Politics and Religion

IF, mari, IF. You said IF he had a juvie record...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 687 reads

...not "exactly" as Jack stated.  There was no speculation by Jack.  He stated positively that Brown had a juvenile record.

Jack's own link proves that the public does not know IF Brown had a juvie record:

"Got News editor-in-chief Charles C. Johnson was told by two different law enforcement sources from St. Louis that Brown had a juvenile arrest record but that that report has been kept from the public…"

The public (other than Jack) doesn't know IF Brown has a juvie arrest record.  That's why there is a lawsuit based on two cops who can't keep their fat mouths shut.  Even though it's speculation without any proof, Jack averred it.  You're such a lousy fake lawyer you can't even see the diference.

randomvr3012847 reads

He came from a disgraced Police Department that was wrought with racial tension and hatred towards blacks that the authorities ultimately disbanded and shut it down,

I guess his blood did not change when he came to Fergusson, MO.   It still had hatred and depraved indifference towards lives of blacks.

It is just as racist to say: Wilson came from a troubled police department, and is thus troubled, as it is to say that Brown came from a troubled neighborhood, and is thus troubled.

Being Black in this country is to be "coming from a troubled neighborhood".  LOL.   Michael Brown has no record and he was the one who was killed.     If you see all the racist comments, cartoons, threats of execution, noosed and dragged and the name calling at none other than the President and the First Lady, you better believe racism exists

Here the dead person is a black man and the killer is a white policeman.    Yes the department where he started was disbanded for the same reason you are trying to defend.

Grow up.

JackDunphy599 reads

in all likelihood assaulted a cop and resisted arrest. So please, lets stop making him out to be some innocent person taking a walk down the street admiring the beautiful flowers and weather.  

Whether or not he should have been killed is another matter and is yet to be determined.

...that Michael Brown had a juvenile record yet your link now states the truth - that his juvenile record is sealed (as most are).  So where did you get the information to absolutely state without a shred of doubt that "Michael Brown had a juvenile record?"  Did Drudge or Limbaugh break into the juvie files and text you?

You, GaG and ed2000 are the quintessential righties of this board - you state whatever crap you want, true or not with no links, and hope to hell the other morons (righties) believe you.

had a juvenile record, exactly as Jack stated. Whether the record shows prior arrests we do not know as you can have a juvy record without actually being arrested.

        Come on, you are making Jack look like a genius on this thread. Now I’m worried he will start thinking he is right about Governor Perry and Obamacare. LOL

JackDunphy462 reads

When you start with the premise that all police think alike and are bad, then of course Brown couldn't have had a juvie record.  

I know, I know, I know....but it DOES make sense to him! roflmao

...not "exactly" as Jack stated.  There was no speculation by Jack.  He stated positively that Brown had a juvenile record.

Jack's own link proves that the public does not know IF Brown had a juvie record:

"Got News editor-in-chief Charles C. Johnson was told by two different law enforcement sources from St. Louis that Brown had a juvenile arrest record but that that report has been kept from the public…"

The public (other than Jack) doesn't know IF Brown has a juvie arrest record.  That's why there is a lawsuit based on two cops who can't keep their fat mouths shut.  Even though it's speculation without any proof, Jack averred it.  You're such a lousy fake lawyer you can't even see the diference.

had a juvenile record. Who told us that the “juvenile record was sealed”? Um, it was you and ypu further added that this is the “truth.”

        Now apologize for calling Jack a liar and then I want you to get your mop and go help St. Croix mop up that raw sewage in Pauley Pavillion

...Brown had a juvie record?  Very weak.  

Jack stated as a FACT: "Brown had a juvenile record."


I said he pulled that FACT out of his butt:


In reply, Jack backpedaled faster than Michael Jackson doing the moonwalk by saying "IF it was true."


Now you want to PROVE Brown had a juvie record by way of MY post?!?!  Every post you put up is further evidence you are not a lawyer.

Since this officers name has been out for weeks now, there's hasn't been 1 person step up and claim Wilson did something bad towards them? Not one.

His crime? PWW. Policing While White.

Posted By: gsee60606
It is just as racist to say: Wilson came from a troubled police department, and is thus troubled, as it is to say that Brown came from a troubled neighborhood, and is thus troubled.

I and millions of minorities hope that the killer cop will never ever wear that uniform again.    Same goes for PWW, two of them who shot and killed an unstable and possible mentally ill person in St. Louis or for that matter the NYPD PPW who strangled, choked and killed a harmless man.

If a person cannot handle and subdue unarmed people, that person should never be a LE.   You only shoot and kill when the other person is also armed and poses danger.

Your minority group are racists anti-Americans.  

Posted By: csekhar73
I and millions of minorities hope that the killer cop will never ever wear that uniform again.    Same goes for PWW, two of them who shot and killed an unstable and possible mentally ill person in St. Louis or for that matter the NYPD PPW who strangled, choked and killed a harmless man.  
 If a person cannot handle and subdue unarmed people, that person should never be a LE.   You only shoot and kill when the other person is also armed and poses danger.

