Politics and Religion

If we're gonna do this, it's gotta be in a wrestling ring....
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 194 reads

...you can't have fun without steel chairs. :)

39.6% isn't going too far. And don't lie, you pay closer to 15%. We're debating whether or not the country is going to go bankrupt, so people like you don't have to pay shit in taxes.

And why are we doing this? Because you like to gamble?

FurPieGuy1896 reads

I have to believe that members of both parties in the Washington Jokers club are basically sitting about shuffling papers and waiting for the "other" side to blink first.  Net result - Nobody's gonna blink at all.   Just a thought.

They're trying to drown Uncle Sam in the bathtub and still say, "but I didn't do it!"

Look on the bright side. Saint still gets his tax breaks. :)

St. Croix216 reads

Even your boy Obama (can I say boy?) was pro sequestration back in 2011. This has nothing to do with tax cuts, at least this round of bullshit.

I know you are not in to sports, but Obama's pay your fair shit is going too far. Pacquiao vs Marquez V. Mean anything to you? Boxing, and great boxing at that. This Filipino and Mexican will now take their next fight to Macau. Do you know where Macau is willy? It ain't Vegas. Why, because these two warriors don't want to pay the new 39.5% tax. Now think about the unintended consequences. Do liberals ever think of shit like this? How does $200M that Vegas and taxing authorities lose because of this "pay your fair share" crap.

Here's the deal. I like boxing matches. I like gambling. In fact, I'll gamble on just about anything. Only GaGambler would gamble more than me. You and the BigPapasan need to man up and resolve your petty little stupid problem like men.

What are you....in your thirties? Not into sports, and you do drugs. You can't be in very good shape. I'm guessing BigPapasan is what, short, fat and pushing 70. Three rounds, 3 minutes each, and I'll install you as a 10-1 favorite. Just stay off the fucking drugs and homemade wine for a few months prior to the fight. If you come to the fight all fucked as I expect you will, then the odds are 9-1 (lmao). These are preliminary odds. I need Gambler and few other departed individuals to chime in on the odds, as well as the action, as well as laugh at the stupid spectacle. We can do it in Vegas.

See willy, your little egalitarian leader, "pay your fair share", "it takes a village", "shared sacrifice crap is screwing with my love of professional boxing. At least Mayweather hasn't threaten to box outside the U.S. yet.

...boxing because, being short and fat, I have the advantage of a low center of gravity.  Also, since I'm 70, I can rest on my back while in the guard.

After I finish off willy, I'll fuck your Jewess wife since she obviously hasn't had a stiff cock in a long time.

....these additional percussions in the foreground.


Easier to look at.

...you can't have fun without steel chairs. :)

39.6% isn't going too far. And don't lie, you pay closer to 15%. We're debating whether or not the country is going to go bankrupt, so people like you don't have to pay shit in taxes.

And why are we doing this? Because you like to gamble?

GaGambler272 reads

but that would bring me back to the boards,

and for what it's worth, as long as Willy promises not to turn his back on the the Backstabber, I'll even bet on him, although I make it a point to never give odds that long.

The tax and spend crowd still hasn't figured out that you can't legislate the free market, does anyone remember California's attempt to legislate the price of natural gas and the ensuing debacle that ended up costing the state billions? That is just one of the dozens of examples I can think of.

AAR, I am going to crawl back in my hole now, and to most of you I bid you a hearty "Go Fuck Yourself!!!"

One last thing to St C and Mari, are we still on for Vegas? We could make it a double header, on the undercard Daffy vs the pavement of LV blvd, after an 1,148 ft drop from the top of the Stratosphere, followed by WW vs the Backstabber. I'll even make book on the action. Now if we could only get that fat fuck Jeffypoo to show up, we'd have a full evening of entertainment.

and lies every second it opens it's ugly mouth.

-- Modified on 2/21/2013 6:32:17 PM

St. Croix250 reads

All we have is a bunch of posts over the years from these two to determine what we think the odds should be. With WW, he's relatively young, but my fear is he will show up at the event with a blood alcohol level at least 2X of the Nevada limit. If not alcohol, then probably acid mixed with weed. If you can get him in the ring, and point him in the right direction, I'm still going with WW. Can you not point someone like WW in the right direction when the ring is only 20 square feet? (lol)

In the other corner is The Backstabber. I've no idea what he did to deserve this moniker, but I can see why 99% of the board thinks that way. He is old, fat, slow, and probably will be sitting in his corner stuffing pastrami and a pickle in his mouth when the bell rings.

Fat Jeffy can have a roll. He can be The Backstabber's cut man, or condiment man, or cardiac defibrillator man. I mean he is a qualified fake doctor, right, and the chance The Backstabber will have a heart attack is probably high (We need odds on that as well) Also, we are assuming that WW will be able to hit The Backstabber  while under the influence. We need to remind WW to just hit the pastrami sandwich.

I have Vegas as a possibility during the 2nd week of March Madness. If not then, I do want to be in Vegas for the Mayweather fight in early May. Of course tickets to that fight will cost a kings ransom.

Like you, I'm out of here as well, though I'm sure The Backstabber will reply with a very creative and comedic reply worthy of the deceased members of the Friars Roast.

I'll chat with you via email.

-- Modified on 2/21/2013 6:35:56 PM

...backstabber yet you also use that term because you are a little lemming, aren't you?

I posted that Willy was gone from the board.  People assumed I was responsible for his disappearance and, in fact, I was.  Here's the post:  http://theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=201160&boardID=39&page=15

I never denied it.  I could have remained silent and no one would ever have known it was me.  Then I really WOULD have been a backstabber.  But, St, Croix, you're just one of the ignorant sheep.  

OTOH, willy publicly bragged that he would report every violation he saw.  Why don't you call HIM a backstabber.?  Here's willy's post:


"Pastrami", "Friars" - you still think that being married to a frigid Jewess means that you aren't an anti-Semite.

Comments about a poster's family members really cross even the P & R Board's vague line of decorum. They should be some degree of honor among thieves even here.

followme297 reads

and this is just more proof he has no honor, no integrity, no creditibility, etc.

-- Modified on 2/22/2013 5:55:19 PM

Snowman39223 reads

They are ALL gutless wonders, both parties, and this is the way for them to cut and nobody have to take the blame directly.

Spot on. With one exception. This idea came from Republicans. It all started with the "super congress".

Timbow189 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
Spot on. With one exception. This idea came from Republicans. It all started with the "super congress".
JAY CARNEY: What I will concede is that we were looking and the Republicans were looking for a trigger around which to build a mechanism to get us out of default possibility and the sequester was one of the idea put forward, yes by the president's team.

-- Modified on 2/21/2013 7:34:33 AM

...the proverbial  kick the can down the street & worry about it later....


They'll do it again come March 1, you watch.

Snowman39175 reads

then why is the White House trying to blame the other party. They should all "man up" and say they own it.

BTW, why the hell can't we get by with cutting about 1.5 cent out of every dollar the fed spends?

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