Politics and Religion

I never said he lied.
Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 43 reads

In fact he was very honest and forthright about how they were going to screw me with their teaser rate not being the end price.  The reason the prices are different is because they are based on “mileage rates” determined by the region.   I have no clue how those mileage rates are determined other than they appear to be what the market will bear.  In other words how much of a rip off do they think they can get away with in any given part of the country.  

A skinny cow In Texas does not b;give as much milk as a fat one in NYC.  And yes I know that analogy is also ass backwards.  Who ever heard of a skinny anything in Texas?  Even the armadillos are fat.

You can rent a U-haul truck to move from NYC to Dallas for $2500.  You can rent that same truck to move from Dallas to NYC for $990.  I called and asked why, since its the same distance, and was told they are incentivizing getting trucks to NYC to meet the demands of residents moving out of NYC.  I found similar discrepancies for San Francisco and Minneapolis.  

The people that can get out are starting to get out Democrat-run cities are starting to do it, which is going to make these cities bigger shitholes than they already are, with more problems than they already have.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion

You can rent a U-haul truck to move from NYC to Dallas for $2500.  You can rent that same truck to move from Dallas to NYC for $990.  I called and asked why, since its the same distance, and was told they are incentivizing getting trucks to NYC to meet the demands of residents moving ***out*** of NYC.  I found similar discrepancies for San Francisco and Minneapolis.

Those were one-way rentals or round-trip rentals?  Did you also ask about automobile rentals? They use rates and drop-off fees to distribute the car fleets, too. (I even have a story about that!)
The base cost of any rental varies by location. I assume that fleet storage and maintenance is a lot higher in NYC than, say, Dallas. Rates even differ within a region: the airport rental rate almost always being higher than the downtown rate being higher than the suburban rate.  (Sometimes the "rates" are the same but the discounts differ.)  
Did they actually say "moving OUT of NYC" or did they more likely say that there is more demand in NYC than in Dallas? By which I mean LOCAL demand. I don't know their stats, but from my own experience, there are MANY local daily rentals. When I used to help friends move, I'd hear all the excuses about truck shortages. I had friends who operated a (local) moving and delivery business. They had a small fleet but would sometimes need more capacity, so they rented from the rental companies.  
If X% of the rental fleet allocated to an area is missing due to a long distance one way rental, they need to get more vehicles back to that area from anywhere. Hence, financial inducements to get the vehicles where they want them: higher or lower one-way rental fees, etc..  
When I did my college moving, it was the same thing.  A-to-B was more expensive than B-to-A ... and the round trip A-to-B-back-to-A was sometimes cheaper than a one-way rental but for the extra time and gas.

...justify his bullshit conclusion in the second paragraph.  It's as simple as that.

He "was told they are incentivizing getting trucks to NYC to meet the demands of residents moving out of NYC.  I found similar discrepancies for San Francisco and Minneapolis."  Sure, because he says so.  You did a great job of exposing him, but I boiled it down to one word - bullshit.

-- Modified on 6/19/2020 12:28:16 AM

You call bullshit and I provide the link and shove it up your ass.  Her is the one-way rate calculator for U-Haul.  For my post I used the rate for a 2-3 bedroom residential move.  Its all there lard-ass, find it yourself.  Its just a click away.  Gotcha!!!    Bwahahahahahahaha

The link will take you to an AOL masthead, THEN you click the U-Haul link IN BLUE in the upper left corner below the masthead.  If its too complicated let me know and I will say it again e-v-e-n  s-l-o-w-e-r.  Who's the moron again?

Second, you expect us to do YOUR work by completing the U-Haul form?  You're an idiot.  And it's painfully obvious, as usual, that you didn't search for a link until you were called on your bullshit and that was the best you could find.


despite the complicated instructions.   Obviously, I had already looked at the U-Haul website to get the numbers for my OP.   You're pissed because you couldn't figure out how to get the link to respond until I EXPLAINED it to you in grade school terms.  Tell me again who came out looking like a moron on this one???

The attached article from today's Times is about precisely this subject, so you do correctly identify what's going on. Trouble is, the article also confirms young people are doing this DESPITE still loving New York City and are sorry to be leaving. IOWs New York was NOT, as you falsely wrote, a "shithole." Despite having a stupid, liberal hack for a Mayor, New York for many years has been clean, safe and vibrant. Have you even been there in the past 20 years? It isn't Chicago or San Francisco.
And what you also miss is that New York is FAR more resilient than you give it credit for. Remember 9/11? The same thing happened. People fled. Real estate crashed. And, guess what? New York bounced back like it always will.
So please stop your distorted, snide bullshit.
Oh, right. Why would you stop now?

wanna be.  Will he ever learn, Nick?  He continues to get, as he so ineptly mentions, "bitch slapped,"  one post at a time.

