Politics and Religion

Kennedy: Kerry's Actions Prove Iraq is Bush's Vietnam
bribite 20 Reviews 19750 reads

Kennedy: Kerry's Actions Prove Iraq is Bush's Vietnam

(2004-04-05) -- In a major policy address at the Brookings Institution today Senator Edward M. Kennedy said that Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry's actions prove that "Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam."

"The parallels between Vietnam and Iraq are stunning when seen through the actions of one man who lived through both eras," said Mr. Kennedy. "Thirty-some years ago John Kerry fought in Vietnam, then later protested U.S. involvement in Vietnam. In October 2002, John Kerry voted to support war against Iraq, then later protested U.S. involvement in Iraq. Clearly, Kerry's actions and public statements demonstrate that Iraq has become a quagmire for Bush."

White House spokesman Scott McClellan responded to Mr. Kennedy's remarks by saying, "Ted Kennedy is John Kerry's Chappaquiddick."


Surely you realize that site is a political satire venue.

Of course, just in case you are, here's a quote from Condi Rice from the site:

"DR. RICE: What can I say about Dick Clarke that you don't already know? The man is brilliant--an intellectual giant. His work in the Clinton administration had almost wiped al Qaeda from the face of the earth. In hindsight, I should have listened to him. I should have let him meet daily with the president. But I was jealous of his massive intellect and his personal charisma, which made him such an effective leader. I prevented him from protecting America, yet he was too humble and loyal to contradict me, or the president, in public."

There ya go, twinkie.

Ted Kennedy!! Ted Kennedy--  He is nothing but a silver spooned  bonus baby for his father Joe Kennedy.  And he and Kerry are lowering the morale of our boys fighting for us in Iraq by his critical statements.

This is the oldest sop in the world to stifle legitimate dissent.  I agree that there may be declining morale among our troops.  But it certainly is not coming from people like Kerry and Kennedy at home.  It's the fact that these brave folks are on the ground know what's really happenning.  They can see the chaos and the hatred around them, despite their best efforts to make things right in Iraq.  It is their leaders who have let them down, and the disaster in Iraq itself that is the problem, not the party out of power that dares expose the disaster that is happenning.

site for showing just how absolutely assnine Kerry and his lap dog Kennedy are.

The beauty of political satire is the subtle and sometimes not so subtle truth in it!  Scrappleface is the master!

It never ceases to amaze me that lefties think they are so much more intelligent that everyone else.  Legends in their own minds.

"I prevented him from protecting America, yet he was too humble and loyal to contradict me, or the president, in public."  lol, it seems that maybe the lofty headed one, Puck, missed the sarcasm of that statement.

There ya go, tweeker.

Actually, Bribite, as soon as I read a line I knew what it was and ignored it. I have no need of 'political satire' - my life isn't a Rush Limbaugh bit.
When I mock Bush and his crew I don't need satire - but then, their blatantly abhorrent behavior would make satire unneccessary. How could one take it to the ridiculous extreme that satire would require?
BTW, I don't use drugs, or even alcohol for that matter. Perhaps having a clear head is why I am able to grasp simple concepts where others can't seem to.
Feel free to come up with some other insulting name - maybe you'll get luckier and hit a nerve next time. I'll stick to outing Bush and his cronies in the meantime.
BTW - if you spent less time fantasizing about my supposed drug use and cackling at satirical send-ups of American heroes you might get around to answering some of my posts, like this one:
Defend that.

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