Politics and Religion

I call bullshit
Priapus53 6138 reads
1 / 43

I coulda posted this below, but the sheer egregiousness/stupidity/bigotry/senility of her screed entitles her video to get a thread of its own.

Think Xiao will enjoy this ?------;)--------LMFAO !

-- Modified on 6/8/2010 9:56:23 AM

-- Modified on 6/8/2010 10:12:22 AM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 479 reads
2 / 43

Priapus"Modified on 6/8/2010 9:56:23 AM
Related Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQcQdWBqt14' target=_blank>http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQcQdWBqt14  

As much as she Hated Bush I am shocked you are not her lover...By the way please fix your link ..And one more tip..When you  repetitively modify you can erase your previous modify..That way no one notices your struggles, unless they are paying attention..

Priapus53 616 reads
3 / 43

& Thanks for the link correction. Now go back to cleaning up shit--------more your style.;)

-- Modified on 6/8/2010 10:25:16 AM

-- Modified on 6/8/2010 10:26:03 AM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 870 reads
4 / 43

"No go back to cleaning up shit--------more your style."

 Its Now go back to cleaning up shit..if it was "No cleaning up shit" I wouldn't have a paying job and I wouldn't have  responded to your post...

I think I do my job well..Have you invented that new plunger for me yet? lol
Cheers ..Got to go... toilets overflowing elsewhere

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 952 reads
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What the hell did she say that was so unreasonable?

There would be a lot of advantages of setting up a Jewish state in Europe. Nobody would try to endlessly kill Jews with suicide bombers if they did.

When it comes to Israel, nobody in the press in the U.S. is allowed to say boo about anything. You either support a terrorist extreme right wing state, or you in favor of the Holocaust. It's sick.

Priapus53 1374 reads
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& The above subject heading coming from a board "lefty". Jesus, the virulent anti-Zionisim
from the far left is SO tiresome.

Gag, Ed, Dnc, at em !-----LMFAO !

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 872 reads
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and "dim wits united" can certainly see, a certified idiot, "no mind willy".

  The sad thing ..I really don't think willy  has a clue how much of a uncompassionate schmuck he is..

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 663 reads
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Neither one of you, Pri or Quad, bothered to even respond to the idea of a Jewish state in Europe. It's just bash Willy.

Look, the idea may be a good one, or it may be a bad one. But for some reason, we as Americans AREN'T EVEN ALLOWED TO FUCKING DISCUSS IT. And if you do discuss it, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR JOB. Hell, you can discuss these ideas more freely in Israel than you can in the United States.

If you want to talk about political correctness, there it is, staring you right in the face.

Priapus53 876 reads
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Go back to commode cleaning & leave this thread to those who've advanced to the 10th grade.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 832 reads
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"Go back to commode cleaning & leave this thread to those who've advanced to the 10th grade"

 If you are a  smart one here , why do you seem so dumb to me??  Matter of fact, I like you because your mind is stuck on my level..
 I finished cleaning commodes for today but no thanks to you .. I'm still waiting for your best invention.
Remember what I said about recognizing sarcasm.
You telling me you don't like being in my club?

Chengster 20 Reviews 1130 reads
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and it didn't work.  There were a lot of massacres in eastern europe when teh Jews tried to return.  The only "safe" place for them was th emiddle east where at least they banded together in a little strip of land that up till the Jews started making the desert bloom, no one wanted.  They didn't invade or take over Palestine, there was never a country of palenstine, no more than there is a state called New England.  It was a region that as largely one big territory until the Brits started carving it up and handing out countries to folks.  Look at how Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi and so forth were created and tell me how that is different than the UN partition.  

palestinian refugees? Puleeeze, there are about an equal numbe rof Jews that are refugees from the arab countries that had to flee to the safety of Israel.  Several countries won't let them back in, in fact I was recently denied entry into Saudi (work related trip) because I am Jewish (you have to declare religion on the visa request).  

Blockade? Has any of the enlighten fools looked at a map recently?  Eygpt controls the southern border of Gaza.  But Gaza was full of such loving, peaceful people that they sealed their border with Gaza to prevent them from coming over and doing bad things in Eygpt.  

