Politics and Religion

I did not play the race card
FollowmeForPresident 4946 reads
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The Surgeon General needs to be a proctologist because Obama needs someone on staff to get his head out of his ass on a daily basis.

Thank you
2009 = 27

RightwingUnderground 1605 reads
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While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, who's hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to President Obama.

The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'Post Turtle''.
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.

The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.

The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, and he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with'.

wizard1565 3 Reviews 2311 reads
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RWU as an ardent defender of Bush, I wonder since I did not read the P&R Board back then, how much did you criticize Bush on the war, Katrina, and his coziness with the religious right.  Its been a little over 3 month to 8 years of possibly the worst presidency since James Earl Carter...not to be partisan

anon1112245 1613 reads
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Yeah Katrina was Bush's fault.  He had that secret room in the White House with all the dials and switches to run the weather.

Katrina was a disater because of the chocolate genius Ray Nagon, and people too fucking lazy to get off their asses and evacuate when they were told to leave. They thought it would be more fun to loot all the stores.

Why don't you check on the flooding that went on in Iowa, those people took care of themselves.  They weren't looking for a government handout.

RightwingUnderground 1500 reads
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If you’re basing your statement “ardent defender of Bush” on actual facts, then you would already have your answer. Indeed I’ve not only defended but applauded Bush in many regards, one of which was “the wars”, although they’ve taken too long and cost too much. You are many years premature to make such a statement about the overall historical success or failure of Bush, but to be specific as to my criticism of Bush there have been many times I’ve chastised him.

My main complaint was his huge spending and total lack of the veto, in what appeared to me that he (and the Republicans) was trying to be like Democrats. Katrina only drew mild criticism from me. “Katina” was almost entirely due to lack of leadership closer to home. Bush’s problem was not realizing he was going to take the blame regardless and therefore he should have demanded to take over from the state and local authorities sooner.

Since I oppose abortion and same sex marriage, I haven’t seen any actual adverse affects due to his religious views. (I’m guessing you forgot or ignore the fact that it was Clinton who signed the Defensive Marriage Act.) The only real negative impact has been the irrational heat and wasted time and loss of political capital due to people’s misunderstanding of all that religious “coziness”. It’s all a by-product of the irrationality that just because one’s sociological views happen to be shared with some religious people then those views should be banned from the political spectrum.

BTW, are you really suggesting that I shouldn’t voice honest and sincere criticism of Obama? If not now, then when? 6 months? One year? Four Years? BHO has already proposed spending more money than Bush did and has projected deficits that will optimistically TRIPLE the national debt. No criticism need apply here?

wizard1565 3 Reviews 1478 reads
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People who live in sparely populated Iowa are totally different than those who live in densly populated areas.  Nagin's mistake was not be able to anticipate the breeching of the levees and neighboring Parishes not allowing 9th ward people into safer area.  I understand the dynamics, however, I live in an area where the neighboring county is full of "other" people. The National Guard could have been out in full force but much of the force and equipmement was in Iraq.  However, you may blame the governor - no problem but no local jurisdiction keep enough food and supplies to feed thousands for any sustained period thats is what FEMA is for.  Now what happened is the snall government except for defense contractors, subcontracted these mundane duties to contactors who could not be found or incapable of providing basic food and water to people.  So stop trying to make every fucking thing a race issue and Nagin is rather vanilla from my view.  

wizard1565 3 Reviews 2593 reads
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Its funny as the GOP search for self and the purist like Limbaugh wants to throw everyone out of the party that does not agree with his myopic views.  Nonetheless, it was Clinton's recklesness that led to the SCOTUS appointment of Bush and his cronies in the first place.  You have in the past posted honest and sincere critic of Obama and I may agree or diagree on the substance but your last post was not.  I said the disclaimer " I do not know if you did crticize Bush"

anon1112245 1636 reads
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Hey genius it was Nagin that made the thing a race issue not me!  But I guess the double standard comes in when he talks about New Orleans being a chocolate city.  Get over yourself you pompous pc ass!

anon1112245 1208 reads
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Obama makes me long for the days of Slick Willie!

RightwingUnderground 1640 reads
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and since you did just that, I figured it was fair to claim you a defender of WJC.

You don't understand what's happening to the GOP. It sounds like you believe the tripe that Colin Powell and the MSM are putting out there claiming the GOP has gone too far to the right, are no longer inclusive, blah blah blah. The GOP surely just made a big mistake running that ultra rightwing McCain, correct?

Now your going to fall back again to the 2000 stance that Bush never really won? Not in 2004 either huh?

