Politics and Religion

I don't have Laffy on "ignore"
JackDunphy 1991 reads
1 / 34

Welcome to the party pal! Have a nice nap?

You just inked a deal with a country that has NO desire to stick to it, that is the largest state sponsor of terror on the planet, that YOU just gave them billions of dollars to fund their terroristic plans and that of its proxies, that threatens the existence of our ally, Israel, on a week in and week out basis and NOW you have come to the conclusion that Iran says "disturbing" things???

John, buddy, booby...stop taking the short bus everywhere you go and pull head from ass.

Yes John, Iran is going to defy the west...but don't worry for they wont get to that until they are done laughing, partying and their hangover fades away from their celebration after ripping you and Barry off as bad as they did.

-- Modified on 7/21/2015 2:15:39 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 281 reads
2 / 34

Neither has US policy towards Iran.  

You keep howling about the Nuclear deal for every little thing.  

If you want to talk about Middle East and Israel then, your hero Georgy fucked ME up. Israel, has broken every UN resolution and relentlessly killed Palestinians and don't Netanyahu, doesn't want anything to do with negotiated peace and you want Iran to stop all activities in the ME.  

Not going to happen. You have got to give something to get something

All you nut jobs want to do is to go to war with everyone so that right wing billionaires can profit from contract killing.

HONDA 153 Reviews 348 reads
3 / 34

.... Democrat and Republican politicians do it all the time blowing smoke up the asses of their respective far left/right fringe groups.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Welcome to the party pal! Have a nice nap?  
 You just inked a deal with a country that has NO desire to stick to it, that is the largest state sponsor of terror on the planet, that YOU just gave them billions of dollars to fund their terroristic plans and that of its proxies, that threatens the existence of our ally, Israel, on a week in and week out basis and NOW you have come to the conclusion that Iran says "disturbing" things???  
 John, buddy, booby...stop taking the short bus everywhere you go and pull head from ass.  
 Yes John, Iran is going to defy the west...but don't worry for they wont get to that until they are done laughing, partying and their hangover fades away from their celebration after ripping you and Barry off as bad as they did.  

-- Modified on 7/21/2015 2:15:39 PM

JackDunphy 293 reads
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"I don't know how to interpret it at this point in time, except to take it at face value, that that's his policy," he said in the interview with Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television, parts of which the network quoted on Tuesday.

Kerry believes the Iranians.  

Is Kerry lying or just extremely gullible?

GaGambler 308 reads
5 / 34

But telling the truth to us. Ok got it.

Do you guys even listen to this crap before you write it?

thisbud4u 347 reads
6 / 34

Those are the type of statements that are made for local consumption.    Just like the jackasses in the 2016 GOP clown car saying 1. ready to attack Iran on first day  2. repeal obamacare on first day 3. constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage 4. get rid of the Supreme Court.

The rest of the cultured and civilized world are laughing their ass out.   You get the flavor.

Stop Press:

One more Republican, this one from Ohio just got on the 2016 GOP clown car today.    I guess these clowns are practicing how to jump the fence outside the White House.    That is the only way they can get in to White House.

thisbud4u 240 reads
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pot/kettle 319 reads
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You libs keep repeating your "clown car" line about the big field for the Republicans in 2016.  You must really have short and selective memories.

Just 12 years ago, the Democrats had a large field (around 10) that -- up until the early primaries -- was led in the polls by a guy named Howard Dean.  That's right, the "clown" that gave us that memorable screeching cheer after he got wiped out in the Iowa caucuses.  

And the field had some other doozies too.  The mighty Dennis Kucinich, the memorable Carol Moseley Braun, the young and aspiring sleaze bag John Edwards and, who can forget, the illustrious Rev. Al Sharpton.

Looking at that group, it doesn't make a field that includes a sideshow like Donald Trump look all that bad.

Everything is cyclical in the world of politics.  Just wait a few years and you'll always get a newer, fresher and sometimes even more ridiculous version of what you are experiencing now.

