Politics and Religion

I DO know...
RightwingUnderground 2069 reads

You REALLY are a condescending, contemptuous and  narcissistic little bitch.

Pardon me, I couldn’t hold my temper.

Religion is practically dead. It's out of the labor force, out of school, industry, economy and all. Even if it still being used to dominate the masses.

Now I was gonna say the next b.s. was  politics. But is it? If it is when will end to exist?
Is it needed ha to run stuff, ha? But can it be cleaned up, made honest, fair? Is not supposed to be?
Now back to being a good subject. LOL, subject, is that the word?

GaGambler2165 reads

but it's certainly alive and kicking in the Atl. Despite the fact that most of our posters tend to be of the left wing nut job variety like Conroy and Rulerofsomethingorther(aka dastranger) not to mention our very own socialist Wormie.

There are still plenty of right wing nut jobs that feel the need to force their own morality on the rest of us. For anyone who doubts me, try and buy a beer on a Sunday morning and then tell me the religious whackos have no power.

and just in case you forgot the whole thing about Islamic terrorism comes down to a war between the Chistians and the Muslims over how to believe in virtually the same fairy tale.

Religion cleaned up and made honest? You've got to be kidding. With all those sheep out there, someone is going to shear them. What I do find ironic is that those who don't worship a diety are so much more likely to worship government. Can't anyone just stand up for themselves anymore?

...I'm Christian.  I'm just comfortable with the idea of other people rotting in hell.  Guess Jesus will have to reprimand me about that one later.  

Religion isn't so bad...and non-religious people, like gamb, aren't as even kilter as they would have you believe.  Occasionally, you'll visit an online forum like this and see them ranting about who their virtual friends are, pontificating about how inferior those who use aliases are, or getting terribly emotional about someone they'll never meet.  

We all have our obsessions, I suppose. If it isn't God, Allah, Jesus, or David Hasselhoff there's always some non-religious equivalent.  Most are guilty of blind belief in something.

-- Modified on 10/14/2008 2:38:21 PM

As far as being comfortable with people rotting in hell for eternity thankfully for you that idea is so absurd you will not have to experience it.

Based on Ga Gambler's post you have no idea what his personal spiritual beliefs are.  His main point that that it is extremely ironic that believers of Islam and Christianity are at war is absolutely correct.  Islam is by far the closest non western religion ideologically to Christianity.

Now I happen to be most comfortable with Buddhism.  So I guess from your point of view I may  be suffering in hell for quite some time. I must get quite good at my meditation skills I guess to compensate.  Of course with Christianity I can always change my mind the minute before I die and then I will have eternity in heaven:) Actually I was baptised when I was a child, dunked in water by some weird Southern Baptist preacher. So I guess I'll be up their in heaven for eternity with you after all:)

...there's some indication that what you're commenting on extends beyond this particular thread - if you'd just slow down and read, that is.  While I'm sure you were excited about seeing your typed words appear on the screen, you uhhh...kinda made an ass of yourself there, friend.  Just a TAD overzealous in your reply here.  

Gamb and his damn virtual friends.  Jesus Christ - or uhh Buddah (Jenkins?) in this case.

GaGambler1642 reads

The fact that I actually have friends, oh and a life for that matter. I'm sure it would make you so much happier if I were some miserable old fuck with no life besides posting on this board wouldn't it?

Sorry to disappoint you, but I have friends, virtual and otherwise. What I am sure will really disappoint you is the fact that many of my friends are liberal, and some are even(shocker of all shockers) BLACK. lol

Just out of curiosity, what was so overzealous about ShowmeCal's response? You do realize I hope that Christianity and Islam are not really that different don't you? Or is this a racial thing too? lol Don't feel obligated to respond, it was really more of a rhetorical question anyhow.

The whole "I don't like you" thing read waaaaaayyyy too emotional for someone that has a real life.  When we graduate from making a point to personal like/dislike, it gets to be a bit creepy....and now you're arguing with me about how you really do have friends in real life.  lol.  Pitiful.

I'm guessing you're an awkward little fella with a huge message-board personality.  Congrats on that accomplishment.  

Continue on, gentlemen.  Don't let me interfere.

GaGambler2124 reads

Talk about pitiful.

Now I know how BillKile must have felt.

Did some white guy steal your woman, or was it your job? Whatever it was, it sure made a crybaby out of you. I don't know if I should feel sorry for you or make fun of you?

I think I'll take door number two. and don't worry, the thought of letting you interfere never crossed my mind. lol

RightwingUnderground2070 reads

You REALLY are a condescending, contemptuous and  narcissistic little bitch.

Pardon me, I couldn’t hold my temper.

as long as there are things that people don't understand, religion will be around to explain it to them.

But there is no god.  What are they going to do when they find out?

harryj1207 reads

What are they going to do?  Pray like hell!!

why do so many cry out his name when they have an orgasm? He created us for sex & made it a lot of fun.

They will never find out because religion will not allow it. Its probably good that religion keeps them happily ignorant because politicians like it that way. Just think what would happen if all believers became non believers tomorrow?

The first part of your response sounds like something a provider friend has said.  The second part sounds like my SO.

I guess I'm just a trouble maker.  I'd like to see the sheep running loose in the streets.

Loose sheep? The wolves would love that!!! GrrrSnarl!!! Then evolution would its work.

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