tighten their belts and make sacrifices to solve.  Professional Athletes on performance enhancing drugs, while worthy of scrutiny, should NOT be the subject of congressional dithering... rather a report to congress by the endless drones within the DC area who have relevant expertise in the subject - I mean really, how many professional athletes, physiologists, physicians and toxicologists are MOC?  and those are the folks who might best offer an informed opinion about "what to do."

Another non-issue - gay marriage.... I really could care less....

Another non-issue - abortion - a very private decision.... a non - issue.

gun control - yup - non-issue - licensed to carry - not a problem - the licensing process needs to define rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES - and THERE is the appropriate place for liability - someone dies at the wrong end of a bullet from your gun - you are liable... no matter if you pulled the trigger or not.  Non-licensed gun... if in your possession - big jail time.

Death penalty - non-issue- I prefer life imprisonment - but not "easy time"

All these issues occupy our legislatures time and efforts, which gives an excuse to NOT address the real issues... and the real Hard Issues... the only reason for the focus on them are well oiled and financed political groups... and those groups could care less about the US, and more about their single issue cause.

but guess what, your post demonstrates how little ya understand.

-- Modified on 6/5/2008 11:43:12 AM

St. Croix2248 reads

BSD, I generally agree with you. I am part of the silent majority (aka moderate) that is really angry at both the extreme left and right. Like you said, gay marriage is a non-issue for me. Abortion, yeah it's a private decision, just don't want my taxes to pay for them. Yeah Yeah I know, pay for it now or you will pay for it later thru expanded welfare.

My main issue is the role and responsibility of govt in our lives. Our Fed budget is $3.1 trillion, which equates to 25% of the U.S. GDP. Tighten our belts? Our current tax structure is already obscene, even at the Bush tax rates.

After selling into the local and state govt sector for a year, it didn't take me long to realize govt at any level is not designed to be competitive, efficient, or even competent. Though I will say the USPS is much better than in previous years, primarily due to competition from Fed-ex, DHL, UPS and others.

and second - if we are so all intent on conservation - reducing atmospheric CO2- then junk mail (including the ludicrous self promoting and aggrandizing shit mailed out by my congressional reps) should be banned.  

wrt abortion - you second guessed me, and the very sad truth is, in the world as in our country, those with the resources and who are best equipped to raise a child are those with adequate access to abortion... and they also tend to have fewer kids, those who are impoverished are those who are most likely to have kid after kid after kid....

as far as how much goes to taxes... I wish that I only put 25% in... but by the time I add medicare, medicaid, state local and school taxes...   well there ya are.

As far as inefficiencies go.... I agree (I too have worked with governments) governments are the pits - perhaps the only organization that is worse?  Academic shit houses.

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