Politics and Religion

After reading 1000's of posts here over many, many years, I have a question for the board
GaGambler 2555 reads

How many of you actually like the country that you call home? and as a follow up, how many of you are actually happy with your lives?

I will go first. This country has many, many problems and while I hate jingoistic flag waving by faux patriots, I have to admit that with all it's faults, and even further admitting that I seem to have more fun when traveling out of this country, this country is still a land of opportunity where even a degenerate like me can make a rather good life for myself and I wouldn't trade it for any other country on earth, even if I end up retiring somewhere else.

As for my follow up, I am quite happy with my life, while I am far from my own definition of rich (Obama's definition not withstanding) I live the way I want, I do what I want. I don't really lack for anything, and quite frankly I am quite happy with my life.

What prompted my question is it seems like so many of you, especially on the left, seem to hate most things about this country, and not only seem to be quite unhappy with your own lives, but appear to blame others for your own lack of success and happiness. Whether it be the bankers, the politicians,or the "evil" capitalists, it seems like you all have someone else to blame for your lack of sucess or personal fulfillment. Has it ever occurred to those of you who feel unfulfilled or unsatisfied with your lives to look inward at your own personal choices in life rather than blame the world for your problems?

I'm happy with my life, and I don't even hate capitalists.

Posted By: GaGambler
How many of you actually like the country that you call home? and as a follow up, how many of you are actually happy with your lives?

I will go first. This country has many, many problems and while I hate jingoistic flag waving by faux patriots, I have to admit that with all it's faults, and even further admitting that I seem to have more fun when traveling out of this country, this country is still a land of opportunity where even a degenerate like me can make a rather good life for myself and I wouldn't trade it for any other country on earth, even if I end up retiring somewhere else.

As for my follow up, I am quite happy with my life, while I am far from my own definition of rich (Obama's definition not withstanding) I live the way I want, I do what I want. I don't really lack for anything, and quite frankly I am quite happy with my life.

What prompted my question is it seems like so many of you, especially on the left, seem to hate most things about this country, and not only seem to be quite unhappy with your own lives, but appear to blame others for your own lack of success and happiness. Whether it be the bankers, the politicians,or the "evil" capitalists, it seems like you all have someone else to blame for your lack of sucess or personal fulfillment. Has it ever occurred to those of you who feel unfulfilled or unsatisfied with your lives to look inward at your own personal choices in life rather than blame the world for your problems?

and their feelings toward their country, particularly those on the left, I'm going to take your approach and imagine life working for you in a company you own. I find that there are certain ways of doing things that are not working very well and there may be better ways of doing them, and you then tell me that I hate the company I'm working for, and that I'm unhappy with my life! At least, given your analysis, that's what I would anticipate your reaction would be.


The nature of a democracy is that no one is totally satisfied with everything that goes on in it! For that matter any form of government!   ;)


I know! You're going to have a comeback, something like how you wouldn't ever hire me in the first place, however, I'm just using it as an example of your flawed analysis!  ;)

GaGambler508 reads

and it really wasn't that difficult a question. Excuse me, two questions. Do you like this country, and are you happy with your life?

You can even get the picture to your second question from some of my posts from yesterday. However, if you really need me to restate the obvious:

1. There's no other country that I'd rather live!

2. I'm happy with my life, and it's drug and alcohol, but not pussy free, and with everything in moderation!

Try suffering through the DC metropolitan commute sometime. You'll hate it too.

I have a love/hate relationship with Virginia. Quite frankly, I think I would prefer living in Florida, but I would miss all the maple trees, being able to pick blueberries and raspberries off the vine, and all the other various critters that make their way into my backyard.

Our politicians and our political system is fucked, and our popular culture is horrific and getting worse, but no other nation produces quality entertainment like we do, be it TV, movies or music. Listen to Japanese or German music sometime if you don't believe me. The only country that comes close to us is the UK.

But there are a lot of reasons why any sane person shouldn't be happy with their life. We all share one thing in common. For every second that passes, every single one of us is one second closer to our deaths. And as it gets closer, we all must deal with being older. How can any rational person be really happy with that?

I might be happy with my life if science could find a cure for aging, or to reverse it. I might be happy with my life is hot girls paid me to fuck them instead of the other way around. I might be happy with my life if I was a rich rock star.

Do you have any idea of what it's like to write a short little poem and think, "one day, this will be a really good song." You try to write music to it, but nothing is clicking. You stash it away only to discover it a year later. Suddenly, inspiration hits, and you write some really kick ass music to it, but you can only hear it in your head, because you can't play all the parts by yourself. You've never really heard this song before, except you can hear exactly what it should sound like, only in your head.

Finally, you show all the parts to your band mates, and get your singer to sing the lyrics right. Then for the first time, you all rehearse the song together, and it sounds a million times better than you ever imagined.

