Politics and Religion

I also think it's much ado about nothing, or at least much ado about "very little"
GaGambler 526 reads

There is a difference between a slight case of "misspeaking" and outright fraud. This sounds like a case of the former, not the latter. I'll save my outrage for bigger crimes than this.

nuguy462477 reads

Obama accepts his apology. Military outraged at how easy it was to marginalize those wounded, permanently disabled or died....and keep his job after Obama says, "it's ok".  Brian Williams never had it this good!

Imagine that? Only 1 out of 7 or so approve the job of the Commander-in-Chief.


bigguy30507 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
Imagine that? Only 1 out of 7 or so approve the job of the Commander-in-Chief.  

7 points since October (to 46%) according to CBS, and up 5 points to 47% according to PEW.  

         But I’m sure that was inadvertent.

         What I can’t figure out is why his approval ratings are going up if we are in the middle of a “wage disaster,” as Jack I- owe- my- soul- to -the –company- store believes. H’mm.

        As to the active duty military, we really don’t know what Mr. Obama’s approval rating is, since that the Military Times survey is not a scientific survey. Other surveys put that number much higher.

        On the other hand ,as I pointed out to DNCPhil, it is hard to get excited by these surveys of the American people since a National Geographic Poll found that 80 million Americans also believe in UFOS,  77% believe that aliens have visited our planet, 20% of all Americans believe in witches per Gallup, and –my personal favorite - 30% of Americans have had contact with the dead per Pew

Curious indeed. Yes, presidents get a post SOTU bounce. Barry got his and is STILL underwater on Job approval, the economy, foreign policy and...drum roll please...Obummercare which is still in the 30's even though those brilliant Dems promised it would be closer to 90. LOL

Now, go find me a "scientific" poll of a mainstream news/polling company where Obama is above water with the troops. Since "other surveys" put the number MUCH higher, this should be easy for you.

No rush. I'm here all week. LOL

NEARLY THREE TIMES higher (42%) with respect to Mr. Obama’s performance as commander in chief per the Washington Post/Kaiser Poll and  

MORE THAN TWICE AS HIGH (32%) with respect to Mr. Obama’s performance as president.

        And this “nationally representative survey” conducted by professional pollsters covered not only active duty Afghan and Iraq military but veterans as well, so it is much more representative than the  calls made by the magazine writers at the Military Times to readers of the magazine. Wonder how many members of the military  subscribe or read to that magazine.

      Sorry to have mislead you Jack as to how wrong that 15% number really is. And no you can't change the topic from "much higher" to "above water with the military."  

     Reading comprehension Jack - I really want you to work on it while you ponder whether these surveys really tell us anything.

    H'mm, I wonder if I got the number of Americans who believe in witches wrong too. Think it is much higher

bigguy30717 reads

I wonder how many of your GOP supporters were so outrage about the lives lost in that Iraq war?

It was built on a lie and many soldiers lives lost were marginalize with the WMD Lies.

So this clown lies about his service and the former President and Vice President lie us right into a war.

We all know which is worst!  

Posted By: nuguy46
Obama accepts his apology. Military outraged at how easy it was to marginalize those wounded, permanently disabled or died....and keep his job after Obama says, "it's ok".  Brian Williams never had it this good!

not (the obvious after the fact) that they did not find WMD facilities, but rather someone, anyone, who had facts before the war that the WMD claim was wrong, and thus as you put it, a lie.

bigguy30593 reads

I guess this link will break it down for you.

Posted By: DUANE
not (the obvious after the fact) that they did not find WMD facilities, but rather someone, anyone, who had facts before the war that the WMD claim was wrong, and thus as you put it, a lie.

Your responses have not seemed to be well reasoned out since your return. I sincerely hope you're alright!

the differences between 'lies" and "false statements." :D :D :

pot/kettle566 reads

You libs have been spouting off this shit like Monday Morning Quarterbacks for years.  

President Bush believed and made his decision on the exact same intelligence provided to him that was also provided to Sen. Clinton, Sen. Kerry, Sen. Edwards, etc., and dozens of other Democrat senators and congressmen/women who voted in favor of going to war in Iraq.  So, by vehemently calling out the President for his "lies," you are also then calling your beloved Dem leaders -- one of which is your "ordained" next occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- liars as well.

I guess it is too much to ask if this shit will ever stop.  After all, you have been singing the same song and dance routine for close to a dozen years so you obviously can't hear how stupid you all sound

bigguy30482 reads

The cover up by GOP supporters is a joke and Jeb Bush will face the heat for his brother lies!

Posted By: pot/kettle
You libs have been spouting off this shit like Monday Morning Quarterbacks for years.    
 President Bush believed and made his decision on the exact same intelligence provided to him that was also provided to Sen. Clinton, Sen. Kerry, Sen. Edwards, etc., and dozens of other Democrat senators and congressmen/women who voted in favor of going to war in Iraq.  So, by vehemently calling out the President for his "lies," you are also then calling your beloved Dem leaders -- one of which is your "ordained" next occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- liars as well.  
 I guess it is too much to ask if this shit will ever stop.  After all, you have been singing the same song and dance routine for close to a dozen years so you obviously can't hear how stupid you all sound.  

......... so that we are never again led to war under false pretenses.

