Politics and Religion

"Do you like black, or African-American?"
Luv-Kit2 2356 reads

A caller asked a talk show host this question, “The label black is so much simpler than African-American. Is it OK if I call all of them black?”
Host, “No, it’s not up to you. It’s like 3 persons who variously like to be called James, Jim & Jimmy. It’s their names and up to them. It seems that the older generation prefer black, like Condi Rice & Colin Powell, while younger athletes & entertainers, prefer AA.”  
There was of course the famous quote by Whoopi Goldberg,  
"I'm Black, not African-American. If you must insist on my pedigree, call me Central-American American."  
I seem to recall that Obama prefers to be called black. Is that right?  
What's the big deal? We'd try to avoid offending a whole segment of the population

GaGambler280 reads

But I am in complete agreement with them here. Personally, I don't give a fuck what the talk show host said. I REFUSE to use the term AA, and that goes for both Asian and African American. He is completely wrong with his analogy, it's not "Three" people, its millions and I am not going to kowtow to the PC Police and constantly be changing what I call entire races of people at the whim of the PC Police.

Not to mention the fact that many black people not only have never been to Africa, but they aren't American either. Want to insult a Jamaican or a Bahamian, just try calling them "African American"  

Besides, it's not like I stay up at night worrying who I may or may not be offending with what I say here or IRL.  

For the record, I have a perfect way of dealing with people who INSIST on being referred to as "African American" any one that fucking up tight IRL, I simply don't talk to at all. I don't need people like that in my life, and for the record any person of Asian heritage who get's all bent out of shape over being called "Oriental" gets radio silence from me too.  Yes, people have the right to get offended over the slightest perceived slight, but I reserve the right to tell those people to "GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!" and by doing so give them something legitimate to be offended about.  Remember your mother telling you "if you don't stop your crying, I will give you something to cry about"??? Words to live by. lmao

I prefer to use the term "black" in general compass because I do not know their nationality.  

Just like when I put my foot in my mouth that not everybody says "Merry Christimas"  one of my customers was in my shop with his two small children.  I innocently ask "are you ready for Christmas?"  Both kids look at the father, and he says "we don't celebrate Christmas".  I apologized if I offended them and said "Happy Holidays" when they left.  He was cool with it, no big deal.
Why can't we let people slide on innocent small talk without coming out with full defense mode?  Is the question to be asked



-- Modified on 12/15/2016 1:42:07 PM

GaGambler312 reads

but once again, I refuse to join the PC Police and start making a big deal out of it.

There are plenty of battles I have had and am going to continue to have with organized religion, but making a big deal out of saying Merry Fucking Christmas is not one of them. Christian basher that I am, I even wish people Merry Christmas. I don't really celebrate Thanksgiving, or Easter or many other holidays, but I just don't feel the need to go out of my way to piss on other people's parades.

So Merry Christmas Everyone, and if that offends you. GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! lmao

How about a new national holiday that would be 100% politically correct? We could call it the "Go Fuck Youself Day". Just about everyone I know feels comfortable with this salutation and nobody seems to be offended. In fact when most people are greeted this way, they usually respond with a variation of the same.  LOL!

..."indians", instead of "redskins."

Can you imagine what frightened little boy would be too scared to type "redskins?" LOL

Thank God nobody here would be that fucked up in the head. :)

JakeFromStateFarm234 reads

I bet he doesn't even know that "indians" aren't even from India.  It's enough to make me roll my eyes

... did you see the newspaper headline that read "Insensitive Trump moves black family out of home they've occupied for eight years"?

Those who insists on all black people to be called African-Americans displays his/her ignorance by definition.  

Try to call a black Jamaican African-American and see the results. There is a Haitian neighborhood not too far from where I live. Some of those Haitians are pretty rough bastards too. Try to call any of them African-American. Best of luck to you.  

But if you really want to see contempt written all over somebody's face try to call somebody from Africa "African-American". Whatever would be their reaction it would make you feel really small.  

The problem is that the term African-American might be preferred by younger American born blacks but it only applies to them. The representatives of the rest of black race can get pretty pissy if referred to that way and there are plenty of all kinds of Africans and Caribbeans and so on in the United States.  

Back in the day at a friend's house I met a hockey player named Grant Fuhr. Remember him? He won all kind of drinking ware backstopping for Edmonton in the 80s. Well, as I recall him describing the differences between playing in Canada and playing in the US I doubt he would've appreciated much if I were to refer to him as African-American too.  

So when you're talking about African-Americans, you're only talking about the US born and not all US born too. Because I've discovered that 1st generation "African-Americans" prefer to be referred to by the country of origin of their parents. Why is it that an American of Italian descent can call himself Italian-American and one of Haitian heritage has to be described with a more general term? Who gave those that prefer to be referred to as African-Americans the right to deny 1st (or 2nd) generation Haitian his or her national identity?  

That's why when you say black you really should be on the safer grounds (doesn't mean that you are though which is absurdity). Because there are blacks out there ...and then there are blacks too. :)

Just saying

JakeFromStateFarm199 reads

And you know what they say about people who are half Oriental, don't you?

brooks5261 reads

And you know what libs say about people who are half Whites, don't you?

JakeFromStateFarm317 reads

That women who are half white remind me of your mom.  I just love to fuck 'breeds.

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