Robertini 4 Reviews 242 reads
10 / 34

Posted By: thisbud4u
Those are the type of statements that are made for local consumption.    Just like the jackasses in the 2016 GOP clown car saying 1. ready to attack Iran on first day  2. repeal obamacare on first day 3. constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage 4. get rid of the Supreme Court.  
 The rest of the cultured and civilized world are laughing their ass out.   You get the flavor.  
 Stop Press:  
 One more Republican, this one from Ohio just got on the 2016 GOP clown car today.    I guess these clowns are practicing how to jump the fence outside the White House.    That is the only way they can get in to White House.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 354 reads
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other going to war with every other nation and don’t have the ability to understand complexity so, you should give up beating a dead horse.  

The horse left the barn so live with it.

Even if the dumb ass Repugnant congress votes to repeal, it will practically no effect on the agreement. You should also realize Repugnant congress has no power over the UN or EU.

HONDA 153 Reviews 273 reads
12 / 34

It is very interesting, we have radical Iranian Islamists, Iran's Revolutionary Guards and our own home grown Conservatives all in agreement that the nuclear deal sucks. So, Kerry and Obama and the rest of the Western powers must have got something right.......lol

Now, Iran's policy of mistrust for the U.S was never going to change with this nuclear deal. I'm not sure why some of you have your balls in a pickle over this. It's really very simple, if the Iranians refuse inspections, sanctions automatically snap back into place, and the military option is back on the table.  

Some here fail to realize that If Bush II had NOT invaded and completely destabilized Iraq, we would not be having this conversation about Iran. A stable Iraq would have been an effective counterweight against Iran.
Posted By: JackDunphy
I think we are in agreement.

pot/kettle 356 reads
13 / 34

do this because you have nothing to add to, contrast or refute comments that are made that differ in any way with what your pre-conceived and absolute notions are.

It's amazing to me that anyone on this board even attempts to try to include you in any sort of a reasonable discussion.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 305 reads
14 / 34

I tried because I remembered his posts from last year on the Vegas board, figured he was harmless... but I didn't go back and read any older posts.  

It's actually quite interesting how the "ignore user" option has been placed so prominently on the screen. I never used it until recently, but residents on both sides of Planet Stupid have inspired me.  

It's not the cure for ignorance or its lemming-minded ignorants, but it does help in the short term.
Posted By: pot/kettle
do this because you have nothing to add to, contrast or refute comments that are made that differ in any way with what your pre-conceived and absolute notions are.  
 It's amazing to me that anyone on this board even attempts to try to include you in any sort of a reasonable discussion.

GaGambler 389 reads
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but that doesn't stop me from ignoring him.  

Well maybe not ignoring him completely, but engaging him in conversation is a fool's errand, I much prefer to simply ridicule him and talk "about" him rather than talk "to" him.  

You might want to try this strategy sometime with him. It's kind of fun watching him run around with his hair on fire like a spoiled five year old DEMANDING that you talk to him.

pot/kettle 267 reads
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Thanks for informing us all about that news.  lol

Your whole post again is one of regurgitation.  Telling us again for the umpteenth time how you feel about Donald Trump.  You have maybe three or four points in your so-called arsenal and you repeat them all ad nauseum on each and every top-poster-leading post you make.

To put it simply -- which is really the only way you can understand anything -- you need to get some new game.

JackDunphy 342 reads
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First of all, if this was a bad deal for the Iranians, why are they, and the Syrians rejoicing and our two key allies in the region, Israel and the Saudis are pissed?  

If you think the sanctions SNAP back into place you are sadly mistaken. First of all we would have to KNOW the Iranians are cheating, which we may not till its too late or ever.  

Thanks to Obummer the Iranians get a 24 day window to hide their program from inspection. I know, pretty stupid huh?

Iran sits on the board whether to allow the snap back sanctions. As do the Chinese and Russians. Gee...how do you think THAT vote will turn out for snapping back sanctions?

And Obama and Biden were BEAMING with delight that Iraq had become stable, as Bush handed it over to their care. Biden said it was an achievement of theirs. Obama UNSTABLED Iraq to where it is today.

Lastly, if you think the military option was ever on the table you are more gullible than Kerry. Obama was a pussy at the table, The Iranians knew this from the re-set with Russina, the Bergdahl deal, how he dealt with ISIS, the Syrian red line, etc etc etc and kicked his ass at the bargaining table

JackDunphy 289 reads
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nuguy46 405 reads
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most damaging........USA will NOT inspect military sites identified by Iran as being involved in nuke participation.  Will the lefties ever admit the favorite son is one of the most ineffective pres...other than Carter????