Your band gets a gig, and you squeak your way into an opening slot for a big name band that sells out the venue. You get on stage, turn on your Marshall, crank the gain knob to 10, and strum a chord. You feel like you're 50 fucking feet tall.

You open up your set with that song, and before the song is over a packed venue is shouting your lyrics back at you, lyrics that all began with a little forgotten poem that sat in your pile of papers for a year.

Let me tell you, there is no better feeling on this earth than that. No drug touches it, and after words, sex seems trite.

Am I happy with my life? No. If I could do that every day for the rest of my life, then I would be. And if you've never experienced such a thing, than IMHO, you don't know what happiness really is.

I think as you of the country. In the end it's just a place to stand on.

My life sucks. But it must have been my own fault. Still no problems with the law, drugs or alcohol. I never hurt anybody or anything. It just happened that the script of life:  college, job, marriage, house, kids, savings, retirement... It's not happening to me.

It's more like whatever day after day, paycheck after paycheck and weekend pussy.

ahhh, maybe the country thing is a little over rated. But it's ok. Nobody ever goes hungry. Even the bums are fat and they drink clean water.

And I am ultra conservative...

Posted By: GaGambler
How many of you actually like the country that you call home? and as a follow up, how many of you are actually happy with your lives?

I will go first. This country has many, many problems and while I hate jingoistic flag waving by faux patriots, I have to admit that with all it's faults, and even further admitting that I seem to have more fun when traveling out of this country, this country is still a land of opportunity where even a degenerate like me can make a rather good life for myself and I wouldn't trade it for any other country on earth, even if I end up retiring somewhere else.

As for my follow up, I am quite happy with my life, while I am far from my own definition of rich (Obama's definition not withstanding) I live the way I want, I do what I want. I don't really lack for anything, and quite frankly I am quite happy with my life.

What prompted my question is it seems like so many of you, especially on the left, seem to hate most things about this country, and not only seem to be quite unhappy with your own lives, but appear to blame others for your own lack of success and happiness. Whether it be the bankers, the politicians,or the "evil" capitalists, it seems like you all have someone else to blame for your lack of sucess or personal fulfillment. Has it ever occurred to those of you who feel unfulfilled or unsatisfied with your lives to look inward at your own personal choices in life rather than blame the world for your problems?

Speaking as someone you would agree is left of center, I don't think those to the left of me "hate most things about this country" or are "unhappy with their lives."  Of course, I hardly ever read the posts on this board,so maybe there's been a sea change.  But I doubt it.
As for me, I don't simply "like" this country, I love it.  But I also can look at it and see the myriad of things wrong with it.  Being honest about what's wrong is, IMO, patriotic.  Opposing government policies that are mean-spirited or wrong is also patriotic.  But there is still much more that's right about this country than wrong, especially the fact that it continues to attract immigrants because it still offers more opportunity than any other place.
On a personal note, this "slightly left of center" whoremonger is extremely happy with his life.  I made a lot of money, live extremely well, have a great family and enjoy spending coin on fast cars, fast women, travel, whiskey and fine food.
Sorry to screw up your theory!

GaGambler565 reads

You may find yourself agreeing with me after doing so. Page after page of doom and gloom, and how badly and irreparably this country has been fucked up.

I've been too busy down in Costa Rica to post much the last couple of weeks, but reading some of these posts makes me wonder why some of these guys haven't eaten a bullet yet.

Oh we'll, I am about to board a plane headed back down south, Pura Vida Perras

First of all, if you think I'm going to waste my energy reading a bunch of posts here then, please, GFY.  LOL!  But I see lots of posts from righties railing about how Obama has destroyed America, so there must be plenty on both sides.
I do look forward to joining you in CR in a couple of months to see which of us can fuck more chicas while drinking too much vodka.  But if you can run your dick as well as you run your mouth you'll probably win, LOL!  I'll still be happy as a sissy on a troop ship, as mein said recently.  Or as happy as Willy with a bong.

GaGambler564 reads

I think his OP is a great example of what I was talking about in my post. Not that I agree with a single word he wrote, but his attitude is exactly what I find coming from the least on a regular basis.

BTW I am not quite as happy as I was an hour or so ago, my flight to CR has Ben delayed, but the Admial's Club is only a short distance from my gate, so I am still in a pretty good mood. And I warn you, I am going to do my level best to fuck every single hottie in Costa Rica before you ever set foot in the country lmao

And do it today!  But I get the jist of it.  And, so what?  Gratn you, it's a good example of your point but it's still only one post (even if it is as long as "War and Peace").
As for your CR plan, please go ahead and fuck all of them.  Did you really think they were virgins before you?  Every damn one of them has been turning tricks continually before you found your way into their pussy.  Besides, with your tiny wee-wee they'll be nice and fresh when I arrive.

GaGambler663 reads

And you are starting to sound like "Taylor" you admit you haven't read any of the posts but still claim to know what they say.  Sound familiar?

