Politics and Religion

I know as much history as you do, pal. Probably more.
saltyballs 1136 reads
1 / 28

HRC wins in an electoral landslide, however I do expect the popular vote to be very close. Republicans will keep the House with a much smaller majority. The Senate will be a 50/50 tie between Democrats and Republicans with Vice President Kaine casting the deciding vote. We will have complete gridlock and chaos during the first two years of Clinton's term, with House Republicans members carrying out impeachment hearings of Hilliary Clinton, they just never learn. Why? Hatred of Clinton is the one thing that unites the Republican Party. The GOP leadership, to keep the Trump crazies from coming after them, will allow impeachment hearings of Hilliary Clinton to proceed. However the Senate requires a 2/3 majority to impeach the POTUS, so it will fail.  I also expect Senate Republican's will filibuster Hilliary Clinton's nominee for the SCOTUS to death.  

The great awakening will occur during the midterms in 2018, when the silent majority decides enough is enough and sweeps away GOP control in the House. The Democrats will also be given filibuster proof majorities in the Senate in 2018.

-- Modified on 10/22/2016 2:19:04 PM

GaGambler 278 reads
2 / 28

The midterms most likely will find the GOP regaining a solid majority as the country realizes what a horrible mistake they made in electing Hillary. The rest of your predictions sound quite plausible to me. Expect that the impeachment hearings against Hillary will most likely be for actual "high crimes" and not simply for trying to cover up a blow job like what happened with Bubba.

As for the SCOTUS nominee, I wonder if Hillary sticks with Garland or tries to "stick it" to the GOP and nominate a true lefty whacko?

Maybe the GOP really did do themselves a favor by not holding hearings and rejecting Garland, as he is the very best candidate they could ever hope for from a POTUS Obama or Clinton. If Hillary withdraws Garland and substitutes a true left winger most likely she will NEVER get a single piece of legislation through a Congress with split power. If the GOP had held hearing and then rejected Garland they NEVER would end up with a more palatable nominee if/when Clinton is elected.

saltyballs 149 reads
3 / 28

Mistake, how so? Nothing except impeachment hearings and filibustering of Clinton's SCOTUS nominee is all we will hear about during her first two years as POTUS and not much else will get done. Independents are not dummies, they will side with Democrats during the 2018 midterms and give the Democrats control of both the House and Senate. Poor Paul Ryan he's in for a miserable next two years with members of his own caucus.

GaGambler 211 reads
4 / 28

and I can only hope you are right about the gridlock. That's the only hope I have if Hillary is elected.

BTW, I have not "totally" conceded that Hillary will become POTUS, but I am afraid the only way she does not win is Trump has something up his sleeve that will knock her completely out of the race, and by "knock out of the race" I mean something that will make her ineligible to be POTUS. This of course is most likely simply wishful thinking and becomes less and less likely with each passing day.

Clinton can easily get past the SCOTUS problem by sticking with Garland. Garland is the BEST the GOP is ever going to get out of a Dem POTUS and the GOP will most certainly look like obstructionists if they don't confirm him in 2017, the "First" year of an administration, not the last. Garland should sail through next year if Hillary has the good sense to stick with him.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 185 reads
5 / 28

what else comes out on Trump. Rumor floating about that he used the "N" word on unedited "Apprentice" tapes. If THAT comes out-----

Checking below link, she's ahead of Obama at this time in '08, when he won by  7.2 % & racked up 365 electoral votes. Barring any catastrophes ( which is certainly possible ) she could best BHO's '08 numbers.

Dems narrowly take over the Senate with a 51 member majority; make sizeable gains in the house, but control remains in GOP hands.

2018 off year election goes to the GOP making sizeable gains ( like they always do ) & possibly retaking the Senate.

Lastly, because of historical precedent, nearly positive that HRC will be a 1 termer.
Posted By: saltyballs
HRC wins in an electoral landslide, however I do expect the popular vote to be very close. Republicans will keep the House with a much smaller majority. The Senate will be a 50/50 tie between Democrats and Republicans with Vice President Kaine casting the deciding vote. We will have complete gridlock and chaos during the first two years of Clinton's term, with House Republicans members carrying out impeachment hearings of Hilliary Clinton, they just never learn. Why? Hatred of Clinton is the one thing that unites the Republican Party. The GOP leadership, to keep the Trump crazies from coming after them, will allow impeachment hearings of Hilliary Clinton to proceed. However the Senate requires a 2/3 majority to impeach the POTUS, so it will fail.  I also expect Senate Republican's will filibuster Hilliary Clinton's nominee for the SCOTUS to death.  
 The great awakening will occur during the midterms in 2018, when the silent majority decides enough is enough and sweeps away GOP control in the House. The Democrats will also be given filibuster proof majorities in the Senate in 2018.

