Politics and Religion

I completely agree with "XiaomingLover1"
RRO2610 51 Reviews 3070 reads
1 / 27

As if it ain’t bad enough that Palin blatantly usurps her office by firing those not in line with her personal family agendas she is also mother to a fornicating,  pregnant, out of wedlock 17 year old daughter; but I’m sure the shotgun wedding will cleans the sin.

 If the “Right” and the “Religious Right” wish to be such close bedfellows perhaps “hypocritical” should replace “traditional” family values.


-- Modified on 9/1/2008 3:55:03 PM

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1995 reads
2 / 27

As much as i enjoy the right being so deservedly hoist on it's own petard here, I'd really like to draw a line with Palin's daughter and her situation.

This is a 17-year old kid we are talking about. I say we leave her alone and confine our attacks to the principals involved and the principles which they espouse.  Gov Palin and all she does and does not stand for is fair game, her daughter ought not to be, once a token mention of the situation has been made.  

Yes, the irony is delicious, but sometimes you've just got to say no to temptation.

RightwingUnderground 2047 reads
3 / 27

You got all but one "fact" correct. Your single error is there's been no mention of a shotgun participating at the wedding.

Now if you ask BHO, the proper cleansing (your word not mine) would be to murder the by-product of the hypocritical act so the fornicating 17 year old daughter is not punished (his word not mine).

Gyppo 8 Reviews 1485 reads
4 / 27

It has no bearing on Gov. Palin's qualifications (or lack of them).

GaGambler 1986 reads
5 / 27

and it shows how small some of the left really are. In their haste to get a little moral redemption in the fact that holier than thou, bible thumpers are human too they attrempt to  make a 17 year old's life a living hell.

What offends me is the glee the left takes in descending upon someone who is still almost a child herself, and the perverse pleasure they seem to get out of it.In spite of my personal stance on religion statements like RRs makes me wonder which side are really the intolerant ones?

RRO2610 51 Reviews 1702 reads
6 / 27

The Right wasted countless millions of American tax dollars trying to make the case that Clinton was unfit for his office because he acted on the most instinctive of male traits.

 McCain offers up Palin as an example of experience, readiness, moral compass and leadership when she is actually the quintessential antithesis of all four.

Being a card carrying Libertarian I'm SOOOO love'n this.

-- Modified on 9/1/2008 4:08:57 PM

741512th 34 Reviews 1868 reads
7 / 27

Yes.  Let us all resolve, here and now, not to see hookers anymore.  Let us all say "NO" to temptation.

Palin obviously did not do a good job as a "christian" mother.  She raised her daughter to be a tramp.

Now, that's not actually my own view, but everyone in the christian right wing (e.g. the main stream of the republican party / christian taliban) would say exactly, precisely, specifically that if it was Obama's pregnant, teen-aged daughter.  By the way, has anyone heard how old the little tramp baby-mama's sperm donor is?  Will Fox (news) call the little slut a baby-mama?

I notice the christian taliban has no problem with the fact that McCain left his wife and children for another woman.  Gosh!  I never would have believed that the christian right wing would be hypocrites.  Palin's new son-in-law-to-be better not hurt the little tramp at all or he will have the power of the State of Alaska (and possibly the federal government) trying to fuck up his life.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 1122 reads
8 / 27

I think the fornicating daughter should be stoned to death by the people of her village.

GaGambler 1462 reads
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Of course the religious right is almost exclusively made up of generally intolerant hypocrites, but do you have to take such pleasure at their "fall from grace"? and doesn't taking it out on a seventeen year old make you at least as intolerant as those you mock?

And enough of Clinton, it was wrong then and it's wrong now. You'd think the people on the receiving side of things would have learned that by now.

Some of you libbies remind me of the Puritans, people who were rightfully fleeing religious persecution just to become worse persecutors the moment they were given the opportunity

RightwingUnderground 1169 reads
10 / 27
moremature 1112 reads
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My problem is not particularly with the 17 year old so stupid she does not know how to put on a condom or practice other birth control when her mother is governor no less. But with the religious right who wholheartedly support republicans and their indeligent design, pro-life, and denying gays their right to marry agenda. If Christian right has to have the ear of the president to push their intolerant, hypocrytical agenda then trust me I will revel in their sinful downfall. After what they did to Bill Clinton with his moral failings then I will shout from the rooftops when was one of those sanctimonious assholes can't keep their kids from having a shotgun wedding.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 974 reads
12 / 27

just want religion OUT of government, dramatically shrink government by a dogmatic adherence to the Constitution, and an adamant honoring of the Bill of Rights.

moremature 1666 reads
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I am sorry. I think a mother has failed in her Christian credentials when her 17 (probably 16 when she got knocked up) unmarried daughter has a bun in the oven. I guess her abstinece only education and purity ring or whatever crap they do to protects the virtue of their sweet things didn't do the trick. I said it and I meant it! Perhaps a little birth control education and choice might have aleviated the shame of having an out of wedlock child. Poor Christian right, they should hang their heads in shame and stear clear from the Republican party. Their morals sound a little bit "left" to me.