JackDunphy 239 reads
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marikod 1 Reviews 357 reads
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“But it weighs 80 tons. How do I move it?”

“Quit whining. I'm sure Allah will help. And do something will all those new centrifuges we made.”

“There must be 10,000 new ones. It will take months to disassemble them.”

“Well, at least do something with all this weapons grade plutonium and enriched uranium we made.”

“That stuff is highly radioactive. What do I do with it?”

“Just paint it green and use a lot of air freshener. The inspectors will never know it's there.”

“Ok. We were so smart to outfox Secretary Kerry and insist on a 24 day inspection window. They will never find out we are cheating.

JackDunphy 202 reads
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But of course a terrorist state with Iran's track record needs to be trusted. LOL

Who doesn't need a month to come clean if they are acting in good faith? :D

Buy a clue. Or rent one if you cant afford said purchase. Sheez...

HONDA 153 Reviews 275 reads
23 / 34

1. You say ALL Iranians are in support of this nuclear deal. WRONG! Iranian Islamists and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are NOT on board with this nuclear deal and are in fact trying to scuttle it.

- Iran's hardline Revolutionary Guards denounced a U.N. Security Council resolution endorsing last week's nuclear deal, saying it crossed "red lines" set by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

By asserting that the deal goes beyond limits which Khamenei himself set, hardliners may be trying to push him to reject it.  

"Some parts of the (resolution) draft have clearly crossed the Islamic republic's red lines, especially in Iran's military capabilities," top Revolutionary Guards commander Mohammed Ali Jafari was quoted as saying shortly before the resolution was passed in New York.

"We will never accept it," he was quoted as saying by the semi-official Tasnim News Agency.

2. This nuclear deal gives the U.S. the power to stop any attempt to block the imposition of sanctions by other Security members.
If U.S. officials believe Iran is violating the deal, they would bring the allegation to the Security Council. At that point, sanctions would be imposed automatically — the first unusual twist in the deal. If members of the security council — Russia, China or others — rise to Iran's defense, they can block the new sanctions only by passing a new resolution.

That could be stopped by a U.S. veto. The U.S. is one of five permanent council members — including Great Britain, France, Russia and China — with veto power.

In other words, instead of making sanctions vulnerable to a veto by the five permanent Security Council members, the deal flips that around, and gives the U.S. power to stop any attempt to block the imposition of sanctions.

3. It's clearly obvious Obama has no desire to start another war in the Middle East. Why mess up a legacy that is finally taking shape after 7 years of perpetual Republican obstructionism. Obama has wisely decided that he would rather leave the bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities to the kooks on the right, such as Walker and Trump to carry out on the very first day of their Inauguration. Obama, with this deal, has pushed Iran's nuclear attainment goals 10 years further down the road.  

4. I'm very confident that that the IAEA will be able to suss out any chicanery by the Iranian's as they did with the search for Saddam's chemical weapon stockpiles. I have no doubt that Israeli Mossad spies will also be monitoring Iran's nuclear program closely to see that they comply with the tenets of the nuclear deal.

5. I will keep repeating this, until you knuckle heads get it, George Bush II  was solely responsible for de-stabilizing Iraq. If Bush had not gone into Iraq and destroyed the Baathists party structure, pitting Iraqi Shite groups against Sunni and Kurdish minority groups, we would not have a weakened Iraq and an Iranian state on the verge of attaining nuclear weapons status.

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 2:25:39 PM

pot/kettle 303 reads
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arsenal of yours.

I hope you actually save time and have these posts in autosave so you don't have to continually re-type them each time you use them.  After all, I'm sure your time is extremely valuable to you . . . .

HONDA 153 Reviews 342 reads
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I figure some of those Iranian Nuclear scientists should be able to hide those centrifuges in their drawers when the inspection teams come around....lol

Posted By: marikod
“But it weighs 80 tons. How do I move it?”  
 “Quit whining. I'm sure Allah will help. And do something will all those new centrifuges we made.”  
 “There must be 10,000 new ones. It will take months to disassemble them.”  
 “Well, at least do something with all this weapons grade plutonium and enriched uranium we made.”  
 “That stuff is highly radioactive. What do I do with it?”  
 “Just paint it green and use a lot of air freshener. The inspectors will never know it's there.”  
 “Ok. We were so smart to outfox Secretary Kerry and insist on a 24 day inspection window. They will never find out we are cheating.”  

