Politics and Religion

I agree with Breaker. Rathers forged documents do not
stamina4hours 9 Reviews 3677 reads
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Interesting post from another blog:

I respect your right to have an opinion, and I spent 20+ years of my life serving my country so that people could have the right to their own opinion even if I disagree with it.

Be pro-Bush if you like, but never forget that the man is a deserter from the Texas National Guard who only received an honorable discharge because of his father.

What is more, I personally saw the man do lines of drugs laid out on a bar on Richmond Drive in 1973 while I was home on leave.

In addition, to being a deserter, drunk, and a druggie, his number two man is a gutless, five deferrment individual who had too much important drinking to do to server his country during Vietnam.

And, last, but not least, the entire Bush team is a gutless group of wannabe tough guys who keep everything they have done hidden behind presidential secrecy, because they know they will all go to jail if anyone every finds out what has really been said and done behind their closed doors.

Cowards, liars, and con artists hide behind closed doors.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1632 reads
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stamina, can you provide a link to the original blog?
if it would violate TER protocols, a PM or even email ([email protected]) would be appreciated.
such straight ahead no nonsense candor is refreshing and rare.

And FWIW, if it was 1973, the lines on the bar were almost undoubtedly cocaine. Betcha it was good blow, too.

SoWhatTheFucksVille 1609 reads
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stamina4hours 9 Reviews 1501 reads
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It was just a courtesy to this blogger who I thought may not want to be associated with this board.

SoWhatTheFucksVille 1822 reads
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jack0116533 14 Reviews 1466 reads
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it's a blog that was posted from another site, and necessarily edited.   Anybody would know that there's copyright and privacy issues involved.

Except for a Republican, who by definition is brain-fucking-dead.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 3433 reads
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Richmond was  a small town in 73 and some people knew what everyone was doing.. Anyone in the know realizes Bush was doing lines in the early 70s but it wasn't G.W. as it was Jeb ..

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2363 reads
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Is this the blogger in question???

James E. Atkinson, US Navy (ret)

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2532 reads
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aww man, that's really a stretch.
is this the best you can do?

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 1485 reads
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Bush never deserted.  The jet type he was trained/qualified on never was deployed in vietnam.  Bush did volunteer to go to vietnam but there were no units deployed w/that type of jet.  Oh yeah--your hero, Dan Rather, disgraced himself with that bogus charge just before the election..  Dan the scumball Rather tried to steal the election.  He failed and lost his job!! hahahaha.  That entire thing about Bush being a deserter is bogus!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaah.

Bush may have done coke 30 years ago.  So what.  Lots of professional people smoke weed every so often now.  Hasn't everyone  smoked some weed at some point in their life? I drink lots of beer and have smoked of weed. hahaha

Compare Cheney to Edwards.  I REST MY CASE.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1345 reads
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BreakerMorant 1615 reads
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in the military knows from his/her experiences that President Bush's National Guard story never added up. His proclamation that what he did before he was 40-years old is of no importance, should have been a red-flag.

Ask yourself these simple questions:

1. How he was able to transfer duty stations during time of war?
2. How inexplicably, no one knew him at his unit?
3. Why has no one from his unit ever collaborated his presence?
4. How did his paperwork end up missing?
5. How did a student with poor grades able to go to flight school?
6. How was he able not to report to duty for over a year and no one noticed him missing is the biggest mystery?

Believe me in the Army every minute when you’re in uniform is accounted for. Obviously, young George W. was not Present and Accounted for. Desertion is very strong accusation, then again President Bush has never provided a straight and satisfactory answer about his military service.

The real story and most important question is, how did President Bush ever become elected with such bullshit? I postulate to say most Americans do not care. Majority of Americans have not served, and thus do not know about maintaining military bearing and honor.

Furthermore, the reason why President Bush has never asked Americans to sacrifice is because he never did.

-- Modified on 7/9/2007 9:07:04 PM

RightwingUnderground 1962 reads
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The case was SOOOO strong that Dan Rather had to FORGE DOCUMENTS to prove his case.

That's when they lost my attention.

BreakerMorant 1616 reads
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about his military service, no one has ever attested to his time. You expect me to believe, no one noticed the son of a United States Congressman in their unit.

I was nobody, but I bet a reporter can dig up through interviews in my unit, who can testify about the fights I had, or how I pulled a buddy out of a Mexican jail etc. In other words in an environment where you work and sleep with guys twenty-four/seven, stories are developed and remembered. Its part of the Army experience.

The forged documents were a ruse to offiscate an obvious and unelectable flaw in President Bush's character. The one thing that would have lost the election for him and no military man could ever forgive him for, would be if it was ever proven he was AWOL.

That he got special treatment, hey that's expected. That he was not activated to active duty etc., who cares. However if George W. ever went AWOL, not even an asswipe at Fort Leavenworth would vote for him.

Forget about Dan Rather and his stupidity. What do members of his unit say about him? The absence of any knowledge about him, speaks volumes.

Tusayan 1967 reads
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Here we go again, another Republican attempt(and a pretty weak one) to rewrite history. Bush most assuredly did NOT volunteer to go to Vietnam. If that was the case he would have enlisted in one of the active services and not his father's influence to get a spot in the Texas National Guard.  The CBS ran two months before the election, not just before the election.  BTW, the charges in the CBS story were never disputed by Bush. The only issue was the authenticity of the memo.  There is plenty of evidence that Bush in fact was AWOL during his time in the National Guard. No one could remember ever seeing him in Alabama where he supposedly transfered and when asked Bush could not provide the name of anyone in the unit he was assigned to.  

stamina4hours 9 Reviews 1475 reads
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stamina4hours 9 Reviews 1636 reads
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Like I've said before, these rightwingers don't want the facts -- they want to obscure the facts. They will never argue based on the facts. They argue with their made-up and/or incredibly distorted sound bites that they get from each other -- not the actual facts. They don't like facts. Facts make them look bad. So they just make shit up. It is so much easier to argue when you can just pull shit out of Rush's Limbaugh's  big fat wind-bag ass.

-- Modified on 7/10/2007 12:51:29 PM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2140 reads
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have any bearing on Bush's service. Only on Rather's willingness to lie and the Bush haters to be co-conspirators.

Bush was simply more successful at dodging any real service than fellow dodgers Kerry and clifton.

Leper Colonialist 1611 reads
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Geezer, you're definitely taking hits of something, that's for sure.

Instead of increasing blood flow to the little head, I think it's restricting blood flow to the big head.

You're kiling us -- and not in a humorous way either.

BreakerMorant 3020 reads
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accusation. It's nothing personal and I do not intend to be insulting. Personally, I cannot claim, George W. was a deserter or not. I do not know any members of his unit, nor his superior officers.

What I do know is that in the Military and it does not matter which branch of the service your in; active duty Army, Navy, Marines or a Reserve unit, your time is tracked. From the time your inducted during MEPs, to when your issued orders to basic, AIT, go one leave, activated to active duty, and when you ETS, your time is tracked. You report to duty to Sergeants (NCOIC), superior officers (OICs).  your issued uniforms, weapons, quarters etc. I can go on, but I am sure you get the idea.

The idea that, one cannot go through military service without reporting to someone,or having someone kick your ass, or you kick someone's ass. This is why I say the fact people are silent of George W's time, says to me something is wrong. I do not know what it is, but George W's story has never been consistent.

-- Modified on 7/10/2007 10:21:36 PM

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