Politics and Religion

If you are black, and conservative, does Pri's picture of you apply?
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 6294 reads


Priapus531079 reads

when I posted said pic, was supposed to humorously depict "whitebread demogrpahic" of Tea Party, NOT a knock against AA conservatives or ANY conservatives of color.

Mrnt is merely deflecting criticism of his highly racist comment about "black & brown pawns of the left".

Dude needs psych meds, along with his oreos & milk to combat his paranoia----:)

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 9:55:23 AM

Just keep repeating the same lie over and over.....

Well sorry, this crowd in wise to your bullshit, Mr. Demagouge.

Below is YOUR LINK with headline attached.
Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics
Skew right politically, but have typical profile by age, education, and employment
by Lydia Saad
PRINCETON, NJ -- Tea Party supporters skew right politically; but demographically, they are generally representative of the public at large. That's the finding of a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted March 26-28, in which 28% of U.S. adults call themselves supporters of the Tea Party movement.

How does the above support your assertion of "whitebread demographics" of the Tea Party. YOUR link says quite the opposite.

But how does THAT make the use of a racial slur proper?

Black on the outside, white(bread?) on the inside. Everyone knows what that means, especially black, brown, (and chinese) conservatives. It's a slur for them not following the Democratic Party Line.

So blacks are useful to Democrats UNTIL they think differently. Then they become Oreos and Uncle Toms. Then they are dispensible, kinda like PAWNS.

I'm a bigot for believing blacks and browns can think for themselves.

But no, you're not a bigot.

Priapus532655 reads

strongly implying they're too dumb to think for themselves & can be used as "pawns of the left".


For someone who claims to be P&R's "most objective poster" you spend more time dwelling on race than everyone else here combined, with the possible exception of TrannyBoy, who is both race and gender confused.

Priapus531395 reads

WHICH is NOT a Representative slice of the U.S. electorate.

Sorry to disappoint ya, bub-------;)

and I still support much of what the Tea Party stands for, and I still think you are full of shit on the subject. bub lol

Priapus531943 reads

You're a fiscal conservative; cool by me. You're an oil man with big $ who doesn't want to be excessively taxed , keep more of his dough & wants what you pay in taxes to be sensibly allocated  to the government. Hell,even I don't advocate raising your taxes ( unlike some on board ) because not my right to tell you what to do with your $ & never have done that on the board. ( archive it, if you don't believe me )So, I can see why the TP appeals to you.

OTOH, large #'s ( but not all ) of TPr's are intolerant social conservatives; doesn't that make you a tad "uncomfortable & conflicted" ?

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 1:58:24 PM

percentage of people who ACTUALLY vote in most presidential elections, excluding of course the '08 election when the African-American community came out in record numbers.

First, the Dems don't represent a "representative slice of the electotate if you cut up into groups.

Second, that doesn't matter.  94% of blacks voted for Obama, so of course any other group will not be "representative" if you only have a universe of 6% remaining.

Third, sometimes groups are not represntative for reasons that have nothing to do with race, religion, or any other factor.  During the Golden years of Broadway musicals, I would estimate at least 75% of song writers and composers were Jewish.  Not because there was discrimination on the Great White Way against Christians or Moslems.

Likewise in Indonesia, which does discriminate against Chinesel, Chinese are vastly over represented in the class of millionaires.

(Need I say NBA.)

Finally, and this will make people pissed, there is a cancer in the black community that mocks anyone who is a black conservative.  Condi Rice was one of the most talented, intelligent people around. A provost at Stanford University is just the start.  She was ridiculed.  I saw a comedy routine at Second City in Chicago years ago where Condi was portrayed as a mindless robot.  Of course, the only mindless thing was she was GOP.  Of the charts in IQ, but a mindless robot.

I think some of Cain's ideas were lame, and I didn't like his affairs, although they were far less serious than Clinton. Flawed as he is, in my mind anyone who comes from nothing and becomes the CEO of a major company deserves some respect, even if he is not presidential material.

I have heard people like Thomas Sowell mocked.  Don't get much more accomplished or smarter. Why?

There was an article in New Yorker a few months ago, written by a lib.  Turns out that Clarence Thomas is very smart and a serious theoretician.  (I knew that when I heard the complaints.  Every one was bogus. Just one example:  He has been attacked because he doesn't say anything in oral argument.  I spent 30 years in appellate courts.  Some justices just never ask question.  That goes for the CA Court of Appeal, the CA Supreme Court and the 9th Circuit..  When I heard he was dumb with that as evidence, I knew the charge was fantasy or they could come up with a real example.)

Coming from a Jewish family and Jewish friends, it takes courage to think differently from others.  If 94% of the people you know believe the moon is made of Swiss cheese, you are pro-NASA so you can get a cheese burger.

Posted By: Priapus53
WHICH is NOT a Representative slice of the U.S. electorate.

