Politics and Religion

I think a more relevant question is number foue
GaGambler 316 reads

Do I detect even libs starting to run away from Obamacare citing many of the same reasons I voiced against it in the first place, ie It does NOTHING to rein in the spiraling costs of healthcare and simply pushes onto the taxpayers?

I know you didn't write this ten question list, but you did post it. So, do you agree that ObamaCare does nothing to bring down the cost of healthcare and in fact adds another layer of bureaucracy to it, just like the author of your OP states?

salonpas2195 reads

The author of this article explains what's really going on with our politics. Once again, we have the sheepie being led to the slaughter house by our political/media elites. I heard on NPR this morning that 2/3 of the Democrat base stayed home and did not vote during our recent midterms, sure looks like the sheepie are slowly waking up.

 If you really think it matters which political party controls the U.S. Senate, please answer these questions. Don't worry, they're not that difficult:

1. Will U.S. foreign policy in the Mideast change from being an incoherent pastiche of endless war and Imperial meddling? Please answer with a straight face. We all know the answer is that it doesn't matter who controls the Senate, Presidency or House of Representatives, nothing will change.

2. Will basic civil liberties be returned to the citizenry? You know, like the cops are no longer allowed to steal your cash when they stop you for a broken tail light and claim the cash was going to be used for a drug deal.

Or some limits on domestic spying by Central State agencies. You know, basic civil liberties as defined by the Bill of Rights and the U.S. constitution.

Don't make me laugh--you know darned well that it doesn't matter who controls the Senate, Presidency or House of Representatives, nothing will change.

3. Will the predatory, parasitic policies of the Federal Reserve that virtually everyone from the Wall Street Journal to what little remains of the authentic Left understands has greatly increased income and wealth inequality be reined in? Please don't claim either party has any will or interest in limiting the Fed's rapacious financialization. There is absolutely no evidence to support such a claim--it is pure wishful thinking.

4. Will the steaming pile of profiteering, corruption, waste, fraud and ineptitude that is Sickcare in the U.S. be truly reformed so its costs drop by 50% to match what every other developed democracy spends per person on universal healthcare? It doesn't matter if ObamaCare is repealed or not; that monstrosity was simply another layer of bureaucratic waste on an already hopelessly dysfunctional system.

If you answer "yes," please run a body scan on yourself to detect the biochips that were implanted while you voted Demopublican.

5. Will the influence of Big Money be well and truly banned from politics? If you answer yes, please pick up your tin-foil hat at the door.

6. Will the incentives in the Status Quo be reset to punish rapacious financialization and gaming the system and reward productive investment and labor? Before you answer, check out who's buttering the Senators' bread. Hint: Wall Street does not qualify as productive unless we're talking about the production of life-draining parasites. Virtually none of the vast armies of skimmers and scammers, from those pursuing bogus disability claims to lobbyist leeches, will suffer any consequence.  

Moral hazard is the Status Quo's Prime Directive.

7. Will anything be done to dismantle the Neofeudal Debt-Serfdom known as student loans? You are delusional if you think either party has any interest in limiting the predation of an academic Upper Caste that came to do good and stayed to do well.

8. Will any prudent assessment be made of unaffordable weapons systems like the F-35 Lightning--$1.5 trillion and counting for aircraft that will soon be matched by drones that cost a fraction of the F-35's $200 million a piece price tag? No way--parts of those insanely costly jets are made in dozens of states, so the pork is well-distributed. Never mind the plane is lemon, built to fight the wars of the past. It's jobs, Baby--that's all that counts. Never mind the $1.5 trillion--we can always borrow another couple trillion--the Fed promised us.

Do you really think the Senate controlled by either party will ask why the F-35's price tag dropped to $120 million from $200 million? That's easy--the revised estimate left out the engine and avionics. They'll be added back in after the Senate approves open-ended funding.

If none of these key dynamics will change, you got nothing. Please don't claim anything changes if one party or the other is in the majority. Anyone clinging to that fantasy is delusional.

If you doubt this, please take the above quiz again.  



Posted By: salonpas

 2. Will basic civil liberties be returned to the citizenry? You know, like the cops are no longer allowed to steal your cash when they stop you for a broken tail light and claim the cash was going to be used for a drug deal.  
When has a persons cash been stolen by LE during a traffic stop, for an equipment violation?

salonpas474 reads

I really hate responding to some of your questions because I find them, for the most part, to be outlandishly stupid but will make this one time exception.

Stop and seize. Aggressive police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes

Highway robbery? Texas police seize motorists' cash, cars.

Cops Use Traffic Stops To Seize Millions From Drivers Never Charged With A Crime

He is accustomed to flashing his American Nazi Party card at traffic stops. He thinks "excessive force", citizen harassment, warrant-less searches and seizures and summary executions are "Protecting and Serving". If he had his way he'd rescind the 3rd Amendment of the Constitution.

Not one of them mentioned anything about a traffic stop due to a broken tail light.

