Politics and Religion

How about this ad? I hear it's running full page ads in...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 349 reads


GaGambler2438 reads

I just don't fucking get it. I watched the ad three or four times thinking I must have simply missed the "offensive" part.  

Is this really what this country has become, when a simple human act of kindness where a young lady gives a cop a soft drink is too offensive to be aired? Even the biggest cop haters here can't possibly find this offensive, can you?

if you do find this offensive PLEASE explain to me why you are so outraged over this ad.  

BTW, I can't stand Pepsi and rarely like their ads, but this is so over the fucking top it just boggles the mind.

I did not find it offensive in any way.

...article that BLM was responsible for having the ad removed?  The article cited "intense criticism from people" and "commentators on social media.". The only reference to BLM was from a FORMER member of BLM.  Of course, racist Jack sees tweets by black faces and assumes they are all BLM.   Is Bernice King, daughter of Martin Luther King & Coretta Scott King, a member of BLM?

BTW, why are BLM pussies but not Pepsi?   Pepsi caved to " pussies" barely 24 hours after the ad came out.  Yet JackDunphy had not a single negative word today about Pepsi.  Why?  Because like all loyal Republicans, Jack prefers businesses to people.  Drill, baby, drill!

The headline mentions BLM you dunce.

I always love when I get under your skin and you feel the need to fire off all these inane non sequitur questions. LOL

Just keep playing the race card. You are very good at it.

...As I previously mentioned, the article and the headline are written by different people.  Articles are written by journalists; headlines are written by whatever poor sap the editor collars for the job.

I can see you offer no journalism courses at JDU.  The closest you come is "The MSM is Fake News."

BTW, the more you pretend to laugh off comments about your jackbooted father and brother, the more I know it bothers you.  ;-)

St. Croix467 reads

Liberals...please direct your anger to Indra K. Nooyi, Chairman and CEO of Pepsico, or any of the other diverse members (Indians, Women, Blacks, Hispanics) of the the Leadership Team.

Posted By: JackDunphy
The headline mentions BLM you dunce.  
 I always love when I get under your skin and you feel the need to fire off all these inane non sequitur questions. LOL  
 Just keep playing the race card. You are very good at it.

must be because Susan Rice drinks Pepsi..

zorrf292 reads

Because in that very brief article are people explaining their issue with the commercial.  Here let me spoonfeed this shit to you.  And try not to spill it on your bib:  

It takes a very current, very serious problem (endemic police brutality) and turns it into a marketing ploy WHILE making of light of the same.  

Anything else you need to explained, kid?  Wanna know why boys put their weewees in girls' holes too?  

Pepsi probably funds all kinds of LE CJS activities. IOW most of the products everyone buys keeps the wheels of the criminal justice system turning.

Why is that?

JakeFromStateFarm381 reads

It pushes every button on the PC list.  Makes me want to puke.  I'm not even offended by it.  Just nauseated. What self-indulgent, PC bullshit.  Makes me want to run through the streets screaming foul, inappropriate vulgarities. FUCK!

GaGambler403 reads

being so offended that you force it off the air is something only "open minded" liberals seem to be able to muster.  

You people really are too fucking much. BPS I understand as he is a cop hater. Zorff is "angry black man" so I never expect him to make any fucking sense, but when even Hadji can grasp the concept of "lighten the fuck up" there really is no excuse for the rest of you.

JakeFromStateFarm284 reads

Show me one place in my post where I supported any efforts to force this lame ad off the air.  I simply find it annoying as shit. If Pepsi wants to run it just to piss people off, it's fine with me.  I don't drink that crap anyway.

That's why I record everything I watch; so I can skip over them all. Sorry, but for the same reason, I will not bother to watch your link. I'm quite satisfied to let the market and good old capitalism speak for itself. Pepsi will figure it out, because it's in their best interest to do so. ;)

And that's why you find many people
Are offended. You don't get it why you call people African American rather then the other words used.

Reminds me of these guys in college who can't master Jazz because it's a Feeling, mood and experience.
You'll never get it if you stay nieve to that.

Posted By: GaGambler
I just don't fucking get it. I watched the ad three or four times thinking I must have simply missed the "offensive" part.  
 Is this really what this country has become, when a simple human act of kindness where a young lady gives a cop a soft drink is too offensive to be aired? Even the biggest cop haters here can't possibly find this offensive, can you?  
 if you do find this offensive PLEASE explain to me why you are so outraged over this ad.  
 BTW, I can't stand Pepsi and rarely like their ads, but this is so over the fucking top it just boggles the mind.

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