Politics and Religion

I will not pretend to know how the injustice of four hundred years
BreakerMorant 1524 reads

of slavery and second class citzenship harms  the soul and spirit. Only half a century ago  lynching African Americans from the willow tree was perfectly legal. White supremists would bomb black churches and murder little children. The KKK would would use terrorizing actions to subjugate innocent people.

In truth, I can understand much of Rev. Wright's beliefs. I understand not necessarily agree with his viewpoint. I also understand the Holy Scriptures teaches us to forgive.

What I have trouble understanding is Sen. Obama's rationale and decision making. Last year at the last minute Sen. Obama informed Rev. Wright he would not be giving the evocation when he announced his candidacy. Obviously he suspected Rev. Wright as not being ready for prime time.

Yet, the Rev. Wright was good enough for political expediency to assist Obama in previous elections to the State Senate. Loyalty, my friend is a virtue and a sign of personal character. To quote the Reverend: "politicians will do what they need to do". In other words, Obama is now like any other politician pandering his principles for a vote. That hurts.

Furthermore in this mini-melodrama involving the Rev. Wright the antagonist, and Obama our hero only had two plausible scenarios:

1. As Billkile stated, Obama should have dumped the Reverend years ago and showed us the path towards racial reconcilation by repudiating Rev. Wright's theology of bitterness and hurt, (too late)

2. Or in my opinion stuck with the Rev. Wright and his flaws and showed us the path towards racial brotherhood and understanding.

To say the Reverend is like the grandfather who says things he should not is insulting to our intelligence and is condescending to him and us. To throw the Reverend overboard after twenty years of friendship is opportunistic is cold and cowardly. To say he is not the man I know is disingenous.

Your opinion XiaomingLover1 is respectfully, a big city attitude but in small town, blue collar America, Obama's handling of the Wright drama does not play well. The arc of Obama's character has taken a fall from grace.

-- Modified on 5/2/2008 11:15:04 PM

In this corner, we have Jeremiah Wright
--states Obama is nothing more than an "opportunistic" unreliable pandering politician

In the other corner, we have Barack Obama
--claims Wright is "divisive and destructive" and his comments are “outrageous” and “appalling”

so in a smackdown--who ya got?

Hairupmyass2054 reads

Flip Flopper, acrobatic twister, will suck religious ass and do multiple immelmans on command, the FLYBOY MCCAIN!!

This ain't getting better, boys.

anon11122451352 reads

The only proper way to settle this is dueling pistols at 5 paces.

But of course, most don't know about the radicial religious leaders John Hagee & Rod Parsley, whose endorsements were sought after by McCain, because the media refuses to attack McCain & any of his associations & instead focuses every single fucking bit of energy going after Clinton & Obama day & night 25 hours a day non-stop...

you sure don't put much effort into giving symetry to your analogies....

sure sign of a weak arguement...

want Sen. Obama to win. Huckabee says that if Obama won, Rev. Wright would not be able to preach his theology of hate and bitterness.

-- Modified on 5/1/2008 11:03:09 PM

to the curb sooner, he just did'nt realize his ascent would be so fast.

Of course he would have dumped the ballast sooner but he had the liitle matter of Michelle really gettin into the hate message to deal with. She's the one you gotta wonder about....

those teeth, she even looks like a shark...

to provide the evocation when he announced his candidacy for President but at the last minute Obama said to the Reverend maybe it's better we pray in the basement. It's weird.

Then in Obama's lauded speech on race, he says he no more can disavow Rev. Wright than his own family. Yet, on national television the other day Sen. Obama disowns Rev, Wright and everything he ever stood for. Huh! Obama's book "Audacity of Hope" was titled after one of the Reverend's speeches.

The whole sordid tale is disingenuous.

Like you said, now he wants to throw the Reverend overboard. His wife, well whew!

On other topic, Sen. Clinton was rather engaging on the O'Reilly factor. Dare I say it, she appeared warm and smart.

