Politics and Religion

I don't know what to write. Ok, maybe this: I'm another that your brother.sad_smile
Robertini 4 Reviews 269 reads

But a question for you and everybody. You think there is a chance for AliquippaJones's brother? Is it too late?
Whatever you want to add. Just say it.

JackDunphy1401 reads

Its a job killer, as CBO has pointed out.  

To treat Manhattan, NY, the same as Manhattan, KS, is ridiculously stupid, but that what you get with top down, one size fits all dumb shit posing as smart economic policy. LOL

And of course, who gets hurt the most by the increase? The people who need those jobs, which are the poor and unskilled. The very same people libs tell us it is designed to help. Sheez...

Dems...always for the little guy! LMAO!

They could just put tablets on the counter instead of a live person. In Seattle they raised it to 15 and now people are asking their employers to cut their hours so they can keep their welfare.
Anytime the subject come up the media will give a an anecdotal sob story about a man or woman who can't feed their kids on a fast food salary. Well, don't have kids. I have a brother who is 50 and working at Pizza Hut. He'll probably be a paycheck away from a homeless shelter the rest of his life.I don't feel sorry for him. He's responsible for where he is.

But a question for you and everybody. You think there is a chance for AliquippaJones's brother? Is it too late?
Whatever you want to add. Just say it.

thisbud4u302 reads

You neo cons said the same thing about the Affordable Care Act.   It is the greatest job killer in the history of this country.   Really?    The last 5 years saw the greatest jobs growth than 8 years of Dubiya, 4 years of GHWB, and 8 years of that "Iran Contra" Chief

It just a simple fact and doesn't matter who is in the White House. The automotive and construction industries have cut labor nearly 40% since 1960 and now the technology is getting cheaper, more reliable and easier to set up/intigrate. When it's cheaper to run a robot why wouldn't they? Add in health insurance and it s no wonder why corporations will move in this direction. You can't discriminate against a machine, osha doesn't care if it's in a dangerous environment... Lots of reasons to automate.  

Posted By: thisbud4u
You neo cons said the same thing about the Affordable Care Act.   It is the greatest job killer in the history of this country.   Really?    The last 5 years saw the greatest jobs growth than 8 years of Dubiya, 4 years of GHWB, and 8 years of that "Iran Contra" Chief.  

thisbud4u301 reads

By 2050 there will be no Republicans or Tea Party and neocons.   The country's demographic will have changed so much, the work force will be made up of highly educated and experienced techies, mostly Asian.

It is up to parents to give job related technical education to their kids so they can be a force in the emerging high tech job market.     If you drop out of HS, don't blame the President, whoever he/she is that there are no jobs.

...accounting, jobs, wall street jobs, insurance jobs and few others in the medical industry. Most of the jobs created since the Great Recession have been low paying retail jobs.

Posted By: 613spades
      It just a simple fact and doesn't matter who is in the White House. The automotive and construction industries have cut labor nearly 40% since 1960 and now the technology is getting cheaper, more reliable and easier to set up/intigrate. When it's cheaper to run a robot why wouldn't they? Add in health insurance and it s no wonder why corporations will move in this direction. You can't discriminate against a machine, osha doesn't care if it's in a dangerous environment... Lots of reasons to automate.  
Posted By: thisbud4u
You neo cons said the same thing about the Affordable Care Act.   It is the greatest job killer in the history of this country.   Really?    The last 5 years saw the greatest jobs growth than 8 years of Dubiya, 4 years of GHWB, and 8 years of that "Iran Contra" Chief.  

thisbud4u443 reads

That is because all the high paying high tech, medicine and engineering jobs have been taken over by Asians in this country.   Just see LinkedIn.   Do you know what it is?     Asian unemployment rate is under 1.5% and even that represents people in between jobs.

No credibility

CBO has never pointed out it is a job killer.  

Besides, Seattle who raised the minimum wage to $15 firs have not seen any job loss hence, it is bullshit theory. Sound economic theory states, when incomes of lower income people goes higher, they spend it to meet their unmet needs thus increasing economic activity. On the other hand, when incomes of wealthy goes higher, they hoard it.

Supply side fucking economics doesn’t fucking work. This fact has been proven over and over agin. It leads to teetering infrastructure, poverty and inequality.

As Jared Bernstein points out, economics isn’t an exact science and the effects of raising the minimum wage to $12 or $15 will soon be felt, whether they’re negative or positive. Seven Nobel laureates in economics have proposed an increase in the minimum wage saying that there would be little impact on employment when wages are already so low. According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research minimum wage hikes in the past have had no discernable impact on employment.
The jury is still out but we should know soon enough the effects of the minimum wage increase. I'm just curious how many here, as the head of a household, could live on a minimum wage of $7.65/hr


-- Modified on 7/27/2015 8:56:05 PM

States that have raised the minimum wage have seen an economic surge.  Why because people have more money to spend!

GaGambler285 reads

Why don't you do a Google search and then tell us how many of our "57" states have enacted a $15 minimum wage. lma

As of July 1, 2015 according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (this disclaimer is for BP otherwise he will link to this post in 5 or 10 years in order to make a false claim). . .  ZERO State laws require a minimum wage of $15 per hour.

I’d provide a link but according to AF it is up to the reader of a post to do their own research

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