Could my theory hold true; he believes negative attention beats no attention at all, so he welcomes every "bitch slap" with anticipation.

Could he be any more pitiful?

And here I always thought of him a Wannabe GaGa.

versatile than I gave him credit for.

Cock de ... etc. is also senile- he doesn’t remember his own lies and fucks up left and right ...

impatient with him, what do you think the attendants at his long term care facility are feeling?  Have heard he tries to stay on their library computer, well after his allotted time.

This must be one, extremely compassionate group.  They should all be sainted, the way they tolerate him.

The rumor has it some of his attendants have resigned to save their sanity and mental health 😂

ad hominem personal attacks and NO substantive argument  on the topic.  Looks like you are completely intellectually bankrupt.  I knew it would happen.  I just didn't think it would be mere months since you first appeared here.

from the North! give and take a little! Atlanta, Dallas, Austin to name a few!
So cherry picking on one month or season of data is meaningless! Trying to make an opportunistic political point is mindless but I don’t expect any better from desperate drowning trumpanzees  that are grabbing straws ...

continuing migration from "Blue" cities, it was about the INCREASE in migration that is significant enough for H-Haul to have a huge discrepancy on their rates for a one-way move depending on whether you are going to, or from, the "blue" city.  I agree that this was not the start of people leaving "blue" cities run by Dems.  They have been doing it for years now.  But there is a RECENT significant increase in the migratory flow AWAY from these cities.  The U-Haul rate adjustments merely confirm it.  The mismanagement of Covid response by Dem politicians was merely the final straw for a number of "fence-sitters" who are now deciding they have had enough of incompetent management.  

Thank you for the substantive argument.  Good to see you are still capable of an intelligent point.  I look forward to more.  

You just made that up!! When 360 months of data showing the patter, jump in one month in the same direction only works for dumb trumpanzees like you that is grabbing a straw while drowning in political goo!!!

personally attack me.  You just can't get out of the Dem playbook gutter, can you?  

You sure do know a lot about long term care facilities therefore the only conclusion we can draw is the you actually reside in one and your mind is so fucked up and you are delirious that you are under the illusion that you are talking about someone else when you are really talking about yourself being in a long term care facility equipped  for those have severe mental disorders.

You're Welcome

They make it cheaper to move to NYC.  That would tend to incentivize people moving there not away from it.  If they need more trucks in NYC, they just move them there themselves from surrounding areas.

When I called they said they are INCENTIVIZING getting the trucks BACK to NYC because THAT is where the demand is.  IOW, the higher demand for trucks is to get OUT of NYC, so there is no discount leaving NYC.   Think about it and you'll understand that's why the rate going TO NYC are lower.  

I called my local corporate owned Uhaul  and asked them about that specifically.  The manager laughed and said that would be a really stupid way to route there vehicles and run their business.  They handle the inventory themselves and don’t rely on the public to do that for them.  He admitted that they have different rates for different markets, but didn’t want to go into it for obvious reasons.  He kind of got testy, in fact because I had asked him a really stupid question.

Now which one of you is acting stupid? come on Jinxie, tell me you just made that up and that you didn't really call U-Haul in an attempt to fact check CDL. ROFL

I actually needed to rent a truck to get a horse trailer out from the back of the property that was seriously stuck after a couple of years sinking into the muck.   I was asking about prices and included that CDL bullshit.  Their $19.95 a day deal is also bullshit.  They wanted close $70.00 by the time they were done adding crap onto the bill.  The guy was an asshole.  I ended up using the neighbors bobcat for free.  I don’t think the crappy uhaul would have worked.  The trucks are in such bad shape it probably would have died and they’d of course charge me for it.

They do "hooker math" too. if you rent something from them for two days you might as well keep it for a week.

That said, although I have no idea if CDL's rates were correct, he does have serious problems getting the "details" right when he posts, just like I had to sternly remind him in his last OP, but the premise is correct. The drop off charges are always much higher when you are taking a car/truck/trailer from an area under a mass exodus and dropping it off someplace where no one is leaving. It's much like Imp's story, if no one is moving to a place the only way to get the inventory back to that city is to pay someone to take it there, hence the high drop off fees.

Lastly, if the guy at UHaul lied to you about everything else, why do you believe him about the drop off fees?

In fact he was very honest and forthright about how they were going to screw me with their teaser rate not being the end price.  The reason the prices are different is because they are based on “mileage rates” determined by the region.   I have no clue how those mileage rates are determined other than they appear to be what the market will bear.  In other words how much of a rip off do they think they can get away with in any given part of the country.  