JackDunphy 181 reads
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Never said it.  

And NO one is talking about war so you can kiss that straw man good bye to. So you don't think Obama meant "all things were on the table, including military" do you Honda? Nope, neither do I and neither do the Iranians.

As for your George Bush nonsense, I refer you back to Biden saying Iraq was America's great accomplishment, so obviously it was STABLE, since he JUST left the country when he made those remarks.

Iraq is weak today because Obummer didn't have the sense to leave a residual force there, when we STILL have troops in Germany, S. Korea and Japan.

Wise up bro

JackDunphy 207 reads
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I just have a question though...why did the Obama admin tell us they needed "anywhere, anytime" unfettered access, just 3 months ago?

Were they lying, again, or did they just cave like they did on so many things to appease the terrorist state in this deal?

HONDA 153 Reviews 408 reads
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....... to just walk in and steal. Our U.S military industrial complex loves this BS. ISIS steals Iraqi military equipment, we bomb said stolen equipment and the Iraqis quickly get replenished with new armaments. Rinse, wash, repeat countless times. Now,  with respect to Iraq there is no chance in hell that it will be ever united as a sovereign state, let's partition the whole sheebang into a Kurdish zone, Shia zone and a Sunni zone and let the chips fall were they may. If Iraqi's are not willing to die fighting for their country, it's time we high tailed our butts out of there

HONDA 153 Reviews 222 reads
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.......and that is to lie their butts off. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of this.  So let's give this nuclear deal a chance, if the Iranians cheat then I'm all in for bombing all their nuclear facilities.

JackDunphy 330 reads
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Lets say they don't cheat. In just a few short years they will be able to get advanced weapon systems and missile technology from the Russians and Chinese.

In just over 10 years or so, again if they DONT cheat, they will have reduced their breakout time, per Obama, to near zero.

So at the end of the day, we are looking at a nuclear armed Iran, with the ability to produce numerous bombs, with ballistic missile technology, even if this deal is followed to the letter by Iran, which no one expects.  

This deal is a disaster either way you want to look at it.

We had the Iranians by the balls and just needed to increase sanctions and do the non lethal other ideas I have mentioned and it would have brought them to their knees begging the west for relief for they would be worried about an internal uprising.

And we let them off the hook...

GaGambler 295 reads
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Like the Chinese and the Russians of course. The Iranians are about to have billions of dollars unfrozen, does anyone really believe they are going to spend that money on schools, roads, or hospitals? A huge chunk of that money is going to go towards weapons and promoting terrorism, and just who do you think they will be buying these arms from? You can bet it won't be from us.

So what we end up with is a stronger, even more defiant Iran, possibly able to hold their own against Israel without nukes, but every bit as close to getting a nuke as they are today, but with better deliverability capability.

Oh yeah, we should be dancing in the streets.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 307 reads
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It took a few exchanges. I felt sorry for him at one point, but I too have come to realize he simply isn't worth bothering with.  

Posted By: GaGambler
but that doesn't stop me from ignoring him.  
 Well maybe not ignoring him completely, but engaging him in conversation is a fool's errand, I much prefer to simply ridicule him and talk "about" him rather than talk "to" him.  
 You might want to try this strategy sometime with him. It's kind of fun watching him run around with his hair on fire like a spoiled five year old DEMANDING that you talk to him.

GaGambler 205 reads
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but he is simply too disagreeable to talk to. I can literally picture him screaming at his monitor as he types his vitriol. None of us have to be here, and I don't enjoy talking to people like him, and since I can't punch him in the face like I would if we were fact to face, I have simply decided to talk "about" him and not "to" him.  

He was really hilarious when I first stopped talking to him, or actually both times I stopped talking to him. He would make three replies to every single post I made "demanding" that I acknowledge him. It was really funny in a pathetic kind of way. Of course now in response to me ignoring him, he has claimed that he has put me on ignore. Oh woe is me, whatever am I to do? lol

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 182 reads
34 / 34

Iraq was put together to divide the treasure between England and France after WWI. As a historical fact, so is the entire middle east. Syria and Jordan did not exist until after WWI.  

Hey but who cares, when you have your head stuck up your ass and still looking for WMD’s.

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