Sorry to disappoint ya, bub-------;)

The implication is yours, not mine.

Why do you think that way of black and brown people?

Every group can be manipulated.  That is human nature.  There is a huge industry built up around that fact.  It is called advertising.

In fact, it manipulates blacks to buy products in Ebony and Jet, the same way whites are manipulated to buy products in other areas.  You will wonder where the yellow went... Winston tastes good like....Not your father's.....  And those pretty girls.  I see some models and I will buy it.  Don't care what it is, if she will smile at me.

And tell me the truth Pri - don't you think Obama using a bridge as a back drop or having 100 doctors in lab coats is manipulation? Understand, I am not saying he is the only one.  Every president, governor, mayor, senator and elected dog catcher for the last 100 years has done it.

But no, Blacks are imune from it. Can't say they are manipulated.

You have just made them non-human.  Maybe super human, but humans can be manipulated.

Posted By: Priapus53
strongly implying they're too dumb to think for themselves & can be used as "pawns of the left".


Priapus532527 reads

& that applies to ALL colors, be it if it comes from Politics, left or right, advertising, etc.

Phil, lemme give you a great artistic example----------ever see the movie "ET" ? Essentially a classic kid's film. HOWEVER, very manipulative sequence where creature "dies", then is resurrected. Fine film, but that sequence is manipulative bullshit. With SO much on the line box office wise & millions in product placement
( Reese's pieces ), think Spielberg is gonna fuck that up by letting the creature die , have an unhappy ending & screw with the box office ?---------LMFAO ! While people were crying during that scene, I was reaching for the barf bag.

The creature WAS predictably resurrected, film had happy ending & was one of most successful films ever.

I resent that kind of manipulation, whether it comes from politics, advertising or the arts.

Anyone who can be manipulated by a political tv commercial is a moron, IMO.

Key example of political manipulation was when Germans voted for Hitler in the early 30's; do I consider those people morons ? Yes !

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 3:16:33 PM

As Sergeant Hulka said so succinctly in "Stripes,":   "Lighten up Francis . . . . "

Priapus532172 reads

---On other topic, PW, saw trailer for new 3 Sooges film-----looks very funny. Check below link to see it :

Priapus531750 reads

You're a quintessential example of an idiot.

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 3:45:28 PM

Nigerian_Prince1977 reads

Lord help the slow.

You said

"only the uneducated/stupid are manipulated"

 Bernie Madoff and Nigerian email scams have  manipulated thousands of educated dummies out of their money .


Priapus531152 reads

However, I wouldn't put it past a nitwit like you.

Lastly, check my OP at top of page.

Can't we just agree to disagree?
I disagree with Pri 80% of the time, but I don't think I ever thought he was stupid.
As for what he thinks of me, people have to know me personally for a long time in order to say I am stupid.

Priapus532790 reads

You're one of the top posters here, IMO, even though we frequently disagree.

The problem is Priapus's standard rebuttal has recenty become "You're stupid".  This has caused the arguments to devolve into what you've been reading.

Posted By: dncphil
Can't we just agree to disagree?
I disagree with Pri 80% of the time, but I don't think I ever thought he was stupid.
As for what he thinks of me, people have to know me personally for a long time in order to say I am stupid.

It is not just the uneducated and stupid who are manipulated.  They have advertising in the Harvard newpaper, the Daily Bruin.

How many Harvard and Yale grads buy labels that may not reflect the value of the product?  How many Columbia graduates can be coaxed into voting for a candidate on superficial grounds.

In any event, you were saying that a person is a racist for saying blacks can be manipulated.   You have changed it to uneducated, but even that isn't true, unless they are robots.

I have a friend who is a black doctor.  He is one of the people that I know how said how dumb Condi was. He also hates Tom Sowell, even though he never reads him.  He has contempt for Clarence Thomas, even though as a doctor he has never read anything Thomas has written.

Tell me that he reached all of those conclusions on a ratonal basis and he wasn't manipulated?

And all your story tells me is that I am right.  That movie was a great success and although you didn't like it, I know scores of very well educated people who did.  It didn't sell just to 8th grade drop outs.

Posted By: Priapus53
& that applies to ALL colors, be it if it comes from Politics, left or right, advertising, etc.

Phil, lemme give you a great artistic example----------ever see the movie "ET" ? Essentially a classic kid's film. HOWEVER, very manipulative sequence where creature "dies", then is resurrected. Fine film, but that sequence is manipulative bullshit. With SO much on the line box office wise & millions in product placement
( Reese's pieces ), think Spielberg is gonna fuck that up by letting the creature die , have an unhappy ending & screw with the box office ?---------LMFAO ! While people were crying during that scene, I was reaching for the barf bag.

The creature WAS predictably resurrected, film had happy ending & was one of most successful films ever.

