Politics and Religion

How is the view from that Ivory Tower? LOL
octovert 1735 reads
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Recently I read that the American Law Institue is working a on draft of the new penal code for sexual assault, stemming from the "yes means yes, silence means no" rule of consent. It involves making felonies of what have been misdemeanors and creating new crimes of what is now thought innocent. A dissenting group is saying the ALI is contributing to the American trend of overcriminalizing activities (even holding someone's hand without their express consent) and overincarcerating.people. Columnist Elizabeth Nolan Brown says it will turn everyone into "potentially prosecutable" sex offenders.

Are there still people here who don't think it's time to start motivating our leaders to repeal most of the Federal laws

GiantBombing 258 reads
2 / 36

It's nothing personal, your post is just one of many. Straw that breaks the camel's back and such. Anyway:

Posted By: octovert
Recently I read that the American Law Institue is working a on draft of the new penal code for sexual assault, stemming from the "yes means yes, silence means no" rule of consent.
Where? Would you mind giving a link?
A dissenting group is saying the ALI is contributing to the American trend of overcriminalizing activities (even holding someone's hand without their express consent) and overincarcerating.people.
Who? What group?
Columnist Elizabeth Nolan Brown says it will turn everyone into "potentially prosecutable" sex offenders.
Where? Would you mind giving a link?
Sourcing. Everything on this board would be a million times better with it.

JackDunphy 289 reads
3 / 36

And now liberals want it to morph to "yes means yes, silence means no?" Yeah that is a crock of shit.

These are the same dodo's that think 20% of all females at college will be sexually assaulted by the time they graduate.  

Sorry, but silence certainly can mean yes many, many, many times. In every case? No. In many cases? Yes.

And if we are all being honest, "no" means "yes" many times as well.

GiantBombing 259 reads
4 / 36

Posted By: JackDunphy
And if we are all being honest, "no" means "yes" many times as well.
Wow. Prepare for your hobbying career to be abruptly curtailed should enough of the women here read that.

octovert 290 reads
5 / 36

That link will lead to all the others.

Posted By: GiantBombing
It's nothing personal, your post is just one of many. Straw that breaks the camel's back and such. Anyway:  
Posted By: octovert
Recently I read that the American Law Institue is working a on draft of the new penal code for sexual assault, stemming from the "yes means yes, silence means no" rule of consent.
 Where? Would you mind giving a link?  

A dissenting group is saying the ALI is contributing to the American trend of overcriminalizing activities (even holding someone's hand without their express consent) and overincarcerating.people.
 Who? What group?  
Columnist Elizabeth Nolan Brown says it will turn everyone into "potentially prosecutable" sex offenders.
 Where? Would you mind giving a link?  
 Sourcing. Everything on this board would be a million times better with it.

JackDunphy 249 reads
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With regards to sex with civie women, is there anything you disagree with in my post or are you just on your feigned outrage tour?

JohnyComeAlready 245 reads
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... and they wan't a woman Prez.

I'm also sure that gays and lesbians will get a pass.

mattradd 40 Reviews 216 reads
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"And if we are all being honest, "no" means "yes" many times as well."

Yes, I'll be honest about it. When I hear no, I stop. Yes, that no could well turn into a yes, but would it be through coercion to one degree or another. I don't find having sex with a woman, who has been coerced to do so, satisfying at all. Am I will to gamble with my freedom and reputation to find out if no really did mean no? No!   ;)

GaGambler 227 reads
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The only way I knew for sure that I wasn't actually raping her was to ask her "Do you want me to stop" to which she would always answer "NO" lol

The sex was crazy great, but it was too dysfunctional, even for me.

and if you hadn't noticed, even fuckboards are dominated by a bunch of PC pussies.

I have had guys actually try to put me down for having sex while drunk, claiming they would NEVER do such a thing. Just who the fuck says stupid shit like that???

GiantBombing 251 reads
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Posted By: JackDunphy
With regards to sex with civie women, is there anything you disagree with in my post or are you just on your feigned outrage tour?
Yes, I categorically disagree with your entire post. There is nothing feigned here.

JackDunphy 240 reads
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Many women, by their body language, tone, actions, volume, breathing, panting, signal "HELL YES" while the words say no.

