Politics and Religion

How much more awareness do we need?
Silent Majority 2037 reads

Al Gore and his apocolyptic message is everywhere.  This is another excuse for the beautiful people to get together and hob-nob.  If he really believed the human race was about to expire he would be doing more than hanging out with Melissa Ethridge at her beach house.

Al Gore becoming a cult of personality?  Uhhh... Please tell me you are kidding. Whatever planet you're living on I hope it doesn't suffer from "climate change".

-- Modified on 7/6/2007 11:12:53 AM

Silent Majority2271 reads

Not only is he incorrect about global warming, he knows it's all bogus.  A concert?!  He's going to save the world with Madonna and carbon neutral credits?  This is all about feeding his ego and receiving awards and praise.  Did you see his chubby face at the Oscars?  He was in heaven.

He's telling us that this is the most serious issue in the history of mankind, blah..blah.  Yet he is addressing this in the most trite way possible.  Leo Dicaprio, Red Hot Chili Peppers, carbon neutral credits.  Oh yea, he's definitely our savior.

I have no problem with your perspective on global warming. I think you're wrong, its that simple.
I don't even have a problem with your perspective on Al Gore. It's consistent with your perspective on global warming. Again, I think you're wrong, its that simple.

Both are consistent with the conservative right wing perspective. Which I think is wrong. Wrong for our times, wrong for this country.

But I must take strong exception to your condemnation of his vehicle for getting his message out. Its brilliant. How many more people has he reached this way? How many people are talking about it?
Each time a bloviating right wing talking head pundit starts in on Al Gore and his Global Warming Crusade, it gets the message out there and people are discussing it. But while the pundits and Silent Majority are focusing on the trite manner in which he's doing it, they conveniently overlook the fact IT'S WORKING!

I think the right wing conservative movement is very concerned about Al Gore becoming a true Cult of Personality and sweeping back into political power. They don't want to have to fight both a Gore popularity contest, and the Clinton political machine at a time when they are experiencing a complete meltdown in DC. GOP senators and congressmen are deserting the Bush camp like rats off a sinking ship. Even Domenici has come out against Bush Iraq policy.
Y'all are running scared, which is why you've had to ratchet up the rhetoric.

Silent Majority2038 reads

Al Gore and his apocolyptic message is everywhere.  This is another excuse for the beautiful people to get together and hob-nob.  If he really believed the human race was about to expire he would be doing more than hanging out with Melissa Ethridge at her beach house.

Al Gore becoming a cult of personality?  Uhhh... Please tell me you are kidding. Whatever planet you're living on I hope it doesn't suffer from "climate change".

-- Modified on 7/6/2007 11:12:53 AM

Now thats a pretty silly statement don't you think?
Certainly he's doing far more than hobnobbing with Melissa E.
But you can't do better than further denigration? Come on, stop being a right wing idiot and rebut with logic, not petty insults.

-- Modified on 7/6/2007 4:36:24 PM

Silent Majority1673 reads

Oh yea, he's also taking jets and limos all over the world when he isn't living in the biggest energy burning houses in Tenn.

I will try to use some logic again with you "Gonzo" (another hippie who killed himself).  If he really believed we had 10 or 20 years left (his words) he wouldn't be burning 50 times more fossil fuel than you and I combined so he could talk with Larry King and hang out with Cameron Diaz.  He knows it is bullshit.  He knows that liberals are the most gullible people in the world.  All he has to say is "Humans are destroying the world by _______" and whatever it is you all believe it.

From where I sit, you're still shooting the messenger so you can more easily ignore the message.

Silent Majority1505 reads

Fair enough.  I do consider it to be "junk science".  The earth's climate is always changing.  The trend is either hotter or colder for extended periods of time.  That is why we thought we were going to freeze to death in the 70s.

That being said, I really don't apreciate being bamboozled.  I don't respect hypocrites like Gore and his self-serving interests.  He expects all of these massive changes from society, business, and the individual that he obviously isn't willing to make himself.  At least someone like Darryl Hannah walks it like she talks it and literally lives off the grid.  I respect her a wee bit more than Barbara Streisand lechturing me.

I agree with you vis a vis respect for a Darryl Hannah vis a vis Gore, Streisand, Bono et al. It becomes difficult to validate a concept when it is so lightly considered, as these folks have done.
But it is the junk science aspect I'd like to address....
The problem as I see it is less about whether or not the planet grows hotter or colder. good grief, any earth sciences student can tell you that.
But surely you can see the logic in believing that all the man-made pollution and contamination entering our atmosphere, our earth, food and water supply are destructive to our environment as well as ourselves?
Evolve you say? Of course we all evolve to accomodate the changes in our biosphere. Nonetheless, when people are ordered to stay indoors due to excessive heat, is one thing.
But to be ordered to remain indoors because the very air of your surroundings is poisonous to breathe, how is that even conceptualized, yet alone realized in todays world?

