Politics and Religion

How the IRS just handed gay marriage a huge win

"A man shall not lie with another man".

You are most likely someone who claims to support the Constitution.
The Constitution grants everyone the right to believe and worship as they wish.
Which means you have a right to your beliefs.  

So please if you don't believe gay marriage is acceptable to Your religion,  
no one will force you to marry a same sex partner.
But you don't have a right to FORCE you beliefs onto others.
They should have a right to exercise their beliefs, just as you do!

'yes, but we are a Christian nation, living under Christian-Judeo laws.' Then the same Christians will go to church on Sunday and bemoan the fact that there are so many 'living in sin,' and even their fellow brothers and sisters in other denominations, hell even those sitting in the pews around them, are not 'truly saved!' If they'd only listen to themselves!

I'm being forced to accept THEIR idiotology.

What's next? Men marrying young boys? Women killing traditional husbands claiming them "controlling"? Oh wait, that already happens in Courts. The messiest divorce cases invole Mennonites and Amish

The shoe's on the other foot now! How does it feel?

Better you accept my ideology then me to accept your idiotology!

I'm well stocked to ward off post-moderism.

you wanna bury yourself in a hole in the ground go ahead, we won't miss you while we're walking around in the sunshine.

That is obviously from "religious" doctrine by which YOU prescribe.  
I believe the book in which you got that quote from is massively full of shit.
The First Amendment of the Constitution protects your "right" to believe in such superstitious drivel, as it protects my "right" to ignore, lampoon, and believe none of it.  

  YOUR religious doctrine has no right or reason to be forced upon others!

Your BS has no limits. There are limits in "Tradtion". And those limits were fine for MANY years before assinine self entitlement became the worlds oyster

Some people just wanted the same rights that others have.

The only ones that come to mind are  

1. Being allowed to openly serve in the military.

That is now allowed.

2. Same sex marriage

Which most states are now allowing.

What else does the gay community want?

Once you have that many other things flow from that especially what the OP was about being able to file a joint tax return.

And the other that wasn't mentioned but I expect to happen is the ability for the other partner to inherit without estate tax the estate of the deceased partner.

Whatever rights hetrosexual couples enjoy, now same sex couples have the same

as I believe once the state recognizes a marriage. Neither God nor religion have anything to do with the legalities imposed by the state.

Now if a church, or religion do not want to recognize a married gay couple as married in the eyes of that particular religion. The church has every right to do so

However there is one sticky point.

If a church rents its facilities to the general public (for other weddings than the church sponsored ones) and it's in a state that has in its non-discrimination laws a clause that you can't discriminate on sexual orientation, then that church can not refuse to rent to a gay couple.

to why some one can not rent their facilities?

I think the churches found in violation of that law, will change their policy of renting to the general public. They will lose revenue, if they stand for their belief.

I would pose this question to any couple wanting to be married in an institution which discriminates against that couple. Why would you want to patronize that institution?

This issue doesn't conform to wide spread systematic discrimination, such as a federal segregation law.

In reality perhaps you wouldn't want to, but I was referring more to the law and how it might apply. Then again there are some who wouldn't mind sticking their finger in a church's eye just because they can. Not my problem.

And I agree, churches faced with that dilemma likely will cease renting their facilities to the general public.

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