Politics and Religion

I thought this was the weekly thread of hyperbole. Are you a student of Bean history?
followme 325 reads
3 / 29

gets off stabbing people in the back.

Thank you  

Also groundhogs can get him off too, then he kills them by stabbing them in the back


Leon3798 52 Reviews 293 reads
8 / 29

namely, trafficking children and people.  If you wouldnt do the same thing to some dirt bag trafficking kids then you're no better then they are.  And that goes for anyone.  Courts, jail, no.  Boom.  Done.  Nuff said.

marikod 1 Reviews 379 reads
9 / 29

in Leon’s post (I hope), the very post he was “hyperbolizing.”  But I’ll give him a pass on the theory that there is no such thing as bad criticism of the  NRA.

And that’s no hyperbole

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 331 reads
10 / 29

...judge, no jury, just an executioner.  When does your flight to Syria leave?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 354 reads
11 / 29

...The problem is not recognizing hyperbole; your problem is that you don't recognize BSC.  

Even with your limited knowledge of the law, you should know that you don't execute anyone without a trial and proof (that's what ISIS does).  But a man with a gun can decide who lives and who dies.  Leon sure sounds like he can be trusted with a gun, doesn't he?

Leon3798 52 Reviews 473 reads
12 / 29

Really Papa, so lets just support child trafficking and the enslavement of kids for sex.  Good idea.  They're just 'misunderstood' right?  I can tell you right now I wouldnt shoot anyone unless I knew they were doing something wrong.  Trafficking kids is wrong, period but apparently thats ok by your standards.  Lets give them a fair trial so they can possibly walk on a technicality and continue selling kids to pedophiles for sex.  No, take them out back and shoot them.  ISIS is another group that needs to be wiped clean.  What they do is evil.  Beheading children and women.  But hey fair trial for them too right?  Hell no!  Death.  There are some things that as a human being you cannot condone.  Trafficking kids, killing kids, women, selling young girls for sex are some of those things.  And if you want to give those monsters a fair shot, then you sir are a fool and I pity you.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...The problem is not recognizing hyperbole; your problem is that you don't recognize BSC.  

Even with your limited knowledge of the law, you should know that you don't execute anyone without a trial and proof (that's what ISIS does).  But a man with a gun can decide who lives and who dies.  Leon sure sounds like he can be trusted with a gun, doesn't he?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 267 reads
15 / 29
followme 376 reads
17 / 29

Stab them in the back.

You're Welcome
For God and Country

ed2000 31 Reviews 336 reads
18 / 29

Once you realized the real hyperbole going on here. LOL

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 299 reads
19 / 29

...the jokes in a sitcom.  Likewise, righties obviously need a smiley face to be able to tell when a post is tongue-in-cheek and not meant to be taken seriously.  Lack of a sense of humor must be a genetic defect in righties.  They are the most uptight, anal-retentive stick-up-their-asses people I've ever met.  That's why they're called "conservatives."

You're one guy from whom I expected much better, John.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 300 reads
20 / 29

...this thread.  How do you feel about your fellow righty's willingness to abrogate the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution?  Do righties want to repeal the Sixth Amendment?  Righties have been remarkably reluctant to address Leon's POV.

Second Amendment über alles!

-- Modified on 3/20/2015 9:02:27 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 345 reads
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JohnMilton_Esq 311 reads
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You make yourself such a big target!  And, you do seem to take yourself very seriously at times.  How can one resist poking at you, which as you may know is my forte.

JohnMilton_Esq 320 reads
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There are lefties that want to kill others without the benefit of a trial, so this does not fall on ideological lines as cleanly as you would like (what a surprise).  The impulse to kill is human.  The link is to a far left group that advocates women being allowed to kill their abusive men without legal consequences, yep, the abused woman as the judge, jury and executioner.  Personally, I am against vigilante justice and I like the Constitution just as it is.

FWIW, I get the impression from reading some of Leon's other posts on other boards that despite his posts about shooting someone that he is making a point about the horrendous nature of abuse crimes.  It is easy to be a big man on a fuck board and post yeah I'm going to shoot an abuser in the face.  It is quite another thing to actually contemplate such an act, although history is full of PARENTS (of all political stripes) who killed abusers of their children and got off based on self defense.

And BigP, your assertion that Leon's thinking is equivalent to ISIS is, imo, simply absurd.  
Posted By: BigPapasan
...this thread.  How do you feel about your fellow righty's willingness to abrogate the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution?  Do righties want to repeal the Sixth Amendment?  Righties have been remarkably reluctant to address Leon's POV.
-- Modified on 3/21/2015 12:13:31 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 347 reads
24 / 29

In fact it's disingenuous.  There is nothing in the article which supports your contention that it "advocates women being allowed to kill their abusive men without legal consequences."  The article deals mostly with trial procedure and post-conviction treatment of women; i.e., clemency, parole and sentencing guidelines.  The Michigan Women's Justice & Clemency Project works to free women prisoners who were convicted of murder but who acted in self-defense against abusers.