-- Modified on 10/22/2016 2:19:04 PM

saltyballs 165 reads
6 / 28

...........being any different. Not many people predicted Trump's rise to become the GOP nominee. So, yes I can see the 2018 midterms being very different from "normal" with the GOP completely over reaching in their treatment of Clinton and in the process driving millions of independents and highly educated women voters to the polls in 2018. Independents will expect an up or down vote on a SCOTUS nominee, regardless of who it is. If GOP Senators decide to filbuster the SCOTUS nominee for the next 2 years, I expect the House and Senate to switch over to Democrats in 2018. Also let's not forget, Trump has zero intention of slinking off into the shadows, he will try to figure out a way to monetize his tens of millions of supporters as well as have an outsized influence on the future direction of the GOP. The GOP civil war will begin in earnest after the 2018 midterms.

mattradd 40 Reviews 127 reads
7 / 28

the argument, to the American people, that a former president is not qualified to be a Supreme Court justice. That would have me rotflamao!  ;)

saltyballs 237 reads
8 / 28

.........Minorities are notorious for not showing up to vote during the midterms. Picking Obama as SCOTUS would be an ingenious move by HRC and a big kick to the gut of the GOP. Trump supporters would go BSC.

-- Modified on 10/22/2016 5:03:23 PM

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 205 reads
10 / 28

HRC wins in an electoral landslide.  We become further involved with the chaos in Syria's civil war, by proxy and corruption selling weapons to keep the final phase of pipelines in their country.  Russia will send nuclear ships towards Syria, keeping Britain and our allies on alert for WWIII on the horizon.  The USA will continue to foot the bill to protect the globe.  I wonder if we would see an industrial stimulation to our economy?  And if congress will be forced to pass a military budget?  And curious if HRC can handle the tough decisions with a TBI.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 133 reads
13 / 28

My guess is that Ryan will keep a majority, but narrow, and that what he'll lose are the moderates of his party.
I also think the Senate will go to Democrats. But that's maybe more a hope than a prediction.

So the Republicans will try unsuccessfully to impeach Clinton shortly after she takes office.
North Korea will become even more of an immediate problem to deal with.
Russia will try to get away with more than it has, and that might result in some bad news for everyone.
Syria's Civil War will continue, but the ISIS problem will be reduced INSIDE their borders.

We'll make important advancements on setting up a Mars Mission.

Trade will continue. We will continue to benefit from NAFTA and we'll find some compromise in the Pacific to keep getting inexpensive stuff.
There will be separate policies on trade agreements. One policy for raw materials and perishable goods and another for manufactured products or value added commodities. Farmers and miners will grumbled, stock traders will swagger.

Nothing of any consequence will be done about global warming, but before the end of Clinton's 1st term an increasing number will start paying attention, and scientists will start to hint at what they already have a consensus of opinion on--that we have already reached a point where nothing we do can turn it around. But it'll be soft enough that there will be no panic.

Loss of productive agricultural land will cause more migration problems in various parts of the world

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 116 reads
14 / 28

& so are you. Check out more credible links : http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html.

Posted By: DaveMogal
He places $500.  
 With millions of dollars at steak it is about the investments people have not about the issues.
-- Modified on 10/22/2016 4:08:06 PM

bigguy30 236 reads
16 / 28
bigguy30 183 reads
17 / 28

Charlie Cook is backing up, what I was saying all along.
Trump was never going to win, no matter what the polls said last month.
Also I know, you hate Trump too.
It was more about the hype, than real facts last month.

Posted By: Laffy
according to Charlie Cook.  He said "Game over."  
 It would take something yuge for her to lose those states.  So even if Trainwreck Trump won all the swing states, he's still fucked.

-- Modified on 10/22/2016 8:52:43 PM

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 218 reads
18 / 28

The man has never served a day on any bench.  He was not ready to serve as President/Commander-in-Chief and that was obvious from the day he took his first oath of office.

But, as voters proved in 2008, qualifications mean nothing when it comes to being elected President.  And they did it again this primary season when they nominated Trump.
Posted By: mattradd
the argument, to the American people, that a former president is not qualified to be a Supreme Court justice. That would have me rotflamao!  ;)

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 39 reads
19 / 28

I know all about President Taft.  And, like you said, he had previous experience on the bench. And that, combined with his time in the Oval Office, qualified him to serve on the Court.