GaGambler605 reads

You OTOH only want the "Truth" to come out, if it's YOUR truth, as you made up your mind the cop was guilty the moment you heard about the story, and well BEFORE a single fact was in evidence.

You are every bit the racist that these cracker cops are. You don't give a fuck about justice, you just want whitey to pay.

JackDunphy457 reads

A justifiable killing has NOTHING to do with whether a person is armed or not. NOTHING.  

The only thing that matters is if the office reasonably assumed that his life was in jeopardy or fear of great bodily harm.  

If the cop was assaulted and that mammoth person came charging at him to hurt him AGAIN, that is more than the justification the officer would need to shoot to kill.  

MANY times the police don't even know if the assailant is armed or not until AFTER the attack. Wise up.

Hear a line for you from the film "The Untouchables".

Kevin Costner slips his hand inside his coat.     Sean Connery stops his hand with his baton.    Kevin Costner asks "how did you know I have a gun".      Sean Connery says "what do you want, free lessons in police work".

If a cop is afraid of mammoth persons,  big men and cannot figure out if a person is armed, he is UNFIT to be a cop.    You kill an unarmed man, you face murder my friend

I m a big guy, 6'4" 300+. Served in the military, played D1 football and wrestled 4+ yrs. If I am unarmed I could still probably kill or severely injury 90% of the population, including LE. My size is a large part of the reason I don't feel the need to conceal and carry. If you think that being unarmed makes everyone harmless you have no clue. Do you honestly think even with a baton a 140# female cop would have much of a chance against someone that much bigger then her?  
     Someone Michael Browns size can easily kill some one with their bare hands, if the victim is laying on his back on the road it's possible one punch could do it. Keep dreaming thinking that unarmed means harmless... Hopefully you never have to deal with someone unarmed and that size.....  

Posted By: csekhar73
Hear a line for you from the film "The Untouchables".  
 Kevin Costner slips his hand inside his coat.     Sean Connery stops his hand with his baton.    Kevin Costner asks "how did you know I have a gun".      Sean Connery says "what do you want, free lessons in police work".  
 If a cop is afraid of mammoth persons,  big men and cannot figure out if a person is armed, he is UNFIT to be a cop.    You kill an unarmed man, you face murder my friend.  

That is exactly what I said.   If you cannot handle a big man, don't become a cop.

Sex discrimination, age discrimination and a few other problems with your thought process. You truly are too stupid to reply to. Don't think I've ever said that to anyone on here...  

Posted By: csekhar73
That is exactly what I said.   If you cannot handle a big man, don't become a cop.

A policeman does not give up his self defense rights just bc he is in uniform. Whether the other guy is armed is simply not the test of whether deadly force can be used in self defense.

        Further in Missouri the state has to prove not only the elements of murder but also disprove self defense. So the likelihood of this officer being convicted is quite low - all he has to do is raise reasonable doubt as tow whether he had an honest and reasonable belief that his life was in danger.

You cannot be a cop if you fear for your life.    You don't shoot and kill people based on your belief and imagination.    There should be credible and verifiable threat and that is not the case, as there are not witnesses to prove that the cop's life was in danger.    

In the end it comes down to use of deadly force against unarmed man for "jay walking"?   Give me a freaking break.

JackDunphy470 reads

The officer doesn't have to PROVE anything. The burden is on the state to DISPROVE self defense AND to prove any charges they may bring.

 If you can't afford to buy a clue bro, just rent one for awhile, will ya?

No matter what you believe "should" happen. LE agencies will usually fire their weapons, when they feel threatened. Which begs the question - how are you going to demand justice from the same institution when you feel that the very same institution is unjust?

Are you going to pay the system to operate under your rule? That is the only way to get what you want.

Posted By: csekhar73
I and millions of minorities hope that the killer cop will never ever wear that uniform again.    Same goes for PWW, two of them who shot and killed an unstable and possible mentally ill person in St. Louis or for that matter the NYPD PPW who strangled, choked and killed a harmless man.  
 If a person cannot handle and subdue unarmed people, that person should never be a LE.   You only shoot and kill when the other person is also armed and poses danger.
Do you have any inkling what you actually want?... I think not

You can grab his gun, charge at him full speed, and brake his skull with your fist. Cops must be Jean Claude Van Damme. A 5'2" cop should be able to beat up a 6'5" man like an action movie hero.

Posted By: csekhar73
I and millions of minorities hope that the killer cop will never ever wear that uniform again.    Same goes for PWW, two of them who shot and killed an unstable and possible mentally ill person in St. Louis or for that matter the NYPD PPW who strangled, choked and killed a harmless man.  
 If a person cannot handle and subdue unarmed people, that person should never be a LE.   You only shoot and kill when the other person is also armed and poses danger.

How many times do they have to steer you wrong before you will stop trusting them to inform you? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong about everything?

HP has reporters who are live on the scene, investigate and report.    If you want lies, go to FOX.

If I'm getting lies how come you're the one getting smacked down on a regular basis?

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