Sometimes words are VERY meaningful and sometimes they mean nothing. Every woman is different

GiantBombing 297 reads
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Posted By: JackDunphy
Many women, by their body language, tone, actions, volume, breathing, panting, signal "HELL YES" while the words say no.  
 Sometimes words are VERY meaningful and sometimes they mean nothing. Every woman is different.  
Good grief, why not just take a rag and a bottle of chloroform with you, it'd be far easier than all this convincing yourself you're having to do

JackDunphy 297 reads
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If you don't want to accept the reality of the situation I stated, or the scores of women who have stated themselves that they have said no on occasion, but meant yes, then that is your delusion.

And if you really think 1 out of 5 women on college campuses are "sexually assaulted", then delusion may be too weak of a word to describe your dubious view point.

JackDunphy 284 reads
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I find that odd. GaG gave an example of exactly what I am talking about.  

Is he a liar? Are all the women who have done exactly what I have said, what he has said, lying too?


GiantBombing 313 reads
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Posted By: JackDunphy
If you don't want to accept the reality of the situation I stated, or the scores of women who have stated themselves that they have said no on occasion, but meant yes, then that is your delusion.  
 And if you really think 1 out of 5 women on college campuses are "sexually assaulted", then delusion may be too weak of a word to describe your dubious view point.
I will settle for having a 'dubious view point', especially when said assertion is made by someone who is doing everything they can to make themselves sound like a goddamn rapist. I can't believe you're actually sticking to this stance.

mattradd 40 Reviews 285 reads
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Yes, Gag gave an example, however he did say the relationship was dysfunctional.

JackDunphy 217 reads
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Cant take on my points so its "rapist" time. Or "racist." Or "denier." LOL

Yes, I am well acquainted with the liberal terminology when they lose an argument and base their views not on facts, but their gooey, PC feelings.

GiantBombing 399 reads
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Posted By: JackDunphy
Cant take on my points so its "rapist" time. Or "racist." Or "denier." LOL  
 Yes, I am well acquainted with the liberal terminology when they lose an argument and base their views not on facts, but their gooey, PC feelings.
...You haven't made any points. Get back to me when you do. There's no argument here either - you have done everything you can to make yourself sound like an utter monster, and I have responded to your posts with all the merit they deserve, which is to say little.

How am I supposed to have a conversation regarding consent and sexual assault with someone who has plainly said repeatedly that they ignore when that consent is not given to them? It's not possible; you don't understand what sexual assault even is, evidently.

GaGambler 302 reads
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There are so called men so out of touch with the real world that I can actually see them with a civvie woman asking "is it ok to hold your hand?" followed by "can I touch your cheek now?"  

and then maybe six months later, after a proper courtship of course "can I now finally put my penis inside of your vagina? but if it's too soon, or if you don't feel 110% comfortable, we can wait another few months"

It's not that she's not ready, it's the fact that she wants an actual man, not a PC Putz.

There is a world of difference between a rapist, or an abusive or violent man, and a real man who doesn't "take" what he wants, but acts with a masculine confidence. These are the same married guys who are here paying for sex, telling everyone how "frigid" their wife is only to find out when served divorce papers that the same frigid wife has been doing the pool boy for years because he makes her "feel like a woman"  

It's a fact of life, regardless of what feminists would like you to believe, women want a MAN, not a housebroken poodle.

-- Modified on 7/1/2015 6:35:55 AM

JackDunphy 283 reads
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And I certainly wouldn't label every woman out there as "dysfunctional" because they like to say no to sex but really mean yes. To some, its playing, to others they don't want to come off as a whore and others may have different reasons.

Sorry to be the one to have to break it to you but, like I said, there are many women who say no and mean yes. Much to the lament of women's groups as they instruct women to say no if they mean no.

Now why would they have to do that if women always meant what they say? HMMMMMMM....

Its because women, and men, DONT always mean what they say and they have other non verbal cues that tells the other person there real wants and desires.

GaGambler 234 reads
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I've been with dozens of women who would either play hard to get, be a bit coyish, or just wanted to be seduced.  

Honestly guys (and I use this term very loosely) haven't you ever seduced a woman???

No wonder so many of you HAVE to be here.