Posted By: pot/kettle
You libs have been spouting off this shit like Monday Morning Quarterbacks for years.    
 President Bush believed and made his decision on the exact same intelligence provided to him that was also provided to Sen. Clinton, Sen. Kerry, Sen. Edwards, etc., and dozens of other Democrat senators and congressmen/women who voted in favor of going to war in Iraq.  So, by vehemently calling out the President for his "lies," you are also then calling your beloved Dem leaders -- one of which is your "ordained" next occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- liars as well.  
 I guess it is too much to ask if this shit will ever stop.  After all, you have been singing the same song and dance routine for close to a dozen years so you obviously can't hear how stupid you all sound.  

You do realize that Sadam was one of the worst dictators since Hitler and defending him, saying everything we did going in there was a mistake or lie is a bunch of shit. He should have been removed in the first war. Either way millions of Iraqis were happy to have him gone.  
       If you want to talk about something have at least a little bit of knowledge about it. Did bush and Cheney have alterior motives? Maybe. Did Americans die? For sure, almost everyone volunteered to be there though. If I had it to do over again I would still go. There were many reasons for being there.  

Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder how many of your GOP supporters were so outrage about the lives lost in that Iraq war?  
 It was built on a lie and many soldiers lives lost were marginalize with the WMD Lies.  
 So this clown lies about his service and the former President and Vice President lie us right into a war.  
 We all know which is worst!  
Posted By: nuguy46
Obama accepts his apology. Military outraged at how easy it was to marginalize those wounded, permanently disabled or died....and keep his job after Obama says, "it's ok".  Brian Williams never had it this good!

followme433 reads

And 100% true.

Thank yo

bigguy30564 reads

So Saddam Hussein was a asshole but what change between the years of 2007-now?

The next time you better get check with your buddies President Bush Jr. and  Senator John McCain.



We all know who is the real idiots and liars are on here.

Also 4,486 American Soldiers have died in Iraq for a lie!

Thanks for showing again how stupid you and your fellow GOP clowns are on this subject

With what I said? 91 Sadam should have been exacuted. George Senior was president then. John mcCains lobbyist? They work for who ever pays them.  
      It's deplorable to defend Sadam and say he was only an asshole. He killed at least 500,000 people, allowed the rape and torture of millions more. I saw some of his work first hand in Iraq. If there was one person on the face of the earth who earned his death it was Sadam. Even more so than bin laden. Iraq isn't ruled by a dictator who will use chemical weapons, allows his sons to take kidnap women off the street for their sex toys.  
    As for voting GOP, idiots and gun grabbers like you are making me think about it. I never had before. Look back I have said multiple times I voted for BO. Get your facts right at least.  

Posted By: bigguy30
So Saddam Hussein was a asshole but what change between the years of 2007-now?  
 The next time you better get check with your buddies President Bush Jr. and  Senator John McCain.  
 We all know who is the real idiots and liars are on here.  
 Also 4,486 American Soldiers have died in Iraq for a lie!  
 Thanks for showing again how stupid you and your fellow GOP clowns are on this subject.  

What's next? Mother Jones? Oh wait............................

bigguy30557 reads

Posted By: USGrantlover
What's next? Mother Jones? Oh wait............................

followme557 reads

TV it is
The cartoon network
Looney toons
The soap opera network

Print sources are DC and Marvel comic books

Thank you

bigguy30628 reads

Posted By: followme
TV it is  
 The cartoon network  
 Looney toons  
 The soap opera network  
 Print sources are DC and Marvel comic books  
 Thank you

It was nothing, he got caught up in the moment talking to a homeless man who served in the "Special Forces". I'll let him slide on that.

-- Modified on 2/24/2015 7:53:37 PM

Now i dont really know what type of job this guy is doing as the VA ne inherited is a mess, and i also dont know if this story has more details and he embellished to others as well, but if this is all there is, i would be inclined on keeping him.

That would depend on the military's view though and i think its too soon to know how they feel. I never served so i dont know how big of a controversy this really is. I heard some vets say tonite that being in the rangers is similar to being in the special forces and since he was speaking to a homeless man, maybe he should be given a pass? Willing to wait to hear more before i would make a final judgement.

GaGambler527 reads

There is a difference between a slight case of "misspeaking" and outright fraud. This sounds like a case of the former, not the latter. I'll save my outrage for bigger crimes than this.

Timbow501 reads

Like Mac says I am more interested in how he handles the affairs concerning the vets.

-- Modified on 2/25/2015 5:35:56 AM

GaGambler518 reads

He is inheriting a mess, so I am not going to be overly critical of him just yet, and West Point grad, not to mention 82 Airborne makes his "lie" about a one on a scale of one to a thousand.

The friends of Brian Williams are going to have to wait for something a lot juicier to knock him off the front page as a liar. This minor misstatement isn't going to get a bit of traction, even the righties are defending him.

Rangers often progress to special operators. THAT said, why wasn't he just proud of being a Ranger and airborne? Good stuff there. And I'd wager the homeless guy hasn't been withing 100 miles of an army recruit station. The vast majority of 'homeless vets' aren't. If you don't believe, next time one tries to hit you up, ask him what unit, when and where he served. Watch him stumble and mumble.  

He shoulda just said "I was a Ranger" and moved on. Ranger School is tough to get in period.

Army Rangers, Marine Corp Special Ops are known as Special Operations Forces or Special Operators and that is what USgrantlover said in his post, special ops.  It is true that the term special forces are sometimes used for all of these groups and as the article you linked to points out, the Green Berets are the ony unit officially known as Special Forces.

-- Modified on 2/26/2015 11:20:09 AM

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