Politics and Religion

Outraged police not happy with shift away from failed war on drugs~HuffPoregular_smile
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 2062 reads

oh, this is sweet.  I wonder if these outraged police do realize the CIA are responsible for bringing the molly (heroin and MDA) into our country as of lately.  And the pharmaceuticals have the legal dope for those that need a justification.  

But on a happy note, this is one thing that I am proud of Eric Holder.

...CBD does not have psychoactive properties and is very effective for alleviating seizures.  Growers are now developing plants which are high in CBD and low in THC.

I believe one day we will look back at how hypocritical it was for cancer causing cigarettes to be legal although weed was illegal and one of the best options for treating tumors and side effects of cancer.   How can tobacco execs that kill people make millions and that be okay, but a plant that heals continue to be illegal??

The best thing to do is educate so children/grandchildren do to not touch this molly heroin, club rave drug that is flooding our country now.  It is a dead end road of prison, mental institutions or death.  Just type in Molly in Google, you will see just how it has hit the news the past week.  It will be just as terrible as meth

No one has, to my knowledge, put jellyfish DNA in any weed plant. What is done with weed is called selective breeding. We've gotten all the different weed strains the same way we've gotten all the dog breeds we have. Yes, with selective breeding, you can turn a grey wolf into a chihuahua. And you can turn shit weed into Purple Haze.

...but genetically modified is typically reserved for gene splicing. For instance, "GloFish" are just zebra fish that have been genetically modified by putting DNA from other animals in them in order to make them fluorescent. They are still Zebrafish, just with slightly different DNA.

Pot has been selectively breed. There are three verities, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.

Sativa is high in THC, has a long growing season, and grows very tall. Indica has a higher CBD concentration, has a shorter growing season, as it evolved in cooler climates, and grows shorter. Indica has fat wide leaves while sativa has long narrow leaves. Ruderalis is a low THC, low CBD plant that grows along the ground.

Pot breeders have breed different verities of indica and stavia in order to get a plant strong in THC, but has a shorter growing season. There are "autoflowers", which are just a breed that is mixed with a ruderalis.

So many verities have come from previous strains. Liberty Haze came from mixing Purple Haze with a different strain.

None of this involves gene slicing. Just selective breeding. Once a good strain is developed, one can grow a new strain by breeding two plants together, or by taking cuttings from a mother plant. Incidentally, this is commonplace in horticulture. Every avocado you've ever eaten came from the genes of a single mother plant that produced weird results. Typically, a new plant is grown, the stem is cut, a cutting from the mother plant is taken, and the two stems are taped together.

The article is advocating medical marijuana. Through the use of recreational marijuana.

-- Modified on 9/7/2013 11:24:54 AM

...but it mostly has to do with a few things that happened to industry in the 20's and 30's.

Prior to the 20's, almost all textiles were made out of hemp (the non-flowering male version of the Cannabis planet). Even during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, farmers were ordered to grow hemp to help with the war effort. Everything from ship sails to rope, to even the glue used on the ships were made from hemp.

In the 20's the industrial revolution kicked into high gear. We had the assembly line. And a new machine was invented that would make paper made out of wood a lot cheaper than hemp paper.

A few companies, but most notably, Kimberly Clarke bought up huge plots of land in order to harvest the timber. And wouldn't ya know it, right around that time, another new machine was invented that made processing hemp a lot cheaper. Kimberly Clarke stood to lose a LOT of money, and possibly go belly up.

Around that time, the Bureau of Prohibition was being put out of business with making alcohol legal again, and you know that saying about how hard it is to cut gov't spending?

That is pretty much why weed is illegal. To help sell weed prohibition to the public, a racist campaign was spread, to convince the American public that smoking weed would make people crazy. It would even make black men step in white women's shadows. That was a real concern if you read the Congressional transcripts.

Happily, you can find those transcripts in the appendix of this book:

are the millions of Muslims and bikers in DC yet?  I wished I could smoke some hashish with you and people watch ;)

...but I dunno nothing about a millions of Muslims protest.

You and me both, hun. You planning on making your way towards DC sometime soon? I dunno if you can get away from Florida or not, but man, it would be fun to hang sometime.

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