Politics and Religion

I made GaG loose his shit!!! ROFLMAO!!!!
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 663 reads

You know GaG, when you agree to stop engaging in name calling, and then continue to do it, then what do you expect will happen, my little Asian American friend?

Number of Americans killed by terrorism in Bush's first year in office: 3,000

Number of Americans killed by terrorism in Obama's first year in office: 12

Statistically speaking, you are 250 times more likely to have died from terrorism under Bush's watch than under Obama's.

...blame Clinton for allowing terrorists to think. But they give Bush a pass for never thinking.

What is it that you call that? Following a "principle"?

I'm all for open discussion, even a little sarcasm thrown in, but WW, your statements seem to be nothing more than crap designed to just get some kind of a response, rather than make any intelligent point... How about getting real for a while and give us all a break.  It really has gotten old....


...for every terrorist paranoid conservative on this board to say "touche".

-- Modified on 1/16/2010 11:54:13 AM

You aren't paranoid if it is a real threat.  Given, you think people over play it, but do you think it is non-existent?

unless you have anterograde amnesia, then you already know what I think about it. Every tax dollar that is spent fighting Islamic terrorism is a dollar wasted.

is the direct result of all the work the Bush administration did to attempt to prevent any further 911-type attacks.

Quit trying to blame the Bush Administration for everything.  Shit, you probably blame them for the earthquake in Haiti.

Now we're at "9/11 type attacks" instead of terrorism, eh?

No, I don't blame them for the earthquake in Haiti. I do blame them for making the situation in Haiti much worse than it should have been. I also blame Clinton for the same thing, we played a bigger role in making that country a shit hole.

President Bush's two terms of office came on 9-11, yes I am referring to 9-11 type of attacks.

Just how dense are you???

GaGambler1378 reads

because we all know how dense WW can be. lmao

...but it's hard besting Asian Americans in a game of smarts.

...has giving a compliment been racist?

you threw a racial stereotype out there and now act like you're innocent.  

You're as bad as Limbaugh and Pat Robertson.

Does that mean that you agree with me now?

GaGambler2137 reads

As someone who has had as much dialogue with him as you have, that should be evident.

WW doesnt' appear to bit a bit smarter than Trannyboy, he just posts his inane bullshit in complete sentences, the content is every bit as stupid.

GG's race hasn't a damned thing to do with his intellect(or lack there-of)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all (or at least most) Asian Americans were smart.

tjrevisted834 reads

GG may not be the only person you insult with your obvious rasicim for asians ..

WDF IS WRONG W YOU? Everything you say is about to lose credibilty, and you can come back aqt me, with what ever you want..I DONT CARE, your rasict, AND NOTHING ELSE MATTERS

since when was complimenting someone on their intelligence racist?

well fine then! I guess it's racist. GaG, sorry for offending you, you dumb shit.

everyone happy now?

GaGambler888 reads

and you are not just a troll, you are an irritating asshole as well. I'll be happy when you take your stupid shit elsewhere.

You already know how I feel, I would advise you to cross the street if you ever see me coming, but I thank you for proving to the rest of the board exactly how big a fucking putz you really are, maybe now they will treat you with the disdain you deserve.

Just in case I wasn't clear enough for you. Willie, FUCK YOU!!!

You know GaG, when you agree to stop engaging in name calling, and then continue to do it, then what do you expect will happen, my little Asian American friend?

GaGambler686 reads

and I didn't agree to shit. I said I would consider it if you dropped the Asian American crap which you started five minutes after I stated how much I dislike it.

You are a fucking troll and I may occasionally talk about you, but I doubt I will do much talking to you until you gain some sense. As I have said on many occassions, "You are simply too stupid to talk to"

"First off we are not "friends"
Posted by GaGambler "

I doubt very seriously if fuehrer willy has ANY friends..

Ok. Then why are you upset?

It was not I who started the name-calling. And you know I'm not the sort to turn the other cheek.

tjrevisted1812 reads

''It was not I who started the name-calling. And you know I'm not the sort to turn the other cheek.''

ww...Ive called GG so many names without ever calling him a rasict slur..

I dont think asian american is a bad word, but gg has told you he doesnt like being calledc that, then you start with all the racist blanket statements you could think of about asians ONTOP OF, YOU KEEP CALLING HIM A NAME HE DOESNT LIKE, that also has to do w race, you really look insensitive and racist..GG ISNT THE ONLY PERSON W ASIAN DECENT ON THIS BOARD, and we see you treating him this way, AND IT SURE DOES LOOK LIKE UR RACIST..This isnt about ''turning the other cheek''- GODFORBID, you dont call GG names, just be bigger, and dont make them racist names...