A skinny cow In Texas does not b;give as much milk as a fat one in NYC.  And yes I know that analogy is also ass backwards.  Who ever heard of a skinny anything in Texas?  Even the armadillos are fat.

Said I'm full of shit, I'm not going to call you names, I'm just going to embarrass you.  Go to my link and get a price quote on a vehicle that will hold the contents of a 2-3 bedroom residence (the example I used), for a one-way move from NYC to Dallas, and then do it again fora one-way move from Dallas to NYC, and you will see the price difference yourself.  Its there in black and white, so don't shoot the messenger because you don't like the message.  

Maybe you should have contacted U-Haul national corporate like I did rather than your local U-Haul dealer.  The local U-Haul for me is a private mail box place that has two U-Haul trucks parked out back that they rent under the U-Haul name and I would not have even considered asking them about a NYC to Dallas move.  Since your local is SoCal, and I ran the prices on the NYC to Dallas move, I would submit the local guy has no knowledge of what's going in on other regions.  He doesn't need to know, because it doesn't affect his location.  

I spoke to a manager of a corporate store.  He has the same computer as every other U Hail dealer and the rates for ever other UHaul dealer in the US.  I did not talk to a franchisee.   If you called their national number you spoke to a reservation clerk who doesn’t know shit.  I think he was trying to make a stupid joke at best if he told you that.  I will give you that.

But let’s think about how inane your premise is.  A guy shows up to a UHaul in Dallas and wants to rent a long haul because he’s moving to Oregon.  Do you think he’s going to rent a truck to drive to NYC because it’s cheaper that way? Do you honestly think that UHaul is going to even make that offer to him?

I’m not an idiot.  I get the price difference.  I explained why UHaul does that.  Incentivizing someone to drive a truck to NYC instead of where he actually wants to go is idiotic.  That’s why they do their own inventory control.

...but people are leaving and that trend will continue. Peeps being stuck in a high rise during COVID brought many friends of mine to the breaking point.  

But now, the NYPD will become younger and more inexperienced which is ANOTHER reason for people to leave. The experienced cops who do stay aren't going to offer up their lives anymore to save others like they used to and we will have the "Ferguson effect" here, and in all the big cities.

Covid and crime will force peeps out from both sides of the aisle. Young, white liberals can tell us till they are blue in the face how much they love BLM, but when crime comes to their hood, they will toss BLM aside and move to more suburban, less crime filled areas in NNJ and Conn.  

Ask any realtor here. It's already happening.

Jack, have you ever lived in NYC?  I'm not talking central park or the Argyle.  NYC is and always has been a city where people start out with the goal of getting the fuck out of there.  I have been there many times and lived there for a month.  That was 30 days too long.  Probably because I'm a California boy, but that place is a giant shithole.

prior to COVID 30 days was only about 28 days too long. I've actually enjoyed spending a day or two here and there in NYC, but that was before COVID of course. Right now I wouldn't want to even take a flight to Europe with a layover in NYC just in case the flight got delayed or canceled and I found myself stuck in NYC. lol

As for you having lived there for an entire month, all I can say is "you have my condolences"

Several years ago, my car developed a problem on the south "away" end of my trip. I had to leave it with a mechanic and rent a car for one day to drive back "home" in the north.  Somehow, due to a compact vehicle shortage, I ended up with a beautiful classic black Mustang. I dropped it off at my northern "home base" rental place.
A week later, I had to be back south for an active project (and to pick up my car) and reserved a cheap compact rental to get me back south where I would then pick up my repaired car for the return trip.  
I get to the rental place and they didn't have any compacts available.  I joked about seeing the Mustang I brought in the previous week still on the lot (and they remembered me from when I dropped it off). They said, "We need to get this car back south. We will comp you the rental if you bring it back to the place you got it and leave it there." That worked out perfectly for me. And they got their Mustang back to the area where they wanted it.

the same way. I can imagine Seattle will be the same also. Illinois same thing.

Not on our southern border, the immigrant flood from the "northern triangle" has slowed to a trickle largely thanks to the help from Mexico on both their northern and southern borders, and the Mexicans themselves are largely hard working, law abiding, welcome additions to our state, it's the fucking liberal tidal wave who have soiled their own nests and now want to come here to do the same to Texas that we need to keep out.

I wish it were just the "smart" Californians et al moving here, but unfortunately many of the transplants to our great state didn't learn their lesson after fucking up their own home states, they want to bring their failed policies with them and ruin their new home too.

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