Posted By: salonpas
I really hate responding to some of your questions because I find them, for the most part, to be outlandishly stupid but will make this one time exception.  
 Stop and seize. Aggressive police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes  
 Highway robbery? Texas police seize motorists' cash, cars.  
 Cops Use Traffic Stops To Seize Millions From Drivers Never Charged With A Crime  

GaGambler317 reads

Do I detect even libs starting to run away from Obamacare citing many of the same reasons I voiced against it in the first place, ie It does NOTHING to rein in the spiraling costs of healthcare and simply pushes onto the taxpayers?

I know you didn't write this ten question list, but you did post it. So, do you agree that ObamaCare does nothing to bring down the cost of healthcare and in fact adds another layer of bureaucracy to it, just like the author of your OP states?

or haven’t read or watched any thing other Daily News and Faux Paux News, you would have known.  

Don’t come back with, you didn’t answer my question crap.  

Google and you will find plenty. Start with Washington Post who exposed the story first.

RaymondDonovan421 reads

Sometimes you want to back hand the little bastard....or, "are we there yet".

GaGambler527 reads

and since he just made Fungy look smart in comparison, he might just win.

of civil forfeiture taking, as a result of a traffic stop for an equipment violation.

This may have happened somewhere, I just haven't seen an example of that. Most of the traffic stops took place due to speeding.

JackDunphy507 reads

all of sudden now wonders if Senate control means anything?  

You might want to tell that to your liberal politicos who just dropped $2 billion on the election. Seemed like it meant a lot to them. LOL

........members to override the President's veto pen, it won't mean dipshit if you have the opposition party in control of the Executive branch. Mcconnell and his Republican Senate buddies are about to reap what they have sown while they were in the minority. Ain't Karma a Bitch! Endless Filibusters on most bills brought to the floor.  Plus you have Senator Rand Paul  and Ted Cruz, two potential Presidential contenders, who will try to build some street cred with the tea party nutcakes by blocking almost everything that comes up. Add, Obama's threat to pass immigration through Executive action and this has the potential to drive a wedge between the various factions within the Republican Party. All this will make  McConnells job all the more difficult.

JackDunphy448 reads

Watching CNN last night and David Gergen was saying how Dems in Senate are DYING to vote on a number of bills that Harry Reid wouldn't let come up to a vote.

Keystone Pipeline, Keep Your Doctor Act, Repeal medical device tax, etc are just a few.

There will be widespread bi-partisan bills sent to Barry's desk so we'll see how often he uses the veto pen in those cases.  

Really think he will be able to stand the incredible pressure of a unified congress AND the American people on these popular issues?

y siding with a guy on the way out?

Not many. But we can hope!!

Posted By: JackDunphy
Watching CNN last night and David Gergen was saying how Dems in Senate are DYING to vote on a number of bills that Harry Reid wouldn't let come up to a vote.  
 Keystone Pipeline, Keep Your Doctor Act, Repeal medical device tax, etc are just a few.  
 There will be widespread bi-partisan bills sent to Barry's desk so we'll see how often he uses the veto pen in those cases.  
 Really think he will be able to stand the incredible pressure of a unified congress AND the American people on these popular issues?

.......in either party have been purged out by the loonies on the far left and right. Both the House and Senate have become highly partisan bodies and I don't expect that will change for the better anytime soon. If Obama goes ahead with Executive action on Immigration you can stick a knife in bipartisanship until perhaps after 2016. The new Republican controlled Senate is not about to give Obama any big legislative achievements in his last two years. So I expect even more gridlock for the next two years. In 2016, voters will again decide to make readjustments as to who will control the House and Senate.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Watching CNN last night and David Gergen was saying how Dems in Senate are DYING to vote on a number of bills that Harry Reid wouldn't let come up to a vote.  
 Keystone Pipeline, Keep Your Doctor Act, Repeal medical device tax, etc are just a few.  
 There will be widespread bi-partisan bills sent to Barry's desk so we'll see how often he uses the veto pen in those cases.  
 Really think he will be able to stand the incredible pressure of a unified congress AND the American people on these popular issues?
-- Modified on 11/6/2014 5:24:24 PM

JackDunphy574 reads

Do you think people have views counter to that of their party? Of course they do. This link says at least 60 will vote for Keystone. I think the number could be much higher.  

According to you Honda, it couldn't be more than 55.

I think R's are going to handle their majorities well this time. I think they got the memo. They will constantly put up popular bi-partisan bills and make Obama veto them for them not to pass.

Yes, they will throw a few DOA pieces of legislation due to campaign promises they need to keep but I think you are going to see quite a but more bi-partisanship than we have seen in quite sometime.  

If anyone thinks the R's will just toss up road kill bills from jump street that have zero chance of passing, I think they are sadly mistaken.

.........and then forgetting why the voters sent them there, I doubt this time will be any different. Lest you forget the mad dash for the 2016 Presidential elections began yesterday. Do you think there are 6-7 Senate Democrats who are willing to take on the Environmental movement and vote for Keystone.  I doubt moderate Senate Republicans in SOLID blue States, that Obama won by huge margins, and who are up for reelection in 2016, will vote YES for the Keystone project.

-- Modified on 11/6/2014 6:01:45 PM

-- Modified on 11/6/2014 9:07:28 PM

bigguy30508 reads

The GOP blocked every bill they could and now they want to talk about compromise?

So let's see what a person who works in the senate actually said about the Repubscum:


We all can see the game being played by them and their supporters!

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