The trick is to get people to recognize the difference between political posturing, and the real issues of concern. The environment should be a priority issue. But it winds up taking a back seat to the politics of global warming.
Frankly, I also believe it would carry far more weight if Gore, Streisand, Bono et al walked the walk as they talk the talk. But trust me when I tell you, the entrance is the thing. People will pay alot of attention to you when you arrive lookin' large. It gets their attention, and you gain a larger audience for your message.

harryj1604 reads

Al Gore is a slippery douche bag who is making big money while consuming twenty times the energy of the sheep he is trying to con, the same ones he holds in complete contempt.

Don't you have anything to say besides insults and stupidities?
When is the last time you posted anything of substance?
Come on Harryj, don't make me consign you forever to the Bottomless Pit of Worthless Wordsmithing.

harryj1902 reads

You get your feathers up anytime anyone criticizes your sheep herder pseudo-liberal heros. Just sit quietly on your nest for a while.

is pass off pseudoscience as science.  There is a big difference between causal and correlative phenomena.  He has presented correlative relations between the specific CO2 that Man and his Machines emit and global temperature.  Other phenomena that also are correlative - such as sun activity, are simply not permitted to be discussed.  

Sad to say, by decrying other scientific theories and politicizing the science, we may or may not find that global warming is real and or is or is not brought about by man's activity.  Interestingly enough, if we went back to a more primative time - with the current global population, what would our energy pattern look like?  Every household would be buring wood... or coal... and then what would our atmosphere look like?

If you believe as AG does, then does it not make sense to suppport nuclear power, wind power (at all points), solar power, hydroelectic and geothermal power?  Do the AG folk support this?  that is the question that needs to be asked.

Al is correct however in that we DO NEED to reduce our dependance on fossel fuel.  If for no other reason than it makes us somewhat subjugate to the Mid-east oil community.  And that is not a good thing.  So from that stand point, if he is able to force an energy policy that promotes less use of breaking carbon-carbon bonds as a source of energy, I really don't care who he pairs with.... could be Brabra Screehing herself...

-- Modified on 7/6/2007 10:42:13 AM

harryj2223 reads

preen your feathers and hope for a good hatch. Remember though, being a pseudo liberal is a self inflicted condition so don't blame anyone except the duck you see in the mirror.

I am surprised that such a wooden puppet can fool so many people .. However I will say there is nothing wrong with trying to conserve energy and there is nothing wrong with trying to cut back  on polluting the earth.

And BPhddude hit the nail on the head too.  Gore is going through a mid-life funk and just doesn't know what to do with himself.

I know what he could do though alnog with Ted Kennedy, Robert Redford, Barbara Streisand, Hillary Clinton and especially Michael Moore.  They should modify their diets so they don't fart so much.  That would reduce air pollution.

And show the kind of reasoning which would make the neolithics proud.

Silent Majority1642 reads

This coming from a guy who champions a culture that peaked in the 12th century.  Is running into a public place with dynamite strapped to you paleolithic or neolithic?

No, SM, it's horrific.  A horror born partially of desperation.  

So let's see:  On the one hand, we have desperate people, for reasons good and bad, wiling to sacrifice their lives in pursuit of goals, some good some bad.  Innocents are killed in the pursuit of those goals.

On the other hand, we have a bunch of self-interested, uneleted, unrepresentative, mostly chickenhawk prevaricators masquerading as gov't officials in an administration of mind-numbing incompetent and stupidity, endlessly and shamelessly beating the drums  for a BS war based upon totally discredited premises, when they've not already been exposed as total fabrications and flat-out lies. A war  where death and destruction and other unplesantness is mostly delivered from afar with the sterility and cold calculation of bad sci-fi.  Most of the dead being civilian Iraqis foolish eough to be Iraqis in the years 2003 to the present.  

Tsk, tsk, tsk.  They have some nerve getting in the way of US foreign policy goals.  And they show a real lack of consideration for the prodigious US efforts to bestow the blessings of liberty and democracy upon their ungrateful and no doubt totally undeserving heads.  Can't they at least have the decency to get out of the kill radius of our weapons, fer crying out loud?

Yeah, there's really something improper  for imaging that this picture might have something wrong with it.

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