-- Modified on 1/17/2010 2:40:24 AM

GaG doesn't like being called an Asian American. I don't like being called a moron. We agreed not to name call anymore, and he continued to name call.

It's very simple. If he doesn't want me to do it, then he can stop.

tjrevisted1324 reads

And I guess we are all wrong, and your right, you're not one, EVEN THOUGH YOU ACT .LIKE ONE...

Im done rading your racist posts, ASSHOLE

...is that when you're insulting someone's intelligence, at least in those instances, do a spell check. It will keep you from looking silly.

GaGambler1658 reads

the next time you think I "loose"
it. Anyone with a second grade education should know the difference between a "loose" and "lose" especially a "looser" sic, like you. lmfao

Sheesh, you really are a moron aren't you.

-- Modified on 1/17/2010 8:42:51 AM

according to Pitch...9-11 doesn't count as a terrorist attack.

If some nutjob shoots up a military base, that counts. If a kid burns his nuts off on an airplane that counts. But the loss of downtown Manhattan, that doesn't count.

By your reasoning Pitch, if terrorists blew up the Statue of Liberty and the Sears tower then Obama would be the most successful President ever when it comes to fighting terrorism.

-- Modified on 1/16/2010 4:32:38 PM

you're just illiterate!!!

How in the hell do you come to the conclusion that you just pronounced above?????

Terrorism is terrorism, no matter how big the scope. But the actions of 9-11 have changed this world forever and will never be forgotten.

And I don't give a fuck who is President when attacks happen. Presidents are to be blamed for such savage attacks.

My last line should read "Presidents are NOT to be blamed for such savage attacks."

Hell, if Willy can continue to spell the word "lose" with two o's, then I guess I can make an occasional typo.

...that George W. Bush is to blame for the worse terrorist attack to ever happen on American soil?

Absolutely not.  And neither was President Clinton.

Read my post above where I corrected my typo.

No one person can be blamed for such a catastrophe.

much of the finger pointing that occurs, after a terrorist attack, is wasted effort, on our part in keeping each other safe.

Matt, I agree 100 percent with your remark. When an attack occurs is not important. Preventing one from happening again is the key ingredient.

that stating the obvious was the way to impress the conservatives here, then I would have never posted half the things that I have.

so here goes...kittens are adorable. They really are!

Here's another observation. Terrorists are very bad people. Very very bad.

What goes up...really must come down! It's so true!

zorff941 reads

I completely agree that this country is much safer under the Obama administration, and will continue to be for the remainder of his term(s).  I would disagree, however, that one could use the numbers in the manner you did to arrive at that conclusion.  There's a lot more information that comes into play when measuring national security, and much of that information isn't accessible by the general public.

but if I tried to talk about some of the facts behind that information, these guys would spend 5 minutes scratching their head and then tell me I'm a moron.

At least this way they get the drooling and frothing over and done with a lot quicker.

-- Modified on 1/16/2010 6:31:47 PM

Timbow1019 reads

Please tell us how is this country much safer under the Obama Administration ?

Timbow730 reads

That is a real  weak argument  basing it on  911 which was  both Bush's and  Clinton's fault .

zorff1569 reads

Oh, we could probably start with his avoidance of extemporaneous foreign policy decisions that alienate allies and turn unstable populaces into supporters of terrorist organizations.  Then we could add to that list the steps taken to reverse the adverse effects of those incredibly stupid decisions; ie silencing the extreme voices that had begun to erode the moderate sentiment of quite a few Muslim countries.  I know, I know.  They were just speeches and the words of the most powerful man in the world don't hold much weight, but it was cute that he did it anyway.  Oh yea, and the diversion of resources away from an almost decade-long conflict in a country which posed absolutely no threat to the US in the first place; not to mention using those resources to eliminate important al Qaeda targets.  Small shit, I know.  I can be naive like that.

Timbow822 reads

Wow you have not said one concrete thing in that long  statement that shows how Obama has kept us safer . Keep trying :)

intelligent posters on this Board have been unable to grasp.                    Further, the effect of these decisions on unstable populations is still in the incubation period.

     We may just now be beginning to see a new breed of terrorist mount the world stage. The Jordanian doctor who killed 7 CiA operatives in Afghanistan was actually a double agent who fooled both Jordan and the United States into believing he was our agent.

     This guy was right out of Three Days of the Condor - he was that good. If they can employ operatives of this quality, it is only a matter of time before the next tragedy occurs, no matter what we do.

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