Politics and Religion

I seem to recall that time in the desert was followed by ...
johngaltnh 6 Reviews 2766 reads

... Satan presenting temptation.

It was very interesting that Satan offered the earth. Jesus, rather than saying "it is not yours to give" rather said "get thee behind me." If it were an offer that could not be delivered; it would never have constituted temptation.

I recently, yesterday actually , finished a 6 day fast. I know sounds a little nutty , I thought so too at first :)

It was the one of the most amazing experiences if my life. It was somehow cleaning to both my body and mind .I feel about 8 yrs old atm and emotionally free of baggage .

Amazing. All the issues I have ever had are still right where I left them before my adventure , yet my perspective has changed somehow. I have never been so in the moment as I am right now and it is empowering.

While this was not a religous fast it was a spiritual one.I never expected to feel how I feel or these results from doing this.It is sort of an enlightnement of sorts and yet I can not tell you what I have learned .Only that i feel closer to the real person I am inside than i ever have before:)I just had to share:) I could not be more excited if there were two of me gentlemen:) Have an awesome weekend,Kendall Lynn

that's exactly what fasting is meant and designed to do. when you leave the pleasures of the world behind you, you'd be surprised what greater perspective you will gain.

Sermon over. Didn't really attempt to share the biblical reasons for fasting. Don't want to spoil your moment.

Thank you OSP i think my next one maybe longer .I will start the second I stop feeling this good lol teehee.IDK if it is designed to do this but it happenes by default I think like it or not:) It did for me.I wish I could share the feeling of being so full of wonder and life and direction,and contentment that i feel right now:)Kendall Lynn

... Satan presenting temptation.

It was very interesting that Satan offered the earth. Jesus, rather than saying "it is not yours to give" rather said "get thee behind me." If it were an offer that could not be delivered; it would never have constituted temptation.

sort of, using  an olfactory and gustatory metaphor, like cleansing one's palette. The simple things bring so much more enjoyment. Like a scope of vanilla ice cream brings as much satisfaction as a banana split did before. Or, a slice of freshly baked bread brings as much satisfaction as caviar did before. Enjoy the experience, and when you feel the pleasures of the simpler things beginning to dull, then it may be a good time for another fast.

What was involved?
Surely you drank water during that time right?

GaGambler960 reads

A person can go many weeks without food, but only a few days without water.

Of course I know people that think they can survive on nothing but alcohol for decades. lol

St. Croix589 reads

during the fast (lol). I guess I shouldn't really comment on fasting while finishing up an In-and-Out burger and fries, washing it down with a cold one, while hoping my over bet on NO/SFO comes through.

Oops, I must be drunk. NO/SFO is tomorrow. Guess I'll do another In-and-Out run tomorrow.

-- Modified on 9/19/2010 5:54:05 PM

I do it myself about 4 times a year.

-- Modified on 9/19/2010 5:49:25 PM

Queefmeister1083 reads

Posted By: charlie445
I do it myself about 4 times a year.

-- Modified on 9/19/2010 5:49:25 PM

Yes Doc I did drink water , teas and coffee :) I even added sugar 3 times lol .
And Charlie yes it is:) It was wonderful:)
So far the devil has not shown up  lol .I do not know that I would recognize him initially if he did though:) He is not one of my friends:)Shocking I know, funny  lol .Kendall Lynn

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