Politics and Religion

i just hope he's either using protection, or getting the girls tested beforehand :P Rock On, GG! eoteeth_smile
DoctorZGonzo 1880 reads


historyBuff4114073 reads

Yes, thank you LE for your dedication, while the rest of America is at the Mall, the beach, the baseball game, the bedroom ???. As long as they get someone else to protect they're ass, no one will really care.
The greatest Israeli terrorist was a Jew that killed their own prime minister in 1995.
Question: Who is the only Middle East country to attack, unprovoked in international waters, a US naval ship and kill 34 Navy crewmen that we admire and respect. Iran ? No; Iraq ? No; Syria ? No; The Answer: Israel in 1967 attacked the USS Liberty killed 34 navy men, wounded 171. Look it up and ask what happened and why you don't know about it or why you don't care.
Remember the Liberty, isn't that's what the US stands for.
Remember in the eyes of the British, George Washington was a terrorist. They were the last empire before us, next will be the BRIC, we are like Rome before the fall.
No army or LE can't stop the march of history, we are headed for the ashes of history.
If you doubt please tell me what areas do we lead the world. Not autos, not electronics, not computers, not banking, not energy, not even space anymore, it's all BS and it's slowly crashing down, give it another 20-25 years we are a third world country, uneducated, drugged out, welfare ridden country. You believe Barack's BS, good luck.
We lead the world in the the 4-P's: Pornography, prostitution, prisons and poverty.

GaGambler1095 reads

I will concede we lead the world in pornography and prisons, but we are not even close in prostitution or poverty. You must not travel much to have such an attitude.

Americans don´t have a clue to real poverty, ask anyone who has come here from a third world country, and prostitution? We are only slightly ahead of the ME where it comes to prostitution. Prostitution is legal is virtually the entire world except for the US and the Islamic countries.

Speaking of prostitution, I am posting from the Del Rey Hotel in Costa Rica where prostitution is quite legal. I think I will get back to my drinking and whoring. See ya LOSERS. LOL

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