Politics and Religion

I won't side with any one group BUT!
smithfredsmith 1643 reads

We all Need to understand and come to terms with our creator and, or the one who is greater than are selves. what ever you do where ever you go if you don't appreciate your relevance to the universe your screwed. there is nothing that will give you enough pleasure or enough gratification to fill the big old emptiness of a sole. i don't think it is genetic but that is the way we are designed to fulfill the purpose of our lives.

Among other things, he says that Protestant churches can't be called "churches" but "ecclesial communities originating from the Reformation."

Wow.  At least he didn't call the Reformation what it used to be called: the Protestant Rebellion.  After which the Catholic Church then had a "reformation."  

Of course, he only says outright what every Christian sect declares about itself, but it really doesn't help the scandal of the divisions in Christianity, which is dying the death of a thousand cuts.  

So, Benedict, how about another 30 years war?

Ben Dover2496 reads

However, Prodistants are merely "recovering cathholics", so the pope is somewhat right in his pompus claims...

Few people ever take into count what is taught in Acts, which it Peter went to Rome , but Paul went everywhere else planting and watering  churches that were merely "followers of the Way"... Biblically speaking, there is no mandate to create a giant world-wide ponzi-organization such as the cathholics have become, or the endless varieties of prodistants for that matter...

"Christianity" [which is a later-adopted name for "the Way"] was never intended to organize under one banner or creed, these are the traditions of a monarchy... there is just something in the human-instinct that causes most people to NEED to follow something lock-step... I've always wondered what that is that makes most people yern for leadership??  (Thank God I didn't get that defective-gene! I do my best to resist any form of leadership!)

They all have their crazy stories and mythology they think is real. In my opinion all religion is loopy.

RightwingUnderground1941 reads

to EVER bother to have a discussion with you? You are usually SO dismissive in your first remarks, why should anyone EVER take the time to talk to you?

GaGambler2023 reads

but when he's right he's right. Let's face it, all religions when held up to a little scrutiny are rather loopy at best.

RightwingUnderground1664 reads

I happen to totally reject every form of "organized" religion that I've been exposed to.

My point was directed to his technique of seemingly trying to shout down or belittle anyone who might object BEFORE they even open their mouth.

A better example is in the thread directly above.

GaGambler1585 reads

After further review, I agree with you completely.

I reckon every person on this planet when "held up to a little scrutiny" are rather loopy at best...Think about it and come back with more enthusiasm.

 Just like beauty, sanity is in the eye of the beholder

GaGambler2115 reads

I used to be much more tolerant of religion, but after a lifetime of having "Good Christians" ram their own sense of morality down my throat, inviting themselves into my home to tell me that I'm going to burn in hell for all eternity, not for being a bad person, but simply because I don't accept "their" lord as my personal savior. Well before I go on a complete rant, I think you get my point.

If religious people would just live their own lives, and just leave me the fuck alone I would have no problems with them, but as I get older I have more of a propensity to push back when provoked. Try living in Georgia or anywhere else in the bible belt for a while and you might lose your tolerance too.

in the manner in which you're doing here based on a few God Squaders who show up at your door all aflame with Jesus.

I mean, talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees....

RightwingUnderground1883 reads

I don't reject ANY religion. Well, OK I reject the ones that still practice animal or human sacrifice.

Seriously, I am very religious, well more spiritual than religious. I don't consider religions nor religious people loopy. Not even the agnostics nor the atheists. I dare say I am much more tolerant than the present Pope about "other" religions.

My spirituality can be summed up fairly simply. It draws in part on the most recent concept quoted here that "You CAN NOT Petition the Lord, with Prayer". Most religious prayer seems to be asking God to do things. Who am I to be "telling" God anything? Don't you think he already knows what needs to be done?

My prayer is quite simply put, me asking God for the knowledge of what his will for me is and asking for the courage and the power to carry out that will. In other words trying to figure out what is the right thing for ME TO DO. What actions I need to take.

Another contrast is…
Religion is a group of people all trying to show God how much they love Him.
Spirituality is one person (me) trying to realize how much God loves me.

Sophomoric Humorist1502 reads

I likewise do not reject any religions.

I merely reject all adherents to all religions, especially those who, usually with the best of intentions, would seek to assimilate me within their fold.  Even against my will.

And i've always been very patient, unlike many, with the Jehovahs Witness types and others when they would come a-canvssing at my door.  They're harmless and well-intentioned, and take enough abuse from others.  Why pile on these petty nuisances, when there are so many more deserving, and much more dangerous, objects of my wrath and anger?

But seriously, I agree with you re the "more spiritual than religious" idea.  I pray daily, but never for myself, only for others.  My reasoning:  it's better to give than to receive, and some other enlightened soul out there somewhere is praying for me.

You'd never know it, though.  God must have other priorities I guess than reponding to the petty requests of the multitude of delusionists wasting their time importuning and beseeching  Him for whatever.

The philosopher Ernest Cassier [spelling] once defined nationalism as a goup of people united by a set  of common myths and lies in hatred of another group of people.  I'll leave it to other wits in this forum to work that equivalent out re religious belief.

RightwingUnderground1556 reads

I'm a firm believer in the phrase "Faith without works is dead". Nearly every success in life is the result of people's ACTIONS.

But I AM a strong believer in miracles as well, things that appear to be direct actions of God. Most are clearly a mix of human actions and things not yet explained. I've never seen a burning bush. Well, except for back in my druggie days, but we won't go there.

I am not religious but religion makes many people happy... Almost everyone practices some sort of Religion whether it be reading the Bible, or praising sports figures or Nascar drivers.. Just because I am not into watching baseball , football, basketball or etc doesn't mean everyone who does possesses a defective gene!! Watch out how you talk about the Catholics as they are a big part of your base..

First you get down
On your knees,
Fiddle with
your rosaries...
Bow your head
with great respect and....
Make a cross on your abdomen
When in Rome do Like a Roman
Ave Maria
Gee its good to see ya
Doin' the Vatican Raggg!!!!!!
Get in line in that processional
Step into that small confesional
There the guy whos got Religion'l
Tell you if your sins original
If it is try playing it safer
Drink the wine and
CHEW the wafer...
Time to transubstantiate
So get down
Upon your knees,
Fiddle with
your rosaries...
Bow your head
with great respect and....
Make a cross on your abdomen
When in Rome do Like a Roman
Ave Maria
Gee its good to see ya
Doin' the Vatican Raggg!!!!!!

with apologies to Tom Lehrer

-- Modified on 7/11/2007 11:06:51 PM

Ben Dover1720 reads

You see jack0, the diffrence between a "cult" and someone who merely believes in Christ is that cults need to "recruit" in order to emotionally lure their victoms into their minions... Hmmm, does that make the Military a cult? The actively recruit young impressionable and sometimes disadvantaged people into their ranks, and even martch them unto their death in some cases, all for a "great and noble cause"...

Pull the plank out of your own ass jack0 before you attempt to remove the speck of sawdust from my eye...

We all Need to understand and come to terms with our creator and, or the one who is greater than are selves. what ever you do where ever you go if you don't appreciate your relevance to the universe your screwed. there is nothing that will give you enough pleasure or enough gratification to fill the big old emptiness of a sole. i don't think it is genetic but that is the way we are designed to fulfill the purpose of our lives.

Yeah, The Pontiff really came out of nowhere with that one.

I was hoping for something really trivial and noncontroversial  -- say the debate over the use of sacramental wine versus sacramental wine coolers during communion.

Oh well, back to The Dark Ages with my erstwhile coreligionists.

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