Politics and Religion

I don't see the connection between your post
RightwingUnderground 4244 reads
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This case is unique in that the genetic selection was made before fertilization, but my prediction is that if (or when) a genetic marker for homosexuality is discovered we will see a mass transformation of the gay community from pro-abortion to pro-life.


The first baby in the UK tested before conception for a genetic form of breast cancer has been born.
Doctors at University College London said the girl and her mother were doing well following the birth this week. The embryo was screened for the altered BRCA1 gene, which would have meant the girl had a 80% chance of developing breast cancer. Women in three generations of her husband's family have been diagnosed with the disease in their 20s.

Paul Serhal, the fertility expert who treated the couple, said: "This little girl will not face the spectre of developing this genetic form of breast cancer or ovarian cancer in her adult life.
"The parents will have been spared the risk of inflicting this disease on their daughter.
"The lasting legacy is the eradication of the transmission of this form of cancer that has blighted these families for generations."
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) involves taking a cell from an embryo at the eight-cell stage of development, when it is around three-days old, and testing it.
This is before conception - defined as when the embryo is implanted in the womb.
Doctors then select an embryo free from rogue genes to continue the pregnancy, and discard any whose genetic profile points to future problems.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1768 reads
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and positions on abortion in the gay community. The link has nothing to do with abortion.

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) involves taking a cell from an embryo at the eight-cell stage of development, when it is around three-days old, and testing it.
This is before conception - defined as when the embryo is implanted in the womb.....

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 2113 reads
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Yeah, but just think about it for a minute. If we ever discover a "gay" gene and parents start pre-screening it out, the porn industry would go broke. No more chick on chick flicks.

The.Joker 1542 reads
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I always thought those porn stars were actresses. Could I be wrong?

RightwingUnderground 1831 reads
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I clearly acknowledged that the pre-selection took place BEFORE fertilization. The point is that genetic testing prior to birth is becoming more prevalent. Whether the choices are made pre-fertilization or after will largely become one on cost and convenience. Abortion's not going away. If (when) there is a genetic marker available for homosexuality there will be an increase in the use of the information both before and after fertilization.

bong_water 2696 reads
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Every time I get the munches I think about the fat gene.

GFE.inspector 1117 reads
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In fact, I inspected her just the other day.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1958 reads
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What have  attitudes in the gay community about birth control to do with your post?

RightwingUnderground 1816 reads
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genetic science is making gains daily. It's probably only a matter of time until a genetic marker for homosexuality is discovered. If and when that happens the majority of parents will use whatever is the most appropriate method for themselves to insure that they do NOT have a gay child. Even though pre-fertility choices may be available, abortion will most likely continue to one of the choices and most likely a very common option. When the gay community realizes that gay babies are being aborted simply because they are gay, there will be a large conversion of the gay population to pro-life.

charlie445 3 Reviews 2194 reads
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Why do you believe that people would not want to have a gay child?
Do you think that gay is a disease?

RightwingUnderground 1435 reads
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of heterosexual people are homophobic? Hell, I bet the majority of the guys here (TER) are homophobic. Maybe the numbers are less than I supect but I guarantee they are still substantial.

People have abortions now in order to select the gender. Do you really think they consider being the wrong gender a disease?

Then there is the social aspects of being gay. For most gays, especially at a younger age or in many geographic areas, being gay is simply more difficult. It is a more difficult lifestyle. Too bad but it's a fact of life. For some significant number of parents (oops, Mothers) that is enough to make the choice.

So which was it? Bait? or Ignorance?

charlie445 3 Reviews 1760 reads
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I will have to take your word for the homophobic issue. I equate homophobia with racism. I think genetic  screening is a slippery slope and should be tightly regulated. At least for now.

RightwingUnderground 1730 reads
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barebear3 38 Reviews 2300 reads
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Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has to be performed after fertilization and before implementation in the mother's womb. The British have defined "conception" as when the zygote is implanted in the womb, which is different from the American definition that "conception" is when the zygote is produced by the fertilization of the ovum by sperm. That creates communication problems when discussing medical ethics issues between the US and the UK.

PGD is done when there is (1) a clear and reliable genetic marker for a disease, (2) there has been a known family history of that marker being expressed and causing disease in direct members of the family (parents and grandparents) and (3) the alternative of waiting to see if the marker is expressed involves substantial health risks to the child because of the mortality or morbidity  associated with the disease or with treatment to treat the disease.

If those three conditions are met then PGD is justified.

In the case of homosexuality,
(1) homoexuality is not considered a disease
(2) these is no evidence now that there is any genetic marker for homosexuality
(2) Even if there was a genetic market for homosexuality, there is unlikely to be a known direct family history of homosexuality in a family as grandparents and parents are unlikely to have had children if they were homosexuals (4)the alternative of waiting to see if a homosexuality  marker is expressed (if there was one) involves no substantial health risks to the child because there are no higher mortality or morbidity associated with homosexuality as long as the person engages in safe sexual practices - which is what all persons should do in this age of STDs.

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