Damn this plane needs to board soon, I've already got all all nightwear planned, but  if I don't get there until after midnight i might be just prepaying her for morning sex.

Talk about a legend in his own mind.  I sincerely hope you don't consider yourself in his league.  Say it ain't so!
And, no, I really don't read any of the posts here anymore but I did for years so I'm pretty confident the malaise you cite is just as prevalent on the right, especially these days when the Tea Party crowd feels Obama has wrecked the country.
BTW, who/what is Taylor.  The only Taylor that counts in NY is Lawrence Taylor.  But I'm not into dudes.

1-I do love the green acres country as my home, and love visiting the cities; especially for a first time.  I have never left the USA, but it is on my bucket list to visit Amersterdam one day.  I absolutely love the gulf beaches and I am happiest there.  I am extremely grateful to live in a country of oppurtunity.

2-Happiness is a choice I make each moment.  And most of the time I bring my happiness with me, I enjoy my work but it doesn't define who I am as a person.  I enjoy learning new things, and my current interest is learning enough about stocks to play catch up.    

I didn't lose a house in the crisis, I didn't lose my life savings in the market, I didn't lose any loved ones in a hell hole desert.  But a lot of people did over greed.  I don't know who is to blame because some bought houses that should have never been allowed.  And stocks are risky, so that was a choice.  And the military is not on a draft.  So I try not to wrap myself up too much, but I do find it all very, very interesting

is a personal choice. I spent many-a-year being pissed off at pseudo Christians because of their ability to be two-faced. Then I married a moderate Christian. Someone who didn't pretend one thing and turn around only to espouse something completely different due to stressful circumstances.

I mostly enjoy the opportunities this country affords the hard-working..............BUT I would like to see more opportunity for ME to decide who I wish to help(welfare system). I do believe we are our brothers keeper but I also believe in teaching my brother to fish instead of handing him the fish. In the 2 Thessalonians 3:10(para-phrase)He who does no work, doesn not deserve to eat. Moreover........in the proper context....he who is capeable of work but chooses not to shall have no dinner.

I wish the efforts of distribution were better administered.

there is a very long list of that which I think is wrong here. it may surprise you to learn it may be similar to Willy's. Not completely lol, but it would have some similarities.

I love The Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. The rabble rousing spirit and the dumping of tea into the ocean. I'm not so fond of the small pox blankets and the owning of other humans beings. Today, I morn the death knell of the "America" I hoped I would live to see. The founding fathers wanted nothing more than to protect future generations from tyranny, YET many of us have WILLINGLY climbed into that golden cage, like a flock of domesticated parakeets. Apparently many people are frightened of true freedom, and find comfort in captivity. As I like to say- I'm in love with the idea, but not the execution.

Asking me if I'm "happy" is too reductive. I view life as a beautiful struggle or a crucible of fire. Your idea of "happiness" might me MY idea of complacent or "comfortably numb." Being a hooker allows me a lifestyle similar to that  of a Greek philosopher (minus the man/boy love and the sodomy.) I spend my days reading and listening and debating and discussing... and pondering. Who are we? Where did we come from? Where do we go from here? Gnosis.

Snowman39612 reads

My country has its problems, but don't they all. However, it is still a land that offers everyone enough opportunity to get where their determination and talent can take them. You still have to earn it, but it is there for the taking which I think is all anyone can ask.

Personally, I like my life a lot. Good family, everyone is healthy, and although I would not say I am rich, I have enough income and assets to assure that my family lives in nice gated neighborhoods and my kids get a great educations.  

Yes, I am very happy...

cashorcredit628 reads

The USA is the best country in the world... although sometimes I may disagree with my government and leadership.. I was always taught to respect those who have rule over you. And for those who don't like this country they can politely get the follar out!  

Having a happy life that would depend on what makes someone happy. Banging beautiful woman, traveling.... gambling preferably in Vegas, making someone laugh and helping someone less fortunate than myself.. those things make my life enjoyable.

But hey life could be a whole lot better if I was a millionaire with Jenna Haze on my arm lol, but I can't complain

some times I feel like this?
What is it to you?



Do you have a problem with that?


rather than be forced to gamble it at America's holy alter of greed "Wall Street", or the "Real Estate" game.  
I guess the banks feel they are the only ones who should be making money with no risk. 6% was way too much interest on savings accounts. Better to have the poor sod invest his life savings in the Wall Street casino with hopes of a 20% or more pay-off; then manipulate the market and his investments into the hands of the already super rich. The commoner is crushed, and the modern robber baron is that much richer.  

  People invested in 401Ks and had them raided by unscrupulous Harvard Business graduates or yet another Wall Street financial meltdown needing another bail-out by the tax payers.  The rich got richer "again", and the rest of America took it in the shorts.  

  I look forward to when this tremendous human experiment in self government admits to its corruption, anarchy takes hold, and every suit on Wall Street is publically hung and burned

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