Murdering palestinians?  Look up where Black September came from, you will be surpised to learn that Jordan killed more than Israel did.

Maybe if the palestinians / jihadists quit sending rockets into Israel, stopped sending in suicide bombers, quit hijacking airplanes, quit chopping folks heads off on u tube, kidnapping folks, hijacking cruise ships, or killing athletes at the Olympics the wrld would quit treating them like the threat they are.

All I needed to learn about their cause I learned on 9-11 adn I was there at the Pentagon when all that happened.  

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 776 reads
12 / 43

"Neither one of you, Pri or Quad, bothered to even respond to the idea of a Jewish state in Europe"

 We're both dim wits although Priapus doesn't realize his own strength..

 Willy ...Joking is one thing but you don't seem to be even trying to be funny...Have you thought for ONE MINUTE about all the Muslims that live in Europe? I am sure there are not many  Muslims in Rotterdam who would love to have a new Jewish population ..
Actually I don't know why I even responded to your ridiculous post. I must be stooping to pri's level..Israel is the Home of the Jews and they shouldn't have to move.Its their Land .

In all sincerity, I see a abundance of No compassion, and no thinking of consequences in your posts.. Have you ever tried sounding out your views before you express them? I can't imagine you acting like yourself in public and walking without a wheel chair.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 739 reads
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...the reason for NOT setting up a Jewish state in Europe is because of all the Muslims who live in Europe.

Wow, you just totally convinced me that a Jewish state in Europe is a crappy idea. You're fucking brilliant Quad.

marikod 1 Reviews 1371 reads
14 / 43

neighbors, and after exterminating the Muslims, if we had set up a Jewish state there they would have welcomed the Jews with open arms,

and that's why anti- semitism is not on the rise in Europe,

and that's why there is so much open country in Europe where a Jewish state could be set up, and yes

"there would be a lot of advantages in setting up a Jewish state in Europe."

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1494 reads
15 / 43

"Maybe if the palestinians / jihadists quit sending rockets into Israel, stopped sending in suicide bombers, quit hijacking airplanes, quit chopping folks heads off on u tube, kidnapping folks, hijacking cruise ships, or killing athletes at the Olympics the wrld would quit treating them like the threat they are."

Cheng, I have no sympathy for religious loons of any stripe. But I include Jews in that group as well. As far as I'm concerned, if Jews are concerned about the threat of anti-Semitism, then maybe Israel should stop behaving in a way that fans the flames of hate. Israel is acting as a violent expansionist terrorist state. No sane and rational person should support that, regardless of the circumstances.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 902 reads
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"The city's synagogue has guards and rocket-proof glass in the windows"

I wonder if they meant rock proof glass?
If not, I'm getting some, and starting a Jewish Tour Bus service in  Pakistan

dncphil 16 Reviews 1830 reads
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Getting back to the original subject, although I think her comments are stupid, I actually feel sorry for her, even though I obviously disagree with her general view of things.  Pity is the over riding emotion.

Sometimes people should know when to quit. I remember when I was in law school, one of the justices on the CA supreme court was senile.  He wouldn't retire, and kept falling asleep on the bench.  He had to be kicked out of office.  I think he may have been the only justice in the history of the state to be booted out for being mentally incompetent.

He had been a very bright attorney/judge/justice and had a stellar career. (Again, even if I disagreed with his policies at the time.)  If he had retired 10 years earlier, he would have been remembered for his accomplishments.  Now he is the poster boy for mandatory retirement.

The old biddie in the press room had a career that broke a lot of barriers.  Sadly, she lost it years ago, and was allowed to hang on in the special seat held for her.  

Even the picture is really pathetic.  Jesus, does she need a make over?


dncphil 16 Reviews 2136 reads
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Just so you know, Tel Aviv was empty sand dunes.  Jews in the area legally bought the land from the lawful owners, with the blessing of the state.  That state was not Isreal, since Tel Aviv was founded 100 years ago.