My point was simply this.  Being President alone is not enough to qualify one for the Supreme Court. Period

bigguy30 318 reads
20 / 28

It was forty Supreme Court Justices without, prior judicial experience before becoming Justices.

Also let's look at the President law days.

Obama entered Harvard Law School in the fall of 1988, living in nearby Somerville, Massachusetts. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year, president of the journal in his second year, and research assistant to the constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe while at Harvard for two years.

So he accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book. He then taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, first as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004.

I guess this President being a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, is not enough for you.

The final point is, with a approval rating of 55%.
Most would disagree with you about his Presidency too.
Posted By: PitchingWedge
The man has never served a day on any bench.  He was not ready to serve as President/Commander-in-Chief and that was obvious from the day he took his first oath of office.  
 But, as voters proved in 2008, qualifications mean nothing when it comes to being elected President.  And they did it again this primary season when they nominated Trump.  
Posted By: mattradd
the argument, to the American people, that a former president is not qualified to be a Supreme Court justice. That would have me rotflamao!  ;)
-- Modified on 10/23/2016 12:05:01 AM

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 86 reads
21 / 28
bigguy30 177 reads
22 / 28

We all know Trump is a racist scumbag and that is why you are voting for him.

Posted By: DaveMogal
Make sure you vote early or get the polls first thing on 11/8/2016.  Some black folks might not realize this history about Trump.  

bigguy30 207 reads
23 / 28

Posted By: saltyballs
.........Minorities are notorious for not showing up to vote during the midterms. Picking Obama as SCOTUS would be an ingenious move by HRC and a big kick to the gut of the GOP. Trump supporters would go BSC.

-- Modified on 10/22/2016 5:03:23 PM
-- Modified on 10/23/2016 10:06:59 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 181 reads
24 / 28

Republicans don't have 2020 vision, so all they can foresee is that they have to make America's progress as slow as possible and squeal about what an awful person the President is.

Grover Norquist will back with his little pledge perdition for everybody to sign. The word "Black" will be penciled out and the word "Female" inserted in its place, but the idea is the same. There are some types they just can't stand to have in a position higher than theirs. Until we succeed in our efforts to re-educate Southerners, we'll continue to have ignorant bogota in Congress.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 175 reads
26 / 28

he never worked as a judge.  And the bigger point is this: The Supreme Court should never be treated as a popularity contest.  Unfortunately, the Presidency already has become one.

Posted By: bigguy30
It was forty Supreme Court Justices without, prior judicial experience before becoming Justices.  
 Also let's look at the President law days.  
 Obama entered Harvard Law School in the fall of 1988, living in nearby Somerville, Massachusetts. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year, president of the journal in his second year, and research assistant to the constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe while at Harvard for two years.  
 So he accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book. He then taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, first as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004.  
 I guess this President being a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, is not enough for you.  
 The final point is, with a approval rating of 55%.  
 Most would disagree with you about his Presidency too.  
Posted By: PitchingWedge
The man has never served a day on any bench.  He was not ready to serve as President/Commander-in-Chief and that was obvious from the day he took his first oath of office.  
  But, as voters proved in 2008, qualifications mean nothing when it comes to being elected President.  And they did it again this primary season when they nominated Trump.  
Posted By: mattradd
the argument, to the American people, that a former president is not qualified to be a Supreme Court justice. That would have me rotflamao!  ;)
-- Modified on 10/23/2016 12:05:01 AM

bigguy30 184 reads
27 / 28

Posted By: PitchingWedge
he never worked as a judge.  And the bigger point is this: The Supreme Court should never be treated as a popularity contest.  Unfortunately, the Presidency already has become one.  
Posted By: bigguy30
It was forty Supreme Court Justices without, prior judicial experience before becoming Justices.  
  Also let's look at the President law days.  
  Obama entered Harvard Law School in the fall of 1988, living in nearby Somerville, Massachusetts. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year, president of the journal in his second year, and research assistant to the constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe while at Harvard for two years.  
  So he accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book. He then taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, first as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004.  
  I guess this President being a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, is not enough for you.  
  The final point is, with a approval rating of 55%.  
  Most would disagree with you about his Presidency too.  
Posted By: PitchingWedge
The man has never served a day on any bench.  He was not ready to serve as President/Commander-in-Chief and that was obvious from the day he took his first oath of office.    
   But, as voters proved in 2008, qualifications mean nothing when it comes to being elected President.  And they did it again this primary season when they nominated Trump.    
Posted By: mattradd
the argument, to the American people, that a former president is not qualified to be a Supreme Court justice. That would have me rotflamao!  ;)
 -- Modified on 10/23/2016 12:05:01 AM

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