Politics and Religion

I agree with meat head on this point about the Trump campaign.
bigguy30 438 reads

If some of you don't understand, why I called this guy meat head.
Then google the show "All in the Family"

So the guy is right and it's the only reason why, Trump is still in this race!

-- Modified on 9/25/2016 3:37:57 PM

Yes, he should have detailed that a little or shared the plan with the current administration. But what is worse, more immediate, is his admittance that he knew about the New Jersey bomber prior to the planting of the devices. This endangered a lot of people, and Trump let it happen, keeping his mouth shut and laughing at the country because anything that even looked like a terrorist plot, he figured, would work for his compaign. That is close to treason, and definitely aiding and abetting.

That was a good interview.

historyBuff411117 reads

B: You are recognized as an activists. You believe in peace and preach tolerance to all in America, and you are absolutely opposed to Trump's plan for a wall on the Mexican border.

RR:  Yes I am, it is horrible and racist.

HB: Please I ask you Mr. Reiner in the name of tolerance and peace, tell Mr. Netanyahu to tear down that wall Israel has on the border with the Palestinian occupied territory.

RR: No, Absolutely not, in fact I wouldn't give a rat's ass if Mr. Netanyahu ordered the systematic annihilation of the Palestinians, men, women, children, including babies.  The occupied territories are given to the Jews by God and no one else has a right to live on those lands.

HB: You mean kill all of, the way the Nazis did in Europe.

RR: Yes, no question, "A dead Palestinian is a good Palestinian".

HB: In fact the state of Israel was dealing with apartheid South Africa while most of the world was boycotting South Africa. We all know how much you hate bigotry, what is your comment regarding Israel not boycotting South Africa.

RR:How dare you, I am Jewish and as such we should never be questioned of our moral superiority

...hB. what a load of MANURE, writing that kind of BULL shows that you are just an anti- Semitic asshole & there is no credibility in anything you post here!

FatVern89 reads

ou got a problem with that? :-

JakeFromStateFarm101 reads

But, then again, so is FG.  You complete each other.

Trump made fun of a handicapped person.  You are a retard.

FatVern72 reads

If I was retarded I'd get a SSI check

LasVegan88 reads

a complete sentence in there somewhere?  Guess this is solid evidence that men who follow Trump are not very well educated.

...an 18 year old kid in his mom's basement, licking Cheetos dust off his fingers.

brooks578 reads

ain't for Trump

against Hillary

and if he beats her, what COLLOSSAL HUMILIATION

Oh please dear god, smite the vile POS politically and send the Clintons into the hole from which they came!

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