They were there legally. They bought the land. Why should they leave.  If they left, would the Palestinians pay them for the city.  

Again, this was not land that the Jews "took" after Isreal was founded.  The bought it and built it prior to that.  

If you think they should go back to Germany, I assume you think that all Hispanics should go back also, even if they legally came here and legally bought property.

Nope. Just Jews should lose property.

marikod 1 Reviews 1196 reads
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Priapus53 814 reads
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Priapus53 998 reads
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It was determined that after WW2 ended that 2/3 of the European Jewish population was exterminated. This after 1,000 years of virulent
European anti-semitism dating back to the 1st Crusades & entailing such genocidal events as The Spanish Inquisition & Russian pogroms, to name a few. Understandably, after the Holocaust, the idea of a "Jewish state in Europe" didn't exactly seem feasible. &, Of course, we know that virulent anti-semitism doesn't exist in Europe today---------:(

Tell ya what, WW-----let's send all the Israeli Jews to your & Xiao's places----------you can fix them up several million BLT sandwiches------;)

Chengster 20 Reviews 1435 reads
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I guess I missed all the suicide bombers they keep sending into Ramallah.  Why is it if they defend them selves they are terrorists but when the palestinians murder no one cares?  Or is it that you, like a lot of the world does care when the jews are killed?

If you were to organize a convoy of trucks loaded with crack and announce you were going to drive it into DC because you don't agree with their laws do you think that when teh cops intercepted you adn you attacked teh cops with knives or pipes you wouldn't find a 9mm in your skull?  How about our policy of intercepting drug boats on the high sea?  Israel did the same thing we do every day in the Caribbean so are we terrorists for oprressing those poor drug lords who don't agree with our ban on coke?

Chengster 20 Reviews 1666 reads
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She is just repeating the same old line of get out of Palestine, you are invaders, you are occupying our land....

So if Israel is not valid because the UN drew the lines in 47 then wouldn't the same apply to all the other countries in that region that were created when the Brits drew them out on the map and awarded them to friendly families?  If Israels claim to the West Bank is not valid then we need to give most of the southwest back to Mexico since we acquired it the same way.

-- Modified on 6/8/2010 5:35:22 PM

Chengster 20 Reviews 868 reads
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Chengster 20 Reviews 1022 reads
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Now I know you will probably dismiss it as Zionist propaganda to support the terrorist oppression of the innocent Palestinians by the evil Jewish Occupiers but it is worth looking at.  

Did you know that about the only place that arab women can vote is in Israel?

zisk 86 Reviews 910 reads
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"Did you know that about the only place that arab women can vote is in Israel?"

The page you link to states only that Arab women can vote in Israel, not that they can't vote in any other Arab nations.

Women can vote in several Arab nations, including but not limited to:

zisk 86 Reviews 1127 reads
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Thomas stated to leave and go back to Germany, Poland, America, etc. NOT to have their own state in Europe. What, she was saying part of Poland and Germany should be carved out and formed as a new nation?

Gimme a break. She said nothing more than 'Jews go home' implying Israel is not their legitimate home already. That she ever pretended to be unbiased is the only thing shocking here.

Chengster 20 Reviews 686 reads
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They are fine where they are. Haven't they been deported, pogrom'd, massacred, exiled enough in the last couple of thousand years?

The UN partition created a state that is as legitimate as any in the area and the territories it acquired in the wars are Israel's.  If the arabs don't want Israel to take over more of their land they should quit attacking it.  Granted they haven't invaded in a while, instead they invade through proxies such as Hamas or Hezbollah.

Maybe we should set up the new state on Long Island, oh wait, we already own that, maybe Miami? Nope, the Yiddish Riveria is already ours.  Hollywood? already control that too. Guess we could look at the Catskils or Pocano's but I think the evil Zionists already invaded the kosher alps

Chengster 20 Reviews 876 reads
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should have said
one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote.

Chengster 20 Reviews 846 reads
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He started that part of the thread.  I disagreed that she said that or anything like that.

