Politics and Religion

I hear what you are saying, but I really disagree.
JackDunphy 439 reads

The R's can NOT remain silent when he trashes McCain's war record or when he gives out Grahams phone number or when he calls Hispanics rapists.

THATS how Trump could hurt the brand, by the GOP not standing up to his lunacy and perceived or real racism.  

I do agree that they do need to be somewhat careful with him but they cant have the Left media or the Dem candidate brand the potential GOP candidate with the sins of Trump.

They have to pick their spots, to be sure, but they cant remain silent in the face of what is sure to be Trump's ridiculous over the top verbiage on other issues in the future.

.....that he could mount an independent run. So, will the RNC back off on future criticism? Or will they kick him out? This gets really interesting when you consider a recent Washington Post poll that suggests a three-way race would result in Hillary Clinton getting 46%, Jeb Bush getting 30%, and Trump 20% among registered voters.

The Hill: "Donald Trump says the chances that he will launch a third-party White House run will 'absolutely' increase if the Republican National Committee is unfair to him during the 2016 primary season. 'The RNC has not been supportive. They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy,' the business mogul told The Hill in a 40-minute interview from his Manhattan office at Trump Tower on Wednesday. 'The RNC has been, I think, very foolish.'".

-- Modified on 7/23/2015 10:43:26 AM

He is done. No third party run either. He is a greaser and a business man. You don't get to where he is and where he plans to stay with half the country hating you.

.......Actually I can see Trump running as an Independent out of sheer spite, if the RNC kicks him out of the party. Trump loves all the "FREE" MSM attention and I don't see him going anywhere anytime soon. The Trump clown show heads down to the U.S. Mexico border today...lol

Posted By: JackDunphy
He is done. No third party run either. He is a greaser and a business man. You don't get to where he is and where he plans to stay with half the country hating you.

-- Modified on 7/23/2015 11:53:50 AM

For that reason he is unelectable. The only reason he is doing "well in the polls" by are brain dead media is that there are 15 people in the race.  

The 20% of R's you mention is pretty much his ceiling, not his floor. As his jackassness continues, those numbers will come down as well.  

He is toast, as he has been all along.

.......going for much longer than the Republican Party establishment would like. Think about how boring the 2015 political season would be without Donald Trump.

And I disagree about the establishment. Trump being in the race makes al the other candidates look professional and viable.

Republicans are now teeing off on him and he is their foil. Notice the entire Lib media is focused on Trump and not the other candidates, which is a good thing.

As recent polling suggests, Trump isn't hurting the R brand at all. People don't view the Donald as a real Republican and the Lib media has helped with that view, too.

GaGambler437 reads

as for the Republican Establishment I do agree they wish he would go away, but I have mixed emotions about which way he is going to pull the party.

One school of thought believes he is going to drag the party to the right in order to reclaim the "crazy vote" that Trump is capturing. The other school of thought believes that he makes all the other candidates look "rational" in comparison, and by Trump looking like a caricature of a righty candidate someone more moderate gets their road paved to the nomination, someone like most likely Jeb Bush.

IOW I think he may be doing more damage to the more conservative candidates who are faced with the prospect of either having to disavow him and shifting to center, or agreeing with him and having to "out conservative" him which would make them unelectable in the GE

That only works if the candidate is a viable one, one that is well liked, reasoned and is a serious threat to the nomination i.e. everything that Trump is NOT.

No reason for any of the candidates to move an inch, due to Trump, as they know he is unelectable.  

Yes, they will agree with Trump on some/many issues but they will have had those policy positions prior to "the Donald" coming on board, and watch in the debates how they will agree with Trump in general on a particular issue, but drill him on the actual details and implementation of it. (making Mexico build and pay for the wall, for example)  

Did I sway you any? Lo

Timbow347 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
as for the Republican Establishment I do agree they wish he would go away, but I have mixed emotions about which way he is going to pull the party.  
 One school of thought believes he is going to drag the party to the right in order to reclaim the "crazy vote" that Trump is capturing. The other school of thought believes that he makes all the other candidates look "rational" in comparison, and by Trump looking like a caricature of a righty candidate someone more moderate gets their road paved to the nomination, someone like most likely Jeb Bush.  
 IOW I think he may be doing more damage to the more conservative candidates who are faced with the prospect of either having to disavow him and shifting to center, or agreeing with him and having to "out conservative" him which would make them unelectable in the GE

GaGambler325 reads

A LOT of Republicans are going to say that the Terry Schiavo debacle will give Bush "Conservative Chops" and it could be a positive among conservatives. It won't play so well to non religious pukes in the GE.

thisbud4u330 reads

It is going to happen, if not the Donald, Hillary is waiting to hit him on that, hit him really hard.

GaGambler427 reads

Not to mention the medias obsession with him. He gets more airtime than all the other candidates combined.

He could however be a spoiler. "IF" both Hillary and Jeb hold serve and win their respective nominations and "IF" Hillary can promise Trump something he really wants, He could find himself a "Queen Maker" and virtually guarantee her victory.

As for his chances of actually becoming POTUS, I rate his chances about the same as Bernie Sanders, which is to say ZERO chance.

St. Croix715 reads

There are about 20 candidates running. Sixteen have no chance in hell of ever winning, including Trump. Excluding Trump, they run for a cabinet job, or maybe an ambassadorship. Maybe they start a hedge fund, or a consulting firm with the promise of money and clients.  

