Politics and Religion

I hope Trump doesn't pick this idiot to be Secretary of State!
mattradd 40 Reviews 867 reads

But, it wouldn't surprise me any. He sounds much like Trump.

Timbow152 reads

Posted By: mattradd
But, it wouldn't surprise me any. He sounds much like Trump.

GaGambler223 reads

Right now the odds makers agree with you and have Romney at 3/2, but the odds seem to change daily with Mitt, Rudy, Huntsman and Petraeus being at the top of the heap, oh yeah I almost forgot John Bolton has been bandied about quite a bit.

I don't like to judge a man after only reading one article about him, but Dana Rohrabacher doesn't come off looking too good in that interview, but of course Matt isn't really known for linking even handed articles, most of them border on being OP Ed pieces trying to pass themselves off as news.

I think John Huntman would be a good choice, also.

P.S. I still don't see why either one of them would take the job. Better they run for president in 2020.

She is saying that Russia is a human rights violator and he is saying that China is worse. They are making different points.

Seems to me he wasn't arguing that Russia didn't commit human rights atrocities, he was saying that what they do pales in comparison to what China does.

The actual truth is proly somewhere in the middle. Of course it is true that Russia is much better today in this regard then under the Soviets, but it is no where near what it should be.

smeared and demeaned the person interviewing him. His point about China being a bigger abuser of human rights is valid, but she never said Russia was worse, or even the same, just that there have been the same accusations, of human rights abuses, made against Russia. For that matter, the same accusations have been made of us. Then he said she was biased. That's a typical Trump response. Given her background, I'd say she's well informed; much better informed than he. My take was more that he wanted to paint a picture of Russia that is more favorable than what reality is, and slaps her down when she will not go along with it. It reminds me of when the Intelligence community claimed that Russia was involved with the DNC hack; which was reported to him during security briefings, and Trump writing them off, like he somehow knew better.

True, upon re-reading, he was being demeaning of her and that hurt his point. But I don't think he was wrong or was an "idiot" as you described him in your OP, based on the facts. More like an "ass", I would say. lol

Good points, good post.

he was an ass! ;)

I can also live with he acted like an ass, or idiot vs. he is an idiot! ;)

of the president of the United States of America, producing "The Apprentice" while in office! ;)

-- Modified on 12/9/2016 8:50:08 AM

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