Politics and Religion

Bush administration claims it never considered airplanes as weapons?
Puck 20 Reviews 29579 reads

This is just another data point that informs us that the actual analysts and planners within the Government were well aware of this terror weapons possibility.   We know that either Rice is lying, when she says that the Administration never considered the possibility of planes being used as weapons, or that she was incompetent in dismissing such a threat as unrealistic.  Frankly, I do not know which,   But either one is sufficient to justify their removal from office.

What happened? Got too interesting to stay away?

I was surprised how much activity this board had, and how much ridiculous drivel was being posted by Bushie's apologists, so I couldn't let that crap stand unchallenged.

RLTW19469 reads

Do you realize that you're linking to an article taken off a SF Indymedia site?

Don't you know that the Indymedia sites are secretly run by the neocon-far-right-blood-for-oil-cabal of Cheney and Rove in a sinister, but quite effective, operation to convince rational people that the far-but-ever-so-noble-and-nuanced-left is full of a bunch of lunatics!

Your sources of information and the credence you give them reveal alot about you.


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