Politics and Religion

I am sort of a penney pinching bottom feeder
Blame_Obama_First 3311 reads
1 / 22

For the firstest tyime in over a yeer.

We canne thank the great leadershippe of Senator McCain and McConnell, Bobbie Gindal, Sara Paylin, Rep Eddie Cantor and a bunche of udder GEEOHPEE persons who kept Obama frum turning this country into Kenya.  

Where wood America bea without the GOP?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 995 reads
2 / 22

There's a simple rule I've learned over the years. When the stock market soars everyone else gets screwed. When the stock market tanks everyone else looses their jobs.

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 1539 reads
3 / 22

"when the stock market soars everyone else gets screwed."  Who's everyone else? And how do they get screwed?

do you want to know who's getting screwed?  

OK, glad you want to know. That dumb bastard BO is screwing all of us real good!  And not with his weenie but with his forearm and it's all the way up our butts to his elbow.  What do you think of that?!?!!

That dumb narcissistic bastard BO; HE'S A DIRTY ROTTEN COMMIE BOLSHEVIK!!!!!

He's getting ready to set up a Gulag I tell ya. AND WE'RE ALL GONNA GET ARRESTED!!!!  And then we're gonna be lined up against the wall!!....And BLAAAAAM!!  

tjrevisted 1007 reads
4 / 22
CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1082 reads
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I don't know if I'd be breaking out the bubblely just yet. Sure the DOW's back to 10,000 like we were 1999, but the dollar was worth more too. I'm not sure but I heard the dollar has lost 25% of its value since then, so today's DOW at 10,000 is really only 7,500 in 1999 dollars. Still a long long long way to go yet.

ipeesittingdown 33 Reviews 1844 reads
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ipeesittingdown 33 Reviews 982 reads
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....read your reviews! No fuck'n  wonder your soo angry & frustrated!! Jesus, go pay more than $125 & get yourself a good Ho for a 7, 8, 9, review scores that you’ve seen for Christ sakes! Jesus, 3 years since your last review, I hope you've got’en some pussy (your wife doesn't count) since then!!! God damn it, who were ya fuck’n in those reviews....Democrats! I guess Minn. is considered a liberal state, well maybe only Mpls/St. Paul......so maybe your closer to N. Dak.! lol....

GaGambler 2823 reads
8 / 22

If my sex life sucked as bad as Geezer, I would be pissed off too.

I did notice that his scores of the women that he has seen are the lowest they ever seem to get. I might conclude, that is him and not them. lol

Blame_Obama_First 1191 reads
9 / 22

yew arre a neigh asayer and a pissimistic as wull.  Doe notte dink daty the prez hadde anydingge tew dew wit this, dank the Publican and the pelikans too. Dere grate ledershit hasse saved the dye for this cunttree.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1070 reads
10 / 22
GaGambler 1783 reads
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I think this is just the calm before the storm, If I were playing the equity markets I would be sitting on the sideline waiting to short the shit out of the market the moment the air starts to come out of it, and trust me once the effect of the trillions of dollars our new adminstration plans on printing the air will come out in a hurry.

In the meantime I am happy as can be being in the oil business, life is going to be good for those of us that own reserves once the next crisis hits.

Blame_Obama_First 656 reads
12 / 22

yew havve bin beetin two a pulppe friction bye a superiority intellijence bean.

Blame_Obama_First 1418 reads
13 / 22

Yewe arre in the oly biznesse? WOOOW% Dew yew gette yaww handz meseey whene yew whipe the dippe stckke?

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 649 reads
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Alex is awesome and there have been some other good ones that I didn't post reviews on.

I think the market is making a dead-cat bounce and and it's gonna go down!!!!  And inflation and unemployment are gonna go up!!!

ipeesittingdown 33 Reviews 506 reads
15 / 22

....it was painful to read!

i rest my case on my post above, you poor bastard, lol...

Alex's awsum review link below! ;-


CallNumber9 2 Reviews 714 reads
16 / 22

I guess no one gives a shit whether or not anyone can put together a couple of curious facts and do the math anymore.

GaGambler 984 reads
18 / 22

and he acts surprised??? rofl

Thanks a fucking lot Geezer, I just had to apologize to a provider on the GD board who was wondering whether or not to see a "hard grader", if I had read your reviews before responding, I would have told her to run for the hills. Insteadm I admonished her, and called her a coward for not wanting to see him.

Everyone here knows I fucking hate to apologize, but if any provider was asking whether or not to see you. I would tell her that it was definitely a no win situation.

Coincidently she is from your neck of the woods, she charges too much for you to have ever scheduled with you at least. I would hate to have that on my conscience.

Blame_Obama_First 856 reads
20 / 22

wEE din't likke faectes. They git uss Republickans two confused. We leaf factes to the gliberales.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 835 reads
22 / 22

oh bother, I seem to have stumbled upon the congential idiot section of the insane asylum.

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