Politics and Religion

I don't find much to disagree with
GaGambler 2389 reads

Substance? The man has no substance. That's the problem, I don't think even he has the slightest clue about what he wants to do if he gets elected, except change stuff. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if he had the slightest idea which shit he wanted to change, and what he wanted to change it to.

kerrakles2401 reads

That's what I am talking about

GaGambler2390 reads

Substance? The man has no substance. That's the problem, I don't think even he has the slightest clue about what he wants to do if he gets elected, except change stuff. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if he had the slightest idea which shit he wanted to change, and what he wanted to change it to.

Cpl_Punishment1291 reads

and light-millennia beyond the substantive black holes our present administration.

Let's draft a TER Petition and Critique:  We, the undersigned members (and multiple aliases) of the aforementioned, ahem, hobbyist forum, think you LOSERS don't pack the gear to be POTUS.  We want to know where (aside from our drawers) the beef is.

We know that last time around we elected a pack of lying motherfuckers who have made a mess of half the world, and the odds are good we'd make the same jackass choices all over again, and that's probably why serious people don't run for office.

But we thought you'd like to know, we think you're a bunch of jokers.

Signed, the half dozen TER P&R Regulars"

GaGambler2339 reads

I will agree that no one with more than half a brain would run for office, which is why we have the current crop of half wits.

But when it comes right down to it, if you're going to vote, sometimes(maybe most of the time) it comes down to, who is going to do the least damage?

If it comes down to evil or stupid, which it often does, I am more likely to vote evil.

I am actually feeling a little bit better about our choices. It looks like we are coming down to three choices; evil(Hillary), ignorant(Obama) and McCain, who while not a person I can actually get behind and support, doesn't evoke ony of those type of reactions that the other two do.

what I'd probably do is dip my butt in ink and give them my Rorscach Ass-gniture.

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