Politics and Religion

I do not know what to make of this video!!Are the churches calling for revolution?
mrnogood 2432 reads

Uh-oh! This isn't good, Or Godly...Its downright dangerous

Between this and the occupy wallstreet, I gotta begin to wonder if the church isn't Obama's minions!

Come on now! What are the chances the churches are in the bible belt calling all christians to revolution at the same time the unions are calling for revolution on wallstreet?

You know ALL churches are 501  c3 and c4's - which gives the government CONTROL over them

-- Modified on 10/17/2011 12:57:54 PM

The Christians believed Jesus turned over the moneychangers in anger.  Maybe everyone is mad as hell at the banking scam even if they don't understand all the deceit of them receiving all that bailout money and the backdoor deal that made after it was voted down by congress.  Sounds almost like the banks overthrew our government.  The US Treasury is a front for the Federal Reserve, which is private owned.  Questions are asked by everyone, how can they just print money out of thin air, charge interest on it.  Fractional reserve banking just don't make sense even to the dumbest of us.  

I do have a problem with Mitt Romney being our front runner GOP and a brainwashed Mormon.  They believe blacks can only make it to heaven by being slaves.  And his grandfather was a 5x polygamist.  I may get to the pearly gates and be wrong, but I believe there is no religion in heaven.  It was man made to control the masses.

I say pull your money out of any big banks, use a local bank or credit union.  Try to stay debt free if you can, that is where the freedom lies in this mass slavery.  Use cash when you can, checks are worthless to businesses now.  People are getting more and more desperate and stealing debit/credit card info more than ever.

What does churches 501 CS and C4 mean?


mrnogood2267 reads

Who seems to be sturring it up.. The banks are funding this, and this would be how the banks fund BOTH sides of every revolution..

C3 and c4's are non profits, the government funds and makes tax free..BUT, the government also gets to dictate the agenda, like a treatment plan would for medical treatment..

mrnogood1148 reads

wouldn't it suck to have blood shed, fighting for a new improved system, and then the new system we get is the new world order..

and with the way we got countries sitting with no governments now, like libyia and egept it kind of looks like we got a new world government waiting on the west, to come in and save the world..

You understand, right?  Let's see what this next election does and I think we need to give it 8 years to undo Bush's last 11 years.  Damn Obama, I really wanted you to be more than a puppet.  I know your hands were tied, but no excuse for the first two years with a dem congress!  Why can't he resign?
Ron Paul 2012 until I see a dem that gets my attention.  Fuck all that, repubs bringing in fascism and dems bringing in socialism.  We got a fucking problem on our hands and we got to come together people.  Thats all.  See you guys when the media hits us with some more outrageous news! Take care everyone. ~Madison~

btw, I just can't believe in doom in gloom for our world.  I think it will unravel and get ugly for awhile, but it's going to be okay in the end. Talk later.

Posted By: mrnogood
wouldn't it suck to have blood shed, fighting for a new improved system, and then the new system we get is the new world order..

and with the way we got countries sitting with no governments now, like libyia and egept it kind of looks like we got a new world government waiting on the west, to come in and save the world..

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