I resent that kind of manipulation, whether it comes from politics, advertising or the arts.

Anyone who can be manipulated by a political tv commercial is a moron, IMO.

Key example of political manipulation was when Germans voted for Hitler in the early 30's; do I consider those people morons ? Yes !

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 3:16:33 PM

Priapus531188 reads

1. I wasn't knocking particular African-Americans for being conservative & neither should anyone else.

2. I liked "ET" a great deal; I just thought that the resurrection sequence was manipulative bullshit.

Political manipulation is wrong, whether it comes from left or right; you'd though I'd say otherwise ?

I didn't mean to say you were knocking black conservatives. I was saying that most blacks do.  That is why I used all the other examples of Comedy Central, etc.  

It isn't that you do. I never heard you talk about Rice or Sowell, and I don't remember if you said anything about Cain or Thomas.

It is the cancer in the black community that they look at smart, accomplished, talented people, and conclude that they are bad, robots, Toms, or what ever.  

They have been manipulated into thinking that anyone who disagrees is bad. Like the blacks who regard other blacks who do their homework as Oreos. And don't say that doesn't exist.  My SO is in the LA public schools and half the people I know are teachers.  Almost all corroborate the story.

It is amazing that they are willing to dump of people like Condi and elevate people like some gangsta rapper who talks about bitches and gets busted for assault.

As to the other, okay, I misunderstood your review of ET.

But you have managed to totally avoid the subject of how smart educated people are just subject to manipulation through media, and yet educated blacks are not.

Did they all become Dr. Spock?

Posted By: Priapus53
1. I wasn't knocking particular African-Americans for being conservative & neither should anyone else.

2. I liked "ET" a great deal; I just thought that the resurrection sequence was manipulative bullshit.

Political manipulation is wrong, whether it comes from left or right; you'd though I'd say otherwise ?

Priapus532613 reads

Time has proven me correct.

Keep in mind, Phil, that my viewpoint is quite unorthodox & "skewered", as I'm very cynical; I think all that get manipulated ( particularly in scams )be they educated or not, are obtuse or dense.

But that's me.

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 5:26:59 PM

I thought I was clear. I am not talking about YOUR views of Cain, Condi, Thomas, or anyone else.
I am talking about how the community has been brainwashed, yes, I will say that word, into thinking that everyone who disagrees with the majority "black" view is bad.

Again, I am not talking about you.  I am talking about others.  

I have heard numerous people say that Thomas doesn't think like a black person.  How do black people think?  Standing on one foot?  Tugging on their ear lobe?

I would place a bet that none of the people I mentioned has ever been invited to give the commencement address at any of the traditional black colleges like Howard University.  A Secretary of State, a Supreme Court Justice, the CEO of a big corporation who came up from nothing.  These people are held in contempt.

Again, I am not saying you do. I am saying generally.  

How many times has Condi been nominated for the any major award from a prominent black organization.

And this is not isolated to the black community.  That is why I said the same things about Jews.  I had one relative when I was a kid who was GOP.  Everyone wondered how a Jew could not vote Dem.

As for time proving you correct that Cain wasn't viable, you have a guy with no political experience and/or training in that arena.  It wasn't much of a prediction to say that he faced rough waters and would be tossed overboard.  It is like when Al Sharpton wanted to run for Pres.  I wasn't that smart in saying, "No way."

FInally, now you think all are manipulated.  My first response was because you said it was racist to say blacks were manipulated, then it was uneducated who are manipulated. Now it is everyone.

Posted By: Priapus53
Time has proven me correct.

Keep in mind, Phil, that my viewpoint is quite unorthodox & "skewered", as I'm very cynical; I think all that get manipulated ( particularly in scams )be they educated or not, are obtuse or dense.

But that's me.

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 5:26:59 PM

I fear your words will fall on deaf ears but nevertheless my point has been made.

Willy were to say that middle class whites are being used as pawns by "The Koch Bros" and "The 1%", or that young American men are being used as pawns by the "Military Industrial Complex", no one, least of Pri would be chasing him around the board for 6 months calling him a bigot.

But the minute I say leftist demagouges use race I am a racist bigot.

Well how do you explain this:

Why does Ed Schultz DELIBERATELY do this?

The exact situation being discussed was the kerfuffel[sic?, for pri's benefit] over Michelle Bachmann's comments here:

"""Months ago, there was a small controversy over Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann signing a pledge put forth by social conservatives in Iowa that stated "black child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA's first African American President."

However well intended,"""

That, was twisted into THIS:
"""Michele Bachmann: Slavery Was Better for Black Marriage, Family""""

I could go on and on and on but I know YOU get the point. I think any fair minded person here gets the point.

Here's hoping the board does'nt have to continue to be filled with FALSE accusations of racism and bigotry.

Like the boy that cried wolf, the boy has lost all credibilty and should just give it a rest.

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