The GOP needs to keep Trump real close, even though he is trashing each and every GOP candidate. The GOP does not want Trump to go rogue, and pull a Perot. Wasn't Perot viewed as somewhat nationalistic and bit protectionist, which I find the latter funny as he was basically the inventor of outsourcing. Perot tapped into a lot of centrist Republicans with his themes. And who benefited from Perot?

If I was the GOP, I'd let Trump do his thing. Tell the other candidates to STFU. Don't engage him. Quit asking him to apologize. It's not going to happen. And if apologize, would anybody believe it? Today's apologies are only geared to get off the front page, and that ain't Trump.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Not to mention the medias obsession with him. He gets more airtime than all the other candidates combined.  
 He could however be a spoiler. "IF" both Hillary and Jeb hold serve and win their respective nominations and "IF" Hillary can promise Trump something he really wants, He could find himself a "Queen Maker" and virtually guarantee her victory.  
 As for his chances of actually becoming POTUS, I rate his chances about the same as Bernie Sanders, which is to say ZERO chance.

GaGambler315 reads

but just like here, it's extremely unlikely to ever happen. Especially when the media needs Trump to keep the viewers tuned in. The chances of Trump shutting up are about equal to Daffy doing so here.

You are right about the GOP, the last thing they want is for Trump to go rogue, but what can the GOP offer him to STFU that Hillary can't offer him? Trump could easily pull a Perot, and assuming Hillary (odds on favorite, but still vulnerable) wins the nomination, she is certainly capable of doing "anything" to get elected and get the Presidency that she so firmly believes is OWED to her. I don't know what she could offer Trump, but everybody wants "something" and the POTUS has the power to give a lot.

The R's can NOT remain silent when he trashes McCain's war record or when he gives out Grahams phone number or when he calls Hispanics rapists.

THATS how Trump could hurt the brand, by the GOP not standing up to his lunacy and perceived or real racism.  

I do agree that they do need to be somewhat careful with him but they cant have the Left media or the Dem candidate brand the potential GOP candidate with the sins of Trump.

They have to pick their spots, to be sure, but they cant remain silent in the face of what is sure to be Trump's ridiculous over the top verbiage on other issues in the future.

GaGambler353 reads

Is to simply say "I don't want to talk about Trump" and simply move onto "I want to talk about my vision for this country" That's how a frontrunner grabs the lead and keeps it.

Hillary Clinton is who any GOP candidate who has a chance of getting the nod should be campaigning against. That's how you look Presidential instead of being reactionary and letting yourself be led around by the nose like most of the GOP candidates are doing. A POTUS has got to be perceived as a leader, not a follower. Guys like Lindsay Graham and Rick Perry are proving that they are nothing but wannabes by making their campaigns about bashing Trump

St. Croix447 reads

He wants something. He is an egomaniac, but then most successful people are, they're just not that much "in your face" with it like Trump.  

Unfortunately we live in a very sensitive country. You say one thing that another person or group MAY find offensive, and you are called out in social media, and forced to apologize. With that apology comes regret, contrition, maybe a donation or extortion (reason for Sharpton's existence). O'Malley apologized in a nanosecond when he said, "All Lives Matter" to a Black audience. There is a part of me that doesn't want Trump to apologize, even though what he said about McCain was pretty piss poor. Sorry for the rant, just tired of these daily apologies mandated by so-called grieved parties.  

Trump wants something.  Ask him!

Posted By: JackDunphy
The R's can NOT remain silent when he trashes McCain's war record or when he gives out Grahams phone number or when he calls Hispanics rapists.  
 THATS how Trump could hurt the brand, by the GOP not standing up to his lunacy and perceived or real racism.  
 I do agree that they do need to be somewhat careful with him but they cant have the Left media or the Dem candidate brand the potential GOP candidate with the sins of Trump.  
 They have to pick their spots, to be sure, but they cant remain silent in the face of what is sure to be Trump's ridiculous over the top verbiage on other issues in the future.

GaGambler319 reads

and keep in mind, one of the things he might want is the chance to simply get revenge on the people that have been laughing at him. Hillary may not need to offer him much more than the chance to get even and rub the GOP's noses in the fact that HE was the one who beat them. Trump has a HUGE ego, that could be all the reward he needs.

I don't think Trump can apologize at this point, not without looking like a complete phony even to his own followers. Trump has got to keep being Trump, after all he's a lot more interesting, or at least a lot more entertaining than anything Hillary has to say right now.

That just showed how much of a pussy O'Malley was.  

He should have stood up to the idiots who cry about his "All lives matter." It would have separated him from the BSU's and give him his "sista soulja" moment, if you will.

Check out what Stephen A. Smith said about this. He BURIED the Dems over it.

And The R's will be able to give Trump something so he doesn't go all Indy on there ass. LOL.  

I just don't worry about a third party candidacy from Trump and if you look at what Trump actually said, I didn't take out of it he was serious. It was loaded with "ifs" and "mights."

Not like our media would blow anything our of proportion! LOL.

thisbud4u360 reads

President Obama had 55% disapproval rating among white males in 2012, in a poll!   Disapproval does not automatically translate in to voting for the opponent.

Donald said today he may very well run as an Independent.   Even if he chops away 10%-15% of the right wing votes from the Repubthug nominee, they are done for 2016.

thisbud4u300 reads

He will take ten to fifteen percent of their votes and send their party nominee packing.   I love it.

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