The women all have gone through the judicial system.  Where do you see this article advocating "women being allowed to kill their abusive men without legal consequences?"

Leon's proposal is killing as a visceral reaction to someone he alone THINKS has committed a heinous crime.  While defense of others is legal, you can't kill someone without proof just because you hate what you think he is doing.

Parents defending their children vs. Leon defending strangers - apples and oranges.

But I do applaud you for being the only person who has the guts to actually address what Leon said.

Finally, spousal abuse isn't a right/left issue.  I would bet there are far more Republican women battered by their constipated, controlling, conservative husbands who rule their home like the Bible tells them they should.  I don't think the mission statement of The Michigan Women's Justice & Clemency Project says they are limiting themselves to battered lefty women but you are welcome to try and find it.

-- Modified on 3/21/2015 2:00:41 AM

ed2000 31 Reviews 298 reads
25 / 29

It's said that in Texas it's sometimes easier to hang a horse thief than a murderer. That's because there aren't really any horses that needed steal'in.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 355 reads
26 / 29

...great admirer of the way Judge Roy Bean meted out justice.

613spades 5 Reviews 413 reads
27 / 29

Rather than wait for justice? Or how about someone who is guilty, of say raping and murdering children but gets off a technicality? What if it was your neighbors child? Your child?  
      The truth is at some point most of us wish we could take care of things ourselves. Everyone has a breaking point, where the wrongs committed against you outweigh the value you place on societal norms. It's easy to say that you would never consider it; but deep down if you are truly honest at some point you would.  
      But let's be honest that really truly wasn't what your post was about.

Posted By: BigPapasan

JohnMilton_Esq 295 reads
28 / 29

Not "disingenous" at all.  
Quote from the link: "In U.S. law, killing in self-defense is not a crime; however for most women, neither the laws of self-defense nor evidence of battering work for women in actual trials. Hence 75-80% of women who killed in self-defense are convicted or convinced to plead guilty, and are sentenced to long terms."  

"Women are disadvantaged in court because prosecutors, judges, juries and defense attorneys all bring a shocking amount of ignorance about domestic violence to the courtroom. Prosecutors fail to consider issues of abuse when charging women; they fail to consider the abandonment of battered women by law enforcement and courts and take no responsibility for this failure; they ignore women’s lack of criminal history; they refuse to define self-defense in any way other than from male experience; and they trot out myths and stereotypes in order to “win” convictions." end quote.

This quote which is by the author of the piece and is not a statement of the Michigan Women's Clemency Project.  You conflate the two.  My original comment on this issue stands. The plain language of this quote certainly speaks for itself.  The goal is no legal consequences for an abused woman. It's called self defense and they want prosecutors to pass on charging in the first place. I didn't say I disagreed with the premise and I never said that this only applies to “lefty women” I said the organization affiliated with the site, solidarity-us.org, was left, and yes, it is.

I agree with your statement "Finally, spousal abuse isn't a right/left issue" but then you go on (as you nearly always do) to display your hatred of conservatives by your tired bash the righties rant.  Spousal abuse knows no ideological, social or economic boundaries, period!

A lot of people will have a “visceral reaction” to an event such as abuse, obviously Leon does.  I don't agree with Leon, but I understand his reaction and unlike you BigP, I draw no ideological conclusions from it.  A visceral reaction does not mean it becomes actual murderous action because we have the  ability to overcome a visceral reaction with rational thought, something we do everyday in some form or another. Even you BigP can overcome your visceral reaction to righties  ...LOL  

Have a good day, I'm done with this “conversation” today.
Posted By: BigPapasan
In fact it's disingenuous.  There is nothing in the article which supports your contention that it "advocates women being allowed to kill their abusive men without legal consequences."  The article deals mostly with trial procedure and post-conviction treatment of women; i.e., clemency, parole and sentencing guidelines.  The Michigan Women's Justice & Clemency Project works to free women prisoners who were convicted of murder but who acted in self-defense against abusers.  

The women all have gone through the judicial system.  Where do you see this article advocating "women being allowed to kill their abusive men without legal consequences?"

Leon's proposal is killing as a visceral reaction to someone he alone THINKS has committed a heinous crime.  While defense of others is legal, you can't kill someone without proof just because you hate what you think he is doing.

Parents defending their children vs. Leon defending strangers - apples and oranges.

But I do applaud you for being the only person who has the guts to actually address what Leon said.  

Finally, spousal abuse isn't a right/left issue.  I would bet there are far more Republican women battered by their constipated, controlling, conservative husbands who rule their home like the Bible tells them they should.  I don't think the mission statement of The Michigan Women's Justice & Clemency Project says they are limiting themselves to battered lefty women but you are welcome to try and find it.

-- Modified on 3/21/2015 2:00:41 AM
-- Modified on 3/21/2015 10:04:24 AM

ed2000 31 Reviews 420 reads
29 / 29

You might especially appreciate the case of Paddy O'Rourke being acquitted after killing a "Chinaman".

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