GiantBombing 375 reads
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Posted By: GaGambler
There are so called men so out of touch with the real world that I can actually see them with a civvie woman asking "is it ok to hold your hand?" followed by "can I touch your cheek now?"  
 and then maybe six months later, after a proper courtship of course "can I now finally put my penis inside of your vagina? but if it's too soon, or if you don't feel 110% comfortable, we can wait another few months"  
 It's not that she's not ready, it's the fact that she wants an actual man, not a PC Putz.  
 There is a world of difference between a rapist, or an abusive or violent man, and a real man who doesn't "take" what he wants, but acts with a masculine confidence. These are the same married guys who are here paying for sex, telling everyone how "frigid" their wife is only to find out when served divorce papers that the same frigid wife has been doing the pool boy for years because he makes her "feel like a woman"  
 It's a fact of life, regardless of what feminists would like you to believe, women want a MAN, not a housebroken poodle.

-- Modified on 7/1/2015 6:35:55 AM
That's not the issue at hand here though, this dolt is saying rather pointedly that it doesn't matter when he is specifically told no. Its' a different kettle of fish to not receiving a response at all, a different kettle of fish to even asking for consent, the points you bring up. I'm not speaking to those points.  

When you are told no, that should be the end. This genius doesn't seem to understand, or perhaps doesn't want to understand, that crucial difference.

JackDunphy 302 reads
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He cant even fathom it. LOL

Even whacked out men hating liberal women's groups would concede something he can not.

What a wonderful world of absolutes he lives in.

Do you think he feeds the unicorns or gets someone else to? :D

mattradd 40 Reviews 268 reads
24 / 36

Yes, I believe women have more ambivalence about having sex than men. This can leave us men a bit confused at times. And yes, there are women who say no, but really mean yes, though I don't believe that's often the case when a man is about to insert his member into her. The core issue, and you alluded to it, is people saying what they mean, and being held accountable for it. What's the worst that can happen if a woman says no, but means yes? She doesn't get laid in that moment unless she says; "Well I just changed my mind, I mean yes." Now, the worst that can happen is when a woman says no and means no, she is raped. And, if she chooses to press charges against the man, particularly in date rape, can use your line; something like she "by their body language, tone, actions, volume, breathing, panting, signal "HELL YES" while the words say no," even though she was panting due to trying to get him off from her. So, now she stands defenseless in her claim of being raped. Whether the man just perceived what he wanted to perceive, and interpreted it as an open door to getting what he wanted, or whether it was premeditated rape, doesn't really matter much to her. She has been criminally assaulted and she is defenseless in getting any justice.

GiantBombing 405 reads
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Posted By: JackDunphy
He cant even fathom it. LOL  
 Even whacked out men hating liberal women's groups would concede something he can not.  
 What a wonderful world of absolutes he lives in.  
 Do you think he feeds the unicorns or gets someone else to? :D
I was quite happy to leave this alone, but I can't abide by this much stupidity in one post.

If a woman (or for that matter a man, gender is irrelevant here) says no, that is the end of the discussion! Whether she means no or not is utterly irrelevant and immaterial, you knuckle dragging idiot - it is not for you to make the decision at that point. It is not your decision to make, nor is it at any point your right to determine what is meant when you are told 'no'.  

Go test your opinions on consent in a court of law (namely, go fuck a woman who tells you no, verbally) and tell us how you get on. Prisoners in the US get internet access, right?

JackDunphy 268 reads
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"And yes, there are women who say no, but really mean yes, though I don't believe that's often the case when a man is about to insert his member into her."

That has been my point from the git go.

JackDunphy 338 reads
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Per YOU it is the end of the discussion.  

For some women, it is a sexual dance, feigned resistance to get a bigger sexual thrill. You want us all to believe these women don't exist.

I can tell you, GaG can tell you, and many other men AND women would tell you, you are wrong.

JohnyComeAlready 304 reads
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Her getting justice does leave her helpless, and dependent on the state to carry out justice for her.

Matt, the cycle repeats it self, but at least you get another liberal voter out of it.

