Politics and Religion

The every slow, but increasing listing from pragmatists to
mattradd 40 Reviews 1806 reads

ideologues. Dole's warning should be a wake up call to the leaders of the Republican party.

GaGambler344 reads

look what happens when one party or the other actually gets their way, we end up with travesties like ACA and The Patriot Act. I would have much preferred gridlock to either of those bills being passed.

But "gridlock" can and will make the aforementioned "Acts" NON-repeal-able.

GaGambler323 reads

My only real reason for voting for Romney was the likelihood of him repealing Obamacare, as for the Patriot Act, even Obama has reaffirmed everything in it and in fact is in favor of further expanding the powers of LE.

Once again we get the worst of both worlds. In GWB we had a Republican who spent as much as any Democrat, and in Obama we get a Dem who is as dangerous to the Bill of Rights as any member of the GOP, Yep, fucked again.

I appreciate your point, I just don't think it's possible to undo what's already been done.

Not for a VERY long time; if EVER!

 Once you concede power or control to government; good luck ever getting it back!  

 But "gridlock" on anything and everything is not ameliorating our economy, jobs, equal rights, crumbling infrastructure, education, renewable energy, immigration, Gun rights, Gun control, National debt, equitable taxation, needed Wall Street regulation, predatory lending, Too Big to Fail; NOTHING!!

GaGambler351 reads

Jobs, should be left to the private sector, we already have equal rights, fuck anyone who wants "special rights", Infrastructure I can go along with, where are those "shovel ready jobs" Obama was talking about?  

As for the rest of your list, I see government making all of these things worse, and not better, I still vote for gridlock. The less government does, the less they can fuck up.  A lot of what's wrong could be fixed by simply enforcing the laws already on the books, not by writing new ones that won't ever be enforced equally.

I don't think it's wise to have a government making knee-jerk reactions to problems or issues. However, there are some real reforms that I'd like to see; particularly regarding tax and social security reform, however gridlock will keep that from happening. Only with both sides working, and compromising will there be any hope of progress.

GaGambler321 reads

I am already good with the fact that SS will never give me a cent back of the hundreds of thousands I have put in, why I don't want is to double  down on a Ponzi scheme that has already fucked me once.

And what you call "tax reform, most likely means more money out of MY pocket, not yours, so forgive me if I am content for nothing to get done, for everything that you and yours wants to put on the table makes my life worse, not better.

...they're just as spineless and useless as ever.

This is why this country is in perpetual down fall. Both parties serve the interests of the wealthy. Few of them have any sense of civic pride or duty, few care about the living standards of the American People, the vast majority of them are there simply to make a buck.

How do I know that this is a fact, and not just my own pessimism?

WTF was he thinking!?!

It just confirms my belief that this country is sinking, and the ultra rich and powerful are grabbing up as many resources as possible, before it happens, to keep them afloat while the rest of us go down with the ship.

GaGambler316 reads

the public is about to get fucked.

Viva Gridlock!!!

Truth be told, my vote for Clinton in 96 was a vote for gridlock as much as any other reason. The GOP controlled Congress, and I am terrified when either party controls both the Executive and Legislative branches of Government, especially since that control leads to packing the Judicial Branch for years to come.

Snowman39404 reads

Dole is part of the generational politicians like McCain, who just "go along". Party started doing it years ago and where are we know...


At this point, I actually kind of laugh to myself. the Democrats in DC are going to have to learn what the Democrats in California did, they are going to have to CUT SPENDING.

It will be kind of funny watching them squirm in their seats as they have to vote to cut programs they pushed so hard for a few years earlier. Like Obama learned, even if you win, the problems of the real world are still out there. Ever wondered why GITMO is still open

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