BreakerMorant 1578 reads
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BreakerMorant 1643 reads
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always be well received and respected. In my book, Quad is a cool guy. He means no harm and is only attempting to engage in a conversation. Nice to see some old fashioned jousting.

-- Modified on 6/8/2010 8:05:49 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1236 reads
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Pri, I didn't say that there should have been a Jewish state set up in Europe after WW2. Hell, the Russians alone made that unworkable with the Eastern block.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 633 reads
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They ARE occupiers.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1120 reads
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I am not someone who considers Palestinians innocent of everything. Like I said earlier, I don't hold religious lunatics of ANY stripe in high regard.

What I'm opposed to is the US funding reactionary right wingers anywhere in the world, including religious nutcases in Saudi Arabia, in Israel, in Turkey, or anywhere else.

If Israel wants to behave as a terrorist state, fine. Just don't do it on my dime, especially when I can expect to see blowback like 9-11, where some of my neighbors died.

zisk 86 Reviews 645 reads
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First off, Israel is largely a secular state - religious fundamentalists do NOT run Israel, despite X's propaganda posts to the contrary.

Second, you would not be fine with Israel behaving as a terrorist state as long as they received no US funding at all. That taxpayer crap is just a red herring. Its not fine that NK supports terrorism or that the Taliban did, or Libya etc. and they were not receiving any US funding.

And I wouldn't be fine with Israel acting as a terrorist state either. Fortunately, they don't.

Finally, enough with the nonsense that 9-11 happened only because Israel is a US ally. I'm so sick of hearing that. You may have lost 'neighbors' but I lost friends and colleagues. Don't disrespect them by floating crap about why the terrorists attacked us.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 704 reads
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Israel is a Jewish state. Period. It's about as secular as the Vatican.

Ask the CIA what blowback is. Osama bin Laden gave three reasons why 9-11 happened.

1) Americans on Saudi soil
2) The embargo against Iraq
3) US support for Israel.

I spent most of 9-11 wondering if my SO was dead. She slugs every morn to the Pentagon metro.

marikod 1 Reviews 1031 reads
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the religious fundamentalists, does not hesitate to arrest them, and the Israelli Supreme Court on several occasions has ruled in favor of Arab citizens and against government action.

As to the 9/11 stuff -not worthy of discussion.

zisk 86 Reviews 970 reads
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SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1104 reads
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"they should go home"

How about this Willy...they ARE home? You say the Jews should get out of Palestine, why aren't you telling Palestinians to get out of the Jewish homeland? Are you so ignorant of history that you have forgotten that Israel existed long before the Palestinians did? Were you not aware that NEVER in humankind's history has there EVER existed a nation called Palestine? EVER? Israelis ARE home.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 662 reads
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This is  the primary question of war and peace for this country, and it's not worthy of discussiion?

Why is that?

What's in your Starbuck's these days?

Do you think America's support for Israel had nothing to do with 9/11?

By allah - they could have attacked any liberal-democratic state, one with a lesser ability to retaliate, and it's just an amazing coincidence that Osama picked the USA as it's target. The only important country of  who supports pretty much every word and deed of the Israeli govt.

It's this simple - America will not be free of the burden and  the cost of war with the Arab/Moslem world until America is free of it's insane and suicidal embrace of Israel and Israel's words and deed.  By alllah, how simple does something have to be for you?

Wait, marikod, ther's a US drone strike somewhere [no doubt underway for the express purpose of killing a distant enemy of Israel], that you can criticize.

By allah, you Hasbara mongers are not even grateful.

marikod 1 Reviews 1199 reads
43 / 43

     Zisk stated "enough with the nonsense that 9-11 happened ONLY because Israel is a US ally." I responded "All true" and noted the 9-11 stuff was not worthy of discussion. But, in case you missed it, the text of OSL's fatwa is attached wherein he explains that the US troops in Saudi Arabia are "one of the worst catastrohes to befall the Muslims"

   Somehow, you missed the qualifier and now ask "do you America's support for Israel had nohting to do with 9/11?" I'm disappointed - I thought you realized my now that I use words very carefully.

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