Politics and Religion

I would think it was ANY man over the age of 60! Their noses get LONGER & their dicks get SHORTER!confused_smile
Zayzha See my TER Reviews 2143 reads

-- Modified on 1/12/2009 12:13:41 AM

You know I am reconsidering whether I should even post on this board anymore. Because of the most recent misinterpretation of a statement I made in response to a thread on here I am now being damned by others for the false belief that I condemn jews because of facial features.

I will again state that the statement was made to make a point that I personally believe that the jews are a race of people with a religion that teaches racial loyalty, which by the way I don't have a problem with, I only have a problem with certain jews telling everyone else, blacks,whites,asians,etc, that they have no right and are indeed evil for doing the same thing.

I said that one could not draw a steroetypical picture of a baptist,catholic,or a christian and not be able to conclude that they are of that religion but one could draw a steroetypical picture of a jew with certain facial features present and most would conclude it was a jew. I didn't say that I said it was right to draw a picture like that or that I think jews are bad or ugly or anything else, I just made the assumption that a crude picture like that would strike most as being a stereotypical picture of a jew. How can one say something like a drawing I described is antisemitic if you dont first make the connection with the features I mentioned. How can this be construed as hateful in any way is beyond me.

Anyway, I think I might have said when I first started posting on here that I didn't want to risk getting banned from the main reason I am on here for reasons of offending the wrong people. the main reason I am on here is, duh, the hobby...lol

I have come to have a TREMENDOUS amount of respect for TER's P and R board and the site that allows a great flow of ideas to exchange without censorship of any kind. I have respect for pretty much everyone on the board whether they deplore me, which most do, or not. This goes for zisk,gonzo,rightwing,and others. I also greatly appreciate the comments of certain people who think I have a right to express my views.

But I refuse to possibly give TER a bad name or prevent certain people from coming to the site because of my actions. The post on the general discussion board on me is over the line, I am not going to become that big of an issue because I know how things work, I will end up pissing off the wrong guy, perhaps a associate of a sponsor or advertiser or something and then I couldn't blame TER for banning me. I don't want such a great site and a site I respect for it not banning me already, which most sites would have done I know full well my views are unpopular in most circles, and I wish to bring no bad opinion or press to the site.

So I think I will pretty much stop posting on here except in cases where I can post without bringing up jews or israel or zionism. A majority of the issues in modern political life, the workings of the governemnt, the war in Iraq,etc, simply can't be discussed in any relevant fashion without bringing up these topics so I will probably be scarce on here for now on. I might pop in here and there when I can make comments without bringing up these things but I have respect for TER running a site here enough to know when things are getting out of hand.


-- Modified on 1/11/2009 11:00:13 AM

Clint_Westwood3101 reads

I see that you always stand up for your positions, and do not waiver. I think a lot of people here respect that, whether they side with you or not.  
I would not let a simpleton cry a river on another board, and drive me away. That is what they want.

If you must, then simply stay away from the Jew issues, and post on more important issues that we are facing today. I see no reason for you to abandon the board all together, but support your decision either way.

I cannot be sure if the poster who was so offended he took it to another board to complain was a simpleton or just a very sensitive fellow.

Either way the fact is I don't own TER. I appreciate those who respect my right to voice my opinions as I mentioned above.

The fact is though I also respect TER's right to run a business. There are people on here who have voiced the opinion that they are so offended that they might opt to not visit the site and this hurts the site.

If it wasn't an issue of their bottom line then I wouldn't be making the decision to cool it, but I can't tell you how much I appreciate the fact they haven't pushed the censorship botton yet on me and others on the board. That respect movs me to make a move on my own accord to avoid any difficulty.

Thanks for the kind words and I have no hard feelings for anyone on here. I will swoop in here and there but with the conditions I have put on myself applying at all times.

GaGambler2050 reads

and I am not really defending "you" or your views.I am on record in my condemnation of your "jew bashing" I will however defend your right to post.

I truly believe in the right of free speech, even when I abhor the content of said speech. This smacks of censorship, and I cannot abide that, and I will not support it. Will I be happy if you quit bashing the jews? Of course I will, but my joy will be completely offset by the knowledge that you were essentially censored by the same PC crowd that I abhor. It's easy to defend words you agree with. True believers in free speech will defend that right even when they disagree vehemently with the content.

There has been some truly hateful words spoken on this forum, the words you wrote in the aforementioned post do not rise anywhere near the level of hate that is written here on a daily basis.

Don't think that your departure will all of a sudden convert this board into some type of cuumbaya singing lovefest. We will still have idiots like Xfean and Ezeedude, racists like Conroy and general  assholes like Bendover(and me for that matter).