-- Modified on 5/1/2008 11:02:19 PM

I think it may break out of rumor status soon that BHO was a practicing Muslim as a kid. I think Rev Mr. Wright knows it. Whether he coughs it up or not remains to be seen.  

Fair or unfair, that will be the end. That he hid it is going to be the issue.

by a DummyRat climbing the political ladder....

You know how you can tell the Rev Wrong issue hurts FlimFlamma?

He'd rather be talking about his record!!


I realy enjoy this, the way i used to enjoy wrestling after a few beers and a few bongs.

Senator obama gets to look like he's grown a pair, "facing down" and bad-mouthing an angry and vocal black man.  That it involves a break with a friend of 20+ yearsstanding is to Obama's benefit, as presumably it could not have been easy for him.

Impact?  Obama loses slightly among the angriest part of the African-American population, but these chaps never really embraced him anyways.  Some whites like to see an angry black man put in his place, and if it's by another black man, well so much the better.  And this allows Obama to continue one of his main themes, that's he's a candidate who is "beyond race" or "post race"  while Rev Wright  is an old-fashioned "race man' who time has passed.

I will be interested to see if any of the other usaual avatars of african-American racial politics  -- Sharpton, Rev Jackson , Minister Farrakhan -- pick up in aid of Wright, in support of Obama,  or just decide to stay silent.

My devalued counterfiet 2 cents is with the junior Senator from Illinois.

Additional bonus material : wacky as it appears to us Euro types, Wright's angry fulminations have much more traction in the African-American community that we imagine.  I would bet my last dollar that  Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Thomas Sowell, Ward Connelly,  Shelby Steele, Bill Cosby and other African-American luminaries not given to vocal racial identity/group grievance politics known a few folks who believe some of what Wright preached.  I tell ya, i'd be curious to see a Rice for Senator campaign, just to illuminate her views on domestic issues, and to get a glimpse of her associations beyond the NeoConMen and academic worlds.  i could only hope that her domestic policy ideas would be less diastous than her foreign policy views -- they could hardly be more diastous.

of slavery and second class citzenship harms  the soul and spirit. Only half a century ago  lynching African Americans from the willow tree was perfectly legal. White supremists would bomb black churches and murder little children. The KKK would would use terrorizing actions to subjugate innocent people.

In truth, I can understand much of Rev. Wright's beliefs. I understand not necessarily agree with his viewpoint. I also understand the Holy Scriptures teaches us to forgive.

What I have trouble understanding is Sen. Obama's rationale and decision making. Last year at the last minute Sen. Obama informed Rev. Wright he would not be giving the evocation when he announced his candidacy. Obviously he suspected Rev. Wright as not being ready for prime time.

Yet, the Rev. Wright was good enough for political expediency to assist Obama in previous elections to the State Senate. Loyalty, my friend is a virtue and a sign of personal character. To quote the Reverend: "politicians will do what they need to do". In other words, Obama is now like any other politician pandering his principles for a vote. That hurts.

Furthermore in this mini-melodrama involving the Rev. Wright the antagonist, and Obama our hero only had two plausible scenarios:

1. As Billkile stated, Obama should have dumped the Reverend years ago and showed us the path towards racial reconcilation by repudiating Rev. Wright's theology of bitterness and hurt, (too late)

2. Or in my opinion stuck with the Rev. Wright and his flaws and showed us the path towards racial brotherhood and understanding.

To say the Reverend is like the grandfather who says things he should not is insulting to our intelligence and is condescending to him and us. To throw the Reverend overboard after twenty years of friendship is opportunistic is cold and cowardly. To say he is not the man I know is disingenous.

Your opinion XiaomingLover1 is respectfully, a big city attitude but in small town, blue collar America, Obama's handling of the Wright drama does not play well. The arc of Obama's character has taken a fall from grace.

-- Modified on 5/2/2008 11:15:04 PM

WillieTheBarTender1935 reads

you might know that you couldn't hang a cat from a willow tree.

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