BTW, you think the Turtle joke was MINE? Thanks for the kudos but I'm not that creative. I'm sure you knew that, yet you attribute it to me for what purpose? It was clear that the OP made a joke about BHO downfallings. I added another. It was actually pretty cute. Lighten up.

wizard1565 3 Reviews 2454 reads
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Did Nagin make the Iowa comparision or did the Right wing talking points say that when they said look at those Iowans, they did not act like "those" people in New Orleans.  You call it pc, I call it bigotry

RightwingUnderground 1146 reads
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Just one of many cites hit was Cedar Rapids. One quarter the population of NO and about 2/3rds the population density. The flooding was epic. Both CR,IA and NO,LA had a few days to prepare. The difference in the reactions and survial at the individual level were almost entirely attributable to economic reasons. Playing the race card just gets old.

wizard1565 3 Reviews 1526 reads
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So since you responded and I enjoy a back and forth banter with you, why not LOL

But, let go back to the GOP primaries, the parties two wing could not reconcile.  Huckabee was the true social conservative but wanted to move the party from all government is evil -to is governmement serves a role.  Ron Paul was rejected because he anti-war and you know we must fight a war.  The two other major candidate?  Rommney? Well he was not a real christian and the twice divorced, immigrant loving Mayor from New York?  So in the last minute, it was Thompson but he was a mich better actor than a campaigner.  In reality, the  fiscal conservatives, now independents voted for Mccain and he betrayed them by picking a know nothing religious nutjob for VP.  

Yes he won in 2004, but hell the dems had Kerry and he barly beat that windbag

wizard1565 3 Reviews 1595 reads
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You know that we are not talking about NO but the 9th ward that was the immediate victim of the levy breech. So we agree, the poorest, most vunerable was affected, my response was the characterization made of lazy people who want handout, etc...we both know that was "racial codes" by the poster

anon1112245 1604 reads
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You don't respond to alias'.  What do you think RWU is?  If there is not an envelope next to the name it is an alias, got it?

wizard1565 3 Reviews 1288 reads
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RightwingUnderground 2175 reads
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Economically “down trodden” that have been that way for a long time and have been predominately grown to depend upon government services have an inherently much more difficult time defending themselves in almost any unusual situation they might find themselves in. I don’t view it at all from a racial standpoint. But there is no lack of people on the left that can’t wait to leap to the conclusion that I do view it from that standpoint. Conversely if I strain too hard to deny the aforementioned racial connection then those same people will again pounce, claiming I can’t or won’t see how or why race was the original sin that caused all the problems to begin with. Trying to discuss race with many (but not all) libs is almost always a futile proposition.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1685 reads
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Nagin's mistake was in not using the $50 million in federal funds given to New Orleans to reinforce the levees. Nagin's mistake was in using that money to build a causeway for access to the casinos. Nagin's mistake was in not utilizing the 1,500 school buses, (that were eventually flooded), to get people the hell out of town. Nagin's mistake was in not taking Pres Bush's warning, 4 days prior, that the city should be evacuated. Nagin's biggest mistake was trying to divert attention away from his major fuckups. The citizens's mistake was reelecting the asshole.

Btw, I well remember the time before there was a FEMA. As a youngster, survived 2 hurricanes that passed through south Texas. How did we ever survive that? Friends and neighbors, and personal initiative is how.

GaGambler 1594 reads
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I don't care what color you are. If you don't have enough sense to get out of the way of a category 5 hurricane, you are too stupid to reside on this planet.

If you knew anything about Louisiana you would know that the federal government sent more than enough money to build the levees, the thieves that run that state stole most of it. Just business as usual in Louisiana.

wizard1565 3 Reviews 1601 reads
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That is a false argument.  There were not mass evacuations for Hugo in the late 80's and the Hurricane that hit Florida earlier.  Yes, I agree, mass evacuation should have been ordered..plain and simple.  Local fault.  The levees responsibilty were the Corp of Engineers,-federal agency, responsibilty.  It was a mass fuck up by everyone.

GaGambler 2683 reads
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Is too stupid to reside on this planet PERIOD!!! This goes for anyone who needs to be forcibly removed from their home. There have been hurricanes for longer than there have been people. This is not a race issue, this is a common sense issue. If you need the federal government to forcibly remove you from your home because you are too goddamned stupid to leave on your own, then you deserve whatever fate that is in store for you.

I have lived through and evacuated from several storms in my life Camille, Allen, Andrew, I never needed the government to "MAKE" me leave. When word came that the storm was imminent I got the fuck out, simple as that. I don't want to live in a nanny state, I am smart enough to do what is in my own best interest. The problem with the new breed of liberal is that they are too stupid to take care of themselves so they assume the rest of us are too.

wizard1565 3 Reviews 1520 reads
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we both know that people are stupid.  During David, my Natiinal Guard unit was called down to aid North Carolina's NG and my troops asked the question, you stated "Why did'nt they leave"? As we risk our lives to pluck these people from the flood waters, one old lady as she thanked us said "I did not have any where to go".  But to your point, evacuations are necessary not for the fools who refuse to leave but the people who must risk their lives to save them.  Until we as a society, decide that we are not going let people die for their own stupidity, than we must make that choice.  Bush, I am sure thought like you, but when the pictures of humanity, especially the children was being shown, he had no choice but to act.

BTW thank for having my back on the abortion issue.  I respect everyones opinion on this board and only want debate issues.  When I'm wrong, I will shut up, like when you pointed out I did not know the difference between a bond holder and an equity...LOL

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