GiantBombing 318 reads
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Posted By: JackDunphy
Per YOU it is the end of the discussion.  
 For some women, it is a sexual dance, feigned resistance to get a bigger sexual thrill. You want us all to believe these women don't exist.  
 I can tell you, GaG can tell you, and many other men AND women would tell you, you are wrong.
I don't doubt for a second there are women that say no and don't mean it.

You are missing the point entirely though, that there is a fucking gaping chasm of difference between a woman being turned on and offering consent. If you are told no and yet you proceed, please explain how you are any better than your average predatory monster? That you think of it as nothing more than a game is even worse.  

Hypothetical situation - your daughter of legal age comes home crying, says she was raped by her boyfriend. Obviously she's turned on by said boyfriend, else she wouldn't be his boyfriend, but she doesn't want to have sex and tells him no repeatedly. Are you just going to sit there and tell said hypothetical daughter 'well, saying no doesn't mean anything, you obviously wanted it' after she tells you she was sexually assaulted?  

What I can't seem to grasp from you is that you seem to have this idea that your own personal stance on a situation is the only one that matters; that the woman comes as just barely a secondary thought to you, and I do mean juuuuuuuuuust fucking barely. YOU think she means yes when she says no, and as such disregard all the evidence to the contrary, namely HER TELLING YOU NO.

JohnyComeAlready 197 reads
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JackDunphy 356 reads
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I have said no such thing.  

Try and pay attention. I have said there are at times OTHER factors in determining if she meant no or not.

Context matters. Non verbal cues go to context. You want to simply disregard those cues. That's fine FOR YOU.

Others play differently.

GiantBombing 348 reads
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Posted By: JackDunphy
I have said no such thing.  
 Try and pay attention. I have said there are at times OTHER factors in determining if she meant no or not.  
 Context matters. Non verbal cues go to context. You want to simply disregard those cues. That's fine FOR YOU.  
 Others play differently.
And there it is, the massive elephant in the room.
Others play differently.
I highly doubt a woman who verbally told you no that you continued to force yourself upon would consider it playful.

JackDunphy 339 reads
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...or is evil or insane or all of the above.

I wouldn't stick my dick in a girl unless I felt convinced she was in agreement. You seem to think a guy should disregard all of those non verbal cues. That's fine for you to have that opinion. Many people, including many women, would disagree.  

In your hypothetical, you are mistaking simply "being turned on" with non verbal consent. The two have NOTHING to do with each other. A woman can be turned on by a man but still refuse sex. BUT...She CAN consent, as many do, with non verbal cues.

Now, should the guy be pretty damn sure about those non verbal cues? OF COURSE. I certainly am and if a guy isn't, he shouldn't bitch as they haul his ass off to jail.

Read the link I have attached. In this study, 40% of women said they have said no and meant yes. The article specifically mentions the use of non verbal cues and the women give many reason as to why they do this, many of which I have already brought up. Shit, 1 out of 4 said that they say “no” when they meant yes to "purposefully arouse a man and make him more aggressive." Let that sink in.

Look, you may not WANT women to give consent the way I describe but they do and will continue to do. But lets not suggest for one second it doesn't happen nor suggest that women don't know what they are doing when they do engage in non verbal consent.

Many women actually LOVE it!

-- Modified on 7/1/2015 4:24:12 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 306 reads
34 / 36

US has more attorneys per capita than any other country in the world. Most of the fuckers are starving. The survisors in the market are chasing ambulances but there is only so many fucking ambulances to chase.

Least trusted profession in the US.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 246 reads
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that all contact between two individuals with any sexual intent shall herewith be legal only after both parties agree in writing to such contact, duly witnessed and attested to by attorneys for both parties and sealed by the court. In all instances, a sworn officer of the law shall be present during all such contact to ensure contact occurs within the letter of the agreement.

I assume this will appeal to the libs who think we need more government in our pants and bedrooms, as well as conservatives who will love to argue both the morality of intent and rule of law. A little something for everyone.

George Orwell had nothing on reality. Stranger than fiction

MasterZen 33 Reviews 283 reads
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and you can't teach wisdom. No sense arguing with a guy who is stupid enough to believe that women need to be put on a pedestal and protected from "impure" dudes and one whose experience with women is clearly limited (and he does not even realize it).  

There are lots of intelligent and very, very unwise people out there.

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