Politics and Religion

I'd like to take exception to that claim
OSP 26 Reviews 320 reads

There was a time when I would wake with a fat line of crank and go to sleep with a big fattie of bud. I turned out fine :D

Pimpathy1921 reads

Marijuana changes your brain. Has anyone read the actual journal report?

does it really surprise you that a mind altering drug would make these changes to your brain though?

There was a time when I would wake with a fat line of crank and go to sleep with a big fattie of bud. I turned out fine :D

it expands your consciousness and you will never be the same.  I am more of a creative thinker.  Like giving blowjobs out in the sunlight, pretending to be sucking the deacons dick and being ashamed.  I think I need to be punished...oh, my mind is much better than parody porn.  :)

From the link: "Young adults who occasionally smoke marijuana show abnormalities in two key areas of their brain related to emotion, motivation, and decision making, raising concerns that they could be damaging their developing minds at a critical time, according to a new study by Boston researchers."

Or maybe unmotivated teens smoke pot.  

Look, researchers have been trying to find that marijuana causes brain damage for eons. They only thing they ever  found was that if you strap a gas mask onto a monkey and blow the human equivalent of 5 pounds of pot in their face, the monkeys will die of carbon monoxide poisoning (yes, this really happened).  

I smoked pot pretty regularly as a kid and it motivated me plenty. It motivated me to fuck my girlfriend silly and get the best grades in class when it came time to take the final exam.  

How many of the kids graduating from Harvard or Princeton this year do you really think have never smoked pot? Get real.  

You're either smart, or you're a dumb shit. Pot doesn't make anyone a dumb shit. Dumb shits just like getting high more than the average person.

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