Politics and Religion

I would have thought she was a SW as well.
JohnyComeAlready 197 reads

Why would a woman be dressed like a prostitute if she isn't a prostitute?

She fits the visual profile.

1. Short hair - Makes it harder for a trick to grab her by her hair when she says no

2. Out of state attire - Looks like you are being trafficked

3. No ID, or the refusal to present an ID - LE can not verify a persons age -See number two

4. Colorful print shorts - Attracts johns profiling women on the street in the pursuit of sex

5. Gaudy hoop earrings - See number fo

Do you believe this is true?  
Do young black kids believe this is true?  
If they do, do they react differenetly when interacting with police than other people?
If so, could this explain, at least in part what some percieve to be unequal treatment?
And if it is, who is responsible for this rhetoric?

Make sure to watch the video!!!!


NY Black Councilwoman Claims Police Are Going to Exterminate All Blacks
Posted on September 8, 2014 by Dave Jolly  

If a black police officer arrests a black person, he’s doing his job.

If a black police officer arrests a white person, he’s doing his job.

If a white police officer arrests a white person, he’s doing his job.

If a white police officer arrests a black person, he’s racially motivated member of the KKK that wants to exterminate blacks from the face of the earth.

At least this is what so many black radicals would have you believe. In their eyes, racial hatred only works one way – white against black – even though they are just as guilty if not more so. This is what Anastasia Robertson, a councilwoman in Troy, New York believes.

After the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Robertson was claiming that ‘AmeriKKKa’ was going to ‘round up and execute’ black people. She is so full of hatred for whites that she recently posted the following on Grio:

“While we believe in peace and reconciliation, as what point do we simply face the facts that AMERIKKKA has no love for the Black Nation and that there is something inherently wrong and that WE have become the race to disseminate and destroy……I believe in the constitution and the rights of all Americans to live peacefully and abundantly, however that is NOT how we live. We have become targets in our OWN land…..No one can remember the last time an unarmed white person has been killed by police…this is bigger than us…It is bigger than the police force….these orders come from high up….We have filled your slave ships and then your plantation, now your jails where for at least the next 50 years you remain gainfully employed off the lives of our brothers and sisters to the point where YOU can afford to simply exterminate us……Mr. President, I love PEACE and I recognize what is right and what is wrong…..if no other time, the time is now to raise your voice and speak freely….WE stand behind you be not dissuade for the enemy is REAL…..Doe Amerikka want a RACE War??? What other message can be ascertained from the directives of militarization against out people irrespective of circumstance or statute, simply be virtue of being BLACK…We are hogs for the slaughter..I am saddened…”

Read more at http://lastresistance.com/7185/ny-black-councilwoman-claims-police-going-exterminate-blacks/#ccW5TGtUTFAHdcPr.99

What? No spelling or punctuation errors you could deflect to???  


Wouldn't these TPD officers be the same officers who would provide The Council woman with her security detail, if she was in need of a security detail?  

... if yes, Madam Council Woman should not tell lies to her constituents. I get that she is attempting to pander to her base, although I think intelligent voters would be smart enough not to buy into her rhetoric.

What would her solution be to the disbandment of TPD... call in the NYPD highway patrol?... or the New York State Police?

Imagine Holder's attempt at taking on those organizations

A black actress was detained, handcuffed and made to sit in a police car thinking she was a prostitute.

The charge "she was kissing her white boy friend in the car".

Sounds like she had a shitty prejudice going in too. People with shitty attitudes often have problems with cops.

No proof here!!! Try again!!

Posted By: csekhar73
A black actress was detained, handcuffed and made to sit in a police car thinking she was a prostitute.  
 The charge "she was kissing her white boy friend in the car".

Why would a woman be dressed like a prostitute if she isn't a prostitute?

She fits the visual profile.

1. Short hair - Makes it harder for a trick to grab her by her hair when she says no

2. Out of state attire - Looks like you are being trafficked

3. No ID, or the refusal to present an ID - LE can not verify a persons age -See number two

4. Colorful print shorts - Attracts johns profiling women on the street in the pursuit of sex

5. Gaudy hoop earrings - See number fo

A black man killed over a toy sword!   Standard police excuse "he lunged at the officers with a sword which was a toy".

Even you should agree if he had a gun the cops would have assumed he was white.

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