Do what you will, but this is still a free country and I for one will defend your right to your opinion not matter how vile I find that opinion. Don't let the PC whiners win.

Thanks G, I hope no one mistakes your support for free speech as a sign you support views that you don't hold, namely mine.

I will not disappear completly. I have always been fascinated with the fact that a board on a site which is deplored by idiots as one that is not worthy of the time of "normal people" has a politics board with so many people with pretty well thought out viewpoints. And again no censorship, this just doesn't exist on sites that are accepted by "normal people". I hope it stays that way and I am sure it will.

johnhuntback2458 reads

The 1st Amendment gives the right to free speech. It does not guarantee that there will be no consequences. Those consequences include different degrees of disagreement, some mild, some vicious. It's the nature of the beast. If you decide to stop posting, make sure it's on your terms, not someone else's.

let me "semi-unretire" for a moment to advise you to stay on, as self-censorship is IMHO even worse than censorship inmposed from above.

RightwingUnderground2281 reads

Of course no one knows for sure which ones are yours. I'm not criticizing the use of aliases, just their anonymous use by you and others while pretending otherwise. I don't hide my identity from the steady neighbors here, nor post anonymously.

I don't know you. I've posted several replies to
threads you've started or been involved with in the past, mostly (if I recall correctly)disagreeing with your point of view and feeling you were out of line, especially on race bashing (regardless of the race).

That being said ... I read this board because it offers opinions and points of view not found in my morning New York Times or on the radio (except maybe Howard Stern). I agree with some, disagree with others, post a reply if I feel it may serve a point, and move on. I don't use an alias (don't care who knows it's me) and speak my mind. While I disagree with a lot of your thinking, I have to respect your willingness to expose yourself and your views to the community, and while I would rather you were more middle-of-the-road, I think that as some have already mentioned, don't do what someone else feels you should do, and don't quit because someone does not appreciate your opinions. Your thinking pattern will never make you and I drinking buddies, but I will always respect the fact that you say what's on your mind, right or wrong.

Your absence will serve no purpose other than to let "the idiots" win. Don't give them the satisfaction.

I want to clarify one thing because I think I am about to be misunderstood again.

When I said idiots in a previous post voicing my appreciation for TER's non censorship of views, I was refering to the "idiots" in the population as a whole that deplore TER the site as one visited by, well you know all the terms they have for hobby people. I wasn't refering to the individual members supporting censorship on the site, I won't comment on whether they are idiots or not.

The fact that you are voicing your thoughts and opinions shows your intent to reach out to this community. Thus I would say keep posting away regardless of those that disagree with you, you are bound to find others (especially lurkers) who may be thankful that you are using your voice to speak for the folks to might be too quiet and shy to voice their own opinions. I say type away and type on! LOL

Sitara Devi

anon11122451847 reads

Who else on this board can I tell to go fuck themselves on a regular basis?

I don't agree with about 90% of the things you say. Several times I've rebutted your posts, and given the nature of your posts, I have not always bothered to be polite in my responses either.

Just because I don't agree with the things you say, and in fact am even offended by some of your posts, doesn't mean I believe you shouldn't say them. That is perhaps the most fundamental principle that separates us from the heathens. You have the right to say what you want. You have the right to post something intelligent, thoughtful, and well argued. You also have the right to make a total jackass of yourself. That's the beauty of America.

So keep posting whatever you want. I will continue on occasion to zing you when you say something that is in my opinion exceptionally stupid. We both have that right. I'll exercise mine, you exercise yours. Those that can't handle the free expression of ideas should just shut up (tongue in cheek moment).

Please continue to post- it's your opinion..... right wrong or just ignorant- you still have the right to post. After all that is one of the most powerful acts of being an American-

And.... just so you know:  There are numerous "Jewish"  circles who don't fit your stereotype because every female in the group has had cosmetic surgery, you were just emphasizing your limited exposure in my opinion.   Kisses ~T

-- Modified on 1/11/2009 3:11:28 PM

no. 63101 reads

I completely support your self-censorship and think you are doing the right thing. Please, don't post your, er,..."thoughts" here or anywhere.

well all I can say is you are human just like anybody else with all your own faults ,beliefs and prejudices like anyone else. your prejudice,bias and beliefs is just stronger then others.


-- Modified on 1/11/2009 3:58:35 PM

bong_water4517 reads

I read that GD post. The guy is obviously anti-nazi and he even said that he was a Jew. Just ignore him.

TER mods are everywhere. If they had issues with your post they would edit it.

and don't take retaliation personally

Them's just *words*

If someone has  a  hissy fit over your opinion, best to either ignore or take it for entertainment value....

Tucker Max2267 reads

throw some gratuitous sex in your posts every now and then so I will be interested in reading them.

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