Harry5390 89 Reviews 1782 reads
14 / 27

You have to love the smug fucks on the Left, and wherever else they are, who hold to no values family, or otherwise, so anyone who says they do is an evil hypocrite: Why?

As a card carrying hobbyist and RWSA member, I know I'm not perfect, nor do I expect anyone else to be, whether secular left or religous right or anyone else in between. I like pay for play, but I don't have to knock everyone else who happens to go to church on Sunday and tries to raise their kids according to their values. If I expect tolerance from others, I have to give it, too. That means being respectful of people whose values are different than mine.For example, people who are religous.

The pissing and moaning from the guys here how persecuted they feel by the so called religous right is fucking pathetic. Are they coming to your fucking house to lecture you? Grow a set of balls and stop whining about it. Someone doesn't approve of you. So fucking what. Grow the fuck up.  

But, hey Lefties, it is ironic that a mother is supposed to be able to control her daughters life, except if a 14 yr old daughter wants an abortion. Then, of course, the mother better mind her own business and butt the fuck out.

I have an appt with a provider this week. I can't wait to fuck her and leave some cash on the desk, and then go home. But I don't feel like the religous right is persecuting me. But, if you feel persecuted by the religous right, maybe you ought to look at yourself. Are you ashamed of what you're doing?  I'm not. I'm OK with it, so maybe that's why I don't feel picked on by Billy Graham.

I'm much more likely to have my pocket picked from a left wing Obama Dem gov't. It is persecution when I work hard and 60% of my cash is stripped from me and given to some slug who does nothing except roll out every so often and vote Democrat. I can ignore Jerry Falwell but I can't ignore President Obama and his VP Five Deferments Joe Biden.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1756 reads
16 / 27

If Sarah Palin was hypocritical she would have made her daughter get a abortion..

For what its worth: Great Parents sometimes have children that don't do right and Terrible  parents sometimes have Great Kids ..

I sure don't think that the Christisn right is going to dislike Sarah or not vote for Mccain because her daughter DID NOT get a abortion..


XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1307 reads
17 / 27

do you have any basis to judge if Gov Palin is a great parent, a horrible parent, an indifferent parent or any type of parent at all?  I sure don't.  All I've got is the news reports and the silly adolescent gushing over her in this forum.  I'm therefore reserving judgement.

with your much-vaunted 8th grade education, please enlighten us as to the definition of hypocrite.

[I checked several times for typos, but I'm still not sure I got them all.  I trust i'll be forgiven].

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1595 reads
18 / 27

XiaomingLover1"with your much-vaunted 8th grade education, please enlighten us as to the definition of hypocrite."

 Definition...You got to be kidding.Not without multiple choice.. However I can give you a example..

Sarah Palin is not pro choice and anyone  alive and aware knows that fact..If she was to convince her daughter to get a abortion then Sarah would be a hypocrite.

P.S I was only kidding about the spelling.. I can't spell half the words I don't know the meaning of..but I can spell much vaunted though I know not what it means..Thanks to google I will look it up

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1681 reads
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self-conscious?  in this forum I'm finding it's better to be self-unconscious.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2431 reads
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XiaomingLover1,"with your much-vaunted 8th grade education,

 Thanks for the word of the day..I should have known that one but somehow I missed it..I am not bragging about only making it through eighth grade.. I just want to make sure everyone knows  I am not someone who went to Harvard..When I am confused most will realize  its because I didn't study hard enough.


XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1835 reads
21 / 27

quad, no one is mistaking you or me for Harvard grads, so, go with the flow and just be yourself and don't feel inferior to anyone.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1108 reads
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XiaomingLover1,"quad, no one is mistaking you or me for Harvard grads, so, go with the flow and just be yourself and don't feel inferior to anyone."

 Lol ..don't worry about that.. In the real world the Harvard grads I meet feel intimidated and inferior to me .. Most of them don't know which side of the Horse to mount..Plus I get the women they can never get near..That doesn't bother them though as they are used to it..

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1291 reads
23 / 27

mount the horse from the left, unless you're into beastiality, in which case you'd mount from the rear.

as for the rest of your post, well...let's just say I'll remain agnostic.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1574 reads
24 / 27

XiaomingLover1, 9/1/2008 7:23:50 PM
mount the horse from the left, unless you're into beastiality, in which case you'd mount from the rear.as for the rest of your post, well...let's just say I'll remain agnostic.

ROFLMAO.. Would you like to try that technique with my stallion .. 30 seconds and you would be praying out loud ...or at least asking for jesus help..

741512th 34 Reviews 1453 reads
25 / 27

Let's get all Leviticus and Deuteronomy on her little tramp ass!!

RightwingUnderground 1355 reads
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quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1421 reads
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"Mounting horses and 'getting' women, all in the same sentence, Hmmm."

 ROFL.. I do think most guys growing up with horses aren't intimidated by women .............I get thrown  off and I "try" to get right back on again.. If I was scared of rejection I would  be just another